Realidades Guided Practice Activities For Vocabulary And Grammar Level 3 Student Edition
Realidades Guided Practice Activities For Vocabulary And Grammar Level 3 Student Edition
1st Edition
Prentice Hall
ISBN: 9780131661493
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Page 127: Los usos de por y para A

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 4
First of all, we must read the instructions carefully to understand what we need to do.

Step 2
2 of 4
In this exercise, we have to match each word in column A with one with a similar meaning in column B.

Step 3
3 of 4
It is related to the prepositions **por** and **para** and their different uses.
Let´s take a look at the several distinct uses of these prepositions in Spanish:

|**Para** | **Por** |
| Dead lines or moments in time.|An exchange. |
|A destination. | A substitution or replacement| | | |
| A function or goal.| The reason of an action.
|The recipíent of an action | An aproximate lenght of time.
|A purpose. | A means of transportation or communication.
| An opinion.| Where an action takes place.
| | Some expressions such as por favor, por eso, por supuesto, por lo general, etc.

Step 4
4 of 4
A.- Read each of the following statements using the preposition **por** and decide why **por** was used instead of **para**.
|Spanish |English |
1.-____. Ella se casó **por** dinero. | ____. She married for money.
**por dinero** is a reason, so the correct option is **D**.
The answer is:
|Spanish |English |
1.- **D**. Ella se casó **por** dinero. | **D**. She married for money.
Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 4
First of all, we must read the instructions carefully to understand what we need to do.

Step 2
2 of 4
In this exercise, we have to match each word in column A with one with a similar meaning in column B.

Step 3
3 of 4
It is related to the prepositions **por** and **para** and their different uses.
Let´s take a look at the several distinct uses of these prepositions in Spanish:

|**Para** | **Por** |
| Dead lines or moments in time.|An exchange. |
|A destination. | A substitution or replacement| | | |
| A function or goal.| The reason of an action.
|The recipíent of an action | An aproximate lenght of time.
|A purpose. | A means of transportation or communication.
| An opinion.| Where an action takes place.
| | Some expressions such as por favor, por eso, por supuesto, por lo general, etc.

Step 4
4 of 4
A.- Read each of the following statements using the preposition **por** and decide why **por** was used instead of **para**.
|Spanish |English |
2.-____. Pagué $15 **por** el disco compacto.| ____. I paid $ 15 for the compact disc.
**Pagué por** is an exchange, so the correct option is **C**.
The answer is:
|Spanish |English |
2.- **C**. Pagué $15 **por** el disco compacto.| **C**. I paid $ 15 for the compact disc.
Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 4
First of all, we must read the instructions carefully to understand what we need to do.

Step 2
2 of 4
In this exercise, we have to match each word in column A with one with a similar meaning in column B.

Step 3
3 of 4
It is related to the prepositions **por** and **para** and their different uses.
Let´s take a look at the several distinct uses of these prepositions in Spanish:

|**Para** | **Por** |
| Dead lines or moments in time.|An exchange. |
|A destination. | A substitution or replacement| | | |
| A function or goal.| The reason of an action.
|The recipíent of an action | An aproximate lenght of time.
|A purpose. | A means of transportation or communication.
| An opinion.| Where an action takes place.
| | Some expressions such as por favor, por eso, por supuesto, por lo general, etc.

Step 4
4 of 4
A.- Read each of the following statements using the preposition **por** and decide why **por** was used instead of **para**.
|Spanish |English |
3.-____. Dio un paseo **por** el parque. | ____.He / She took a walk in the park.
**por el parque** is a place where an action takes place, so the correct option is **B**.
The answer is:
|Spanish |English |
3.- **B**. Dio un paseo **por** el parque. | **B**. He / She took a walk in the park.
Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 4
First of all, we must read the instructions carefully to understand what we need to do.

Step 2
2 of 4
In this exercise, we have to match each word in column A with one with a similar meaning in column B.

Step 3
3 of 4
It is related to the prepositions **por** and **para** and their different uses.
Let´s take a look at the several distinct uses of these prepositions in Spanish:

|**Para** | **Por** |
| Dead lines or moments in time.|An exchange. |
|A destination. | A substitution or replacement| | | |
| A function or goal.| The reason of an action.
|The recipíent of an action | An aproximate lenght of time.
|A purpose. | A means of transportation or communication.
| An opinion.| Where an action takes place.
| | Some expressions such as por favor, por eso, por supuesto, por lo general, etc.

Step 4
4 of 4
A.- Read each of the following statements using the preposition **por** and decide why **por** was used instead of **para**.
|Spanish |English |
4.-____. Corté el césped **por** mi padre. | ____. I cut the lawn for my father.
**por mi padre** is an action on someone´s behalf, so the correct option is **E**.
The answer is:
|Spanish |English |
4.- **E**. Corté el césped **por** mi padre. | **E**. I cut the lawn for my father.
Exercise 5
Step 1
1 of 4
First of all, we must read the instructions carefully to understand what we need to do.

Step 2
2 of 4
In this exercise, we have to match each word in column A with one with a similar meaning in column B.

Step 3
3 of 4
It is related to the prepositions **por** and **para** and their different uses.
Let´s take a look at the several distinct uses of these prepositions in Spanish:

|**Para** | **Por** |
| Dead lines or moments in time.|An exchange. |
|A destination. | A substitution or replacement| | | |
| A function or goal.| The reason of an action.
|The recipíent of an action | An aproximate lenght of time.
|A purpose. | A means of transportation or communication.
| An opinion.| Where an action takes place.
| | Some expressions such as por favor, por eso, por supuesto, por lo general, etc.

Step 4
4 of 4
A.- Read each of the following statements using the preposition **por** and decide why **por** was used instead of **para**.
|Spanish |English |
5.-____. Leyó el libro **por** muchas horas. | ____. He / She read the book for many hours.
**por muchas horas** is alenght of time, so the correct option is **A**.
The answer is:
|Spanish |English |
5.- **A**. Leyó el libro **por** muchas horas. | **A**. He / She read the book for many hours.
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