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Page 60: Practice Problems
At $t=0$, car B is at $x_{B}=5 text{m}$, and car A is at $x_{A}=12.5 text{m}$, which means that the initial position of car A is greater than the initial position of car B.
Starting at $t=1 text{s}$ and moving up, we reach the line representing the velocity of car B. Moving left, we see that the value on the $y$ axis is exactly 10. Repeating the same procedure for car A, we find that the value on the $y$ axis is greater than 10. Thus, in the time period from $t=0$ to $t=1 text{s}$, car A is ahead of car B.
$textbf{(b)}$ The initial position of car A is greater than that of car B.
$textbf{(c)}$ From $t=0$ to $t=1 text{s}$, car A is ahead of car B.
The velocity of car equals the slope of the graph and the y-intercept of the graph is the initial position of the car. By making use of these facts we will answer questions about the motions of the two cars.
For car A the slope is smaller than the slope of the graph for car B. Therefore, we conclude that the velocity of car A $text{color{#4257b2} boxed{bf is less than} the velocity of car B.}$
The velocity of car equals the slope of the graph and the y-intercept of the graph is the initial position of the car. By making use of these facts
we will answer questions about the motions of the two cars.
For car A, the intercept on y-axis the graph is greater than the y-intercept of the graph for car B. Therefore, we found that the initial position of car A is $text{color{#4257b2} boxed{bf greater than} the initial position of car B.}$
The velocity of car equals the slope of the graph and the y-intercept of the graph is the initial position of the car. By making use of these facts we will answer questions about the motions of the two cars.
Car A has position that is larger than the position of car B during the time interval $t = 0$ to $t = 1 s$. Therefore, we found that car A $text{color{#4257b2} boxed{bf is ahead} of car B during that time interval.}$