Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 288: Comprension

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 2
Here we have to read the previous *fotonovela* to be able to answer this exercise, which asks us to arrange the following situations in order of appearance.
Step 2
2 of 2
Let’s translate to make it easier also we are gonna add another column for the answer:

|Orden/order | Español| english |
|**2** | a. Brindan por la revista. | a. Toast to the magazine. |
|**1** |b. Cantan cumpleaños feliz. |b. They sing happy birthday. |
|**5** |c. Fabiola pide un aumento de sueldo. |c. Fabiola asks for a raise. |
|**6** |d. Diana piensa regalarle a Aguayo un llavero. |d. Diana plans to give Aguayo a keychain. |
| **4**|e. Eric sugiere regalarle a Aguayo un pececito de colores. |e. Eric suggests giving Aguayo a goldfish as a gift. |
|**3** |f. Fabiola dice que esta en crisis económica . |f. Fabiola says that she is in economic crisis. |

Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 8
In this exercise we also have to take into account the *”fotnovela”* and **pay attention to the dialogues**, since some actions were done in the present or in the past.
Step 2
2 of 8
The exercise asks us **to use the verbs in their respective tenses according to the dialogue to which they refer.**
Step 3
3 of 8
1. Eric **creyó** (creer) que Fabiola era hija de un millonario. **(pasado)**
*Eric thought that Fabiola was the daughter of a millionaire. (past)*

Fabiola remebers what Éric says in her first day.

Step 4
4 of 8
2. Los empleados de la revista **brindan** (brindar) por el aniversario. **(presente)**
*The magazine’s employees toast the anniversary. (present)*

That is what is happening at that moment.

Step 5
5 of 8
3. Eric **pensó** (pensar) que se había enamorado de Fabiola. **(pasado)**
*Eric thought he had fallen in love with Fabiola. (past)*

Eric remembers when he made that joke in the past.

Step 6
6 of 8
4. Diana **propone** (proponer) hacerle un regalo a Aguayo. **(presente)**
*Diana proposes to give Aguayo a gift. (present)*

At that meeting Diana propose to give a gift.

Step 7
7 of 8
5. Johnny **llegó** (llegar) tarde a la oficina. **(pasado)**
*Johnny was late to the office. (past)*

It is mentioned in the memory of Eric’s first day.

Step 8
8 of 8
6. Fabiola le **pide** (pedir) a Aguayo un aumento de sueldo. **(presente)**
Fabiola asks Aguayo for a raise. (present)

Fabiola enters Aguayo’s office to talk to him.

Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 3
Once again we have to take the *”fotonovela”* into consideration, we are asked to associate each dialogue with the person who could have said it.
Step 2
2 of 3
Be sure to understand the context to make it easier to find the result, however, we will translate it and we can in the same table the answers.

**HINT:** *learning to read in Spanish and interpret it in English is very helpful in these exercises, take your time to understand it better.*

Step 3
3 of 3
Finally we only do a small association exercise:

|Personaje |Español |Eglish |
|**Diana** |1. Hace ya dos año que trabajamos aquí. ¡Quien lo diría! | 1. We’ve been working here for two years now – who knew!|
|**Aguayo** | 2. ¡Pidan todos un deseo! | 2. Everybody, make a wish!|
|**Fabiola** |3. Jefe, usted sabe que trabajo muy duro. | 3. Boss, you know I work very hard. |
|**Fabiola** | 4. Mi padre no es empresario. |4. My father is not a businessman. |
|**Mariela** |5. Yo pensaba que nos dejarían irnos mas temprano del trabajo. |5. I thought they would let us leave work early . |

Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 7
We continue using the *”fotonovela”* , this time **we have to form complete sentences based on what each sentence asks for.**
Step 2
2 of 7
First of all, **we must have a context of the situation having read the fotonovela beforehand,** otherwise we would not be able to answer correctly, as here you have to answer with your own words, I will give you my own examples:
Step 3
3 of 7
1. ¿Qué celebran las empleados de Facetas? /
*What do *”Facetas”* employees celebrate?*

R: Ellos están celebrando el aniversario de la revista. / *They are celebrating the anniversary of the magazine.*

Step 4
4 of 7
****HINT:** *Try to form complete and simple sentences, do not over-explain.***
Step 5
5 of 7
2. ¿Por qué creía Éric que se había enamora do de Fabiola? Explica tu respuesta. / *Why did Eric think he had fallen in love with Fabiola? Explain your answer.*

R: Por que el pensaba que era la hija de un empresario millonario. / *Because he thought she was the daughter of a millionaire businessman.*

Step 6
6 of 7
3. ¿Por qué Fabiola no puede ayudar con el regalo? / Why can’t Fabiola help with the gift?

A: Por que ella se encuentra en una muy mala situación económica de momento. / *Because she is in a very bad financial situation at the moment.*

Step 7
7 of 7
4. ¿Le gusta a Fabiola la idea de regalarle un llavero a Aguayo? / 4. Does Fabiola like the idea of giving Aguayo a keychain?

A: No, ella piensa que podría cambiarlo por un pez. / A: No, she thinks she could exchange it for a fish.

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