All Solutions
Page 174: Lectura C
You will need to read the textbook, pp. 238 – 240.
This one is about demonstrative pronouns,
They always have written accent marks, with some exceptions (we will take a look at them in step 4).
Let´s take a look at them:
|Spanish | Gender/Number |English|Position |
Éste, ésta|Masc. / Fem. Singular |This | Near you |
|Ése, ésa| Masc. / Fem. Singular |That |Near the person you´re speaking with | | |
| Aquél, aquélla|Masc. / Fem. Singular |That |Far away | | |
|Éstos, éstas| Masc. / Fem. Plural |These | Near you | | |
|Ésos, ésas |Masc. / Fem. Plural| Those | Near the person you´re speaking with | | |
|Aquéllos, aquéllos |Masc. / Fem. Plural |Those |Far away | | |
|Spanish |English |
|Eso |That | |
|Esto| This| |
|Aquello |That (thing over there) | |
**These pronouns are *neutral* and don`t have accent marks and never are located before a noun**.
*En la puerta de su casa habĂa sembrado una mata de huaya, y Ă©sta le daba frutos todo el año*.
**Ă©sta** is a demonstrative pronoun for a feminine, singular noun.
**huaya** is the feminine, singular noun that *Ă©sta* is replacing.
The answer is:
*En la puerta de su casa habĂa sembrado una mata de **huaya**, y **Ă©sta** le daba frutos todo el año*.