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Page 64: Practica
The verbs are:
* **acostarse**: lying down
**afeitarse**: shaving
**cepillarse**: brushing
**ducharse**: showering
**irse**: leaving
**lavarse**: washing
**levantarse**: getting up
**maquillarse**: putting on makeup
**ponerse**: putting on
**quitarse**: taking off
**secarse**: drying
**vestirse**: getting dressed
*On Sunday nights, Carlos and Elena ____ late, and take a long time waking up in the morning.*
The subject is a plural third person, so the correct form of an appropriate verb is **se acuestan**.
*Carlos ____ first, ____ his pyjamas and ____ with cold water.*
The subject is a singular third person, so the correct form of appropriate verbs are **se levanta**, **se quita** and **se baña**.
*Then, Carlos ____ his beard.*
The subject is a singular third person, so the correct form of an appropriate verb is **se afeita**.
*When Carlos is done, Elena enters the bathroom. As she finishes showering, ____ her hair and ____, Carlos makes breakfast.*
The subject is a singular third person, so the correct form of appropriate verbs are **secarse** and **maquillarse**.
*When Elena is ready, she and Carlos have breakfast, then they ____ their teeth and ____ their hands.*
The subject is a plural third person, so the correct form of appropriate verbs are **se cepillan** and **se lavan**.
**Then, they both ____ in elegant clothes and ____ to work.*
The subject is a plural third person, so the correct form of appropriate verbs are **se visten** and **se van**.
*Carlos ____ his tie on in the car; Elena drives.*
The subject is a singular third person, so the correct form of an appropriate verb is **se pone**.
*Silvia se levanta a las 9:00 todos los sábados. A las 10:00, ella se baña, y 10:45 se viste con una camisa amarilla. A las 11:50, ella se maquilla.*
Silvia gets up at 9:00 every Saturday. At 10:00, she takes a bath, and 10:45 she gets dressed in a yellow shirt. At 11:50, she puts on her makeup.
* *Eliana, la mamá de Silvia, se levanta tarde todos los sábados. Desayuna a las 11:00, y a las 12:00 se va a jugar al tenis.*
Eliana, Silvia’s mom, gets up late every Saturday. She has breakfast at 11:00, and at 12:00 she goes to play tennis.
* *AgustĂn, el mejor amigo de Silvia, se levanta a las 8:00 los sábados. Se ducha rápido y se sube al carro, y a las 9:00 se sienta en el escritorio de su trabajo.*
AgustĂn, Silvia’s best friend, gets up at 8:00 on Saturdays. He showers quickly and gets in the car, and at 9:00 he sits at the desk at his job.