Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 363: Practica

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 3
We have to put the words listed together in a way that makes sense.
Step 2
2 of 3
There is not much to say here, we just have to associate logically:

|**(1,f)** |1. estrofa |a. corriente artística |
|**(2,a)** |2. cubismo |b. obra de teatro |
|**(3,c)** |3. tela | c. pince!|
|**(4,e)** |4. esculpir |d. artesano |
|**(5,b)** |5. dramaturgo |e. escultor |
|**(6,h)** |6. novela policíaca | f. verso|
|**(7,d)** |7. artesanía |g. realismo |
|**(8,g)** |8. realista |h. género literario |

Step 3
3 of 3
**HINT:** *In case you are not able to associate correctly, you can try to join ideas that are similar to each other.*
Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 8
With the words in the table, we have to complete the sentences.
Step 2
2 of 8
| | |
|acuarela / *watercolor*|de mal gusto / *bad taste* |
|al estilo de / *in the style of* |inquietante / *disturbing* |
|argumento / *plot* |llamativo / *striking* |
Step 3
3 of 8
*We will add the corresponding translations:*
Step 4
4 of 8
1. Sus obras son muy **de mal gusto**; en todas usa muchos colores brillantes. / *His works are very bad taste; in all of them he uses many bright colors.*
Step 5
5 of 8
2. La **inquietante** escena en la que aparece el fantasma del padre esta inspirada en su novela anterior. / *The disturbing scene in which the father’s ghost appears is inspired by his previous novel.*
Step 6
6 of 8
3. Vi un par de oleos interesantes en su nueva exhibición, pero lo que mas impresiona son las **acuarelas.** / *I saw a couple of interesting oil paintings in his new exhibition, but what is most impressive are the watercolors.*
Step 7
7 of 8
4. El **argumento** de la novela es tan complicado que confunde al lector. / *The plot of the novel is so complicated that it confuses the reader.*
Step 8
8 of 8
5. Los jóvenes artistas desean pintar **al estilo de** la admirada maestra chilena. / *The young artists wish to paint in the style of the admired Chilean master.*
Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 8
*We are asked to read the statements and **determine to which literary genre each one belongs.***
Step 2
2 of 8
*although the exercise is in pairs, we will do it individually, let’s continue.*
Step 3
3 of 8
*The literary genres would be as follows:*

1. María Fernanda del Olmo estaba locamente enamorada de Roberto Castro, pero vivía su amor en silencio. / *Maria Fernanda del Olmo was madly in love with Roberto Castro, but she lived her love in silence.*

* **Novela rosa.** / *Romance novel*

Step 4
4 of 8
**HINT:** *The literary genres we can use to answer in the vocabularies of previous pages, base your answer on them.*
Step 5
5 of 8
2. Una intensísima luz lo despertó. ¿Qué podía ser? Extrañado, se acercó a la ventana. Estaba confundido. ¿Era un sueño? El cielo estaba cubierto de pequeñas luces que se movían de un lado a otro, sin sentido. / *A very intense light woke him up. What could it be? Strange, he went to the window. He was confused. Was it a dream? The sky was covered with small lights that moved from one side to the other, without meaning.*

* **Ciencia ficción.** / *Science fiction*

Step 6
6 of 8
3. Harry estaba en su despacho (office), aburrido. Hacia días que buscaba sin éxito al único testigo del crimen. / *Harry was in his office, bored. For days he had been searching unsuccessfully for the only witness to the crime.*

* **Policiaco/a.** / *Crime novel*

Step 7
7 of 8
4. Solo tenia doce años cuando nos fuimos a vivir a Chile. Todavía lo recuerdo coma uno de los momentos mas importantes de mi vida. / *I was only twelve years old when we went to live in Chile. I still remember it as one of the most important moments of my life.*

* **La autobiografía.** / *Autobiography*

Step 8
8 of 8
*As a last step, we will only make a slight continuation of some text that has liked us:*

* María Fernanda del Olmo estaba locamente enamorada de Roberto Castro, pero vivía su amor en silencio. Eran vecinos desde hace ya muchos años, podría decirse que desde que nacieron, pero nunca fueron muy cercanos, a María le gustaba verlo caminar del otro lado de la acera cuando iban rumbo al colegio.

*Let’s translate one last time:*

* *María Fernanda del Olmo was madly in love with Roberto Castro, but she lived her love in silence. They had been neighbors for many years, one could say since they were born, but they were never very close, Maria liked to see him walking on the other side of the sidewalk on their way to school.*

Exercise 5
Step 1
1 of 9
*Once again, all we have to do is **answer the exercise properly.***
Step 2
2 of 9
*Although the exercise asks us to share an idea with a partner, we will limit ourselves to answering the questions.*
Step 3
3 of 9
*Let’s start with the questions:*

1. ¿Cuál es tu genero literario favorito? ¿Y tu personaje favorito ? ¿Por qué? / *What is your favorite literary genre, your favorite character, and why?*

* **Mi favorito es la novela, me encanta poder leer una historia con temáticas y personajes interesantes.** / *My favorite is the novel, I love being able to read a story with interesting themes and characters.*

Step 4
4 of 9
2. ¿Crees que hay arte de mal gusto? Justifica tu respuesta. / *Do you think there is art in bad taste? Justify your answer.*

* **No lo creo, el arte es totalmente subjetivo a los gustos de cada persona, seria ridículo encasillar el arte en bueno y malo.** / *I don’t think so, art is totally subjective to the tastes of each person, it would be ridiculous to pigeonhole art into good and bad.*

Step 5
5 of 9
**HINT:** *These questions have a lot to do with the vocabularies on previous pages, go back to them to get a better idea of how to answer, remember that we answer based on our own beliefs.*
Step 6
6 of 9
3. Imagina que eres artista. ¿Qué serias: muralista, poeta/poetisa, escultor(a), otro? ¿Por qué?

* **Yo sería un poeta, disfruto mucho de la lectura en verso.** / *I would be a poet, I really enjoy reading in verse.*

Step 7
7 of 9
4. ¿Qué tipo de arte te interesa mas: el realista o el abstracto? / *What type of art are you more interested in: realist or abstract?*

* **Me gusta más el abstracto, puede llegar a transmitir muchas cosas al mismo tiempo a diferentes personas.** / *I like the abstract more, it can transmit many things at the same time to different people.*

Step 8
8 of 9
5. ¿Qué influye mas en la sociedad: la pluma (pen) o el pincel? ¿Por qué? / *What influences society more: the pen or the paintbrush? Why?*

* **Yo diría que la pluma, pues es ahí donde quedan los registros más exactos de los sentires de las gente de tiempos pasados.** / *I would say the pen, because that is where the most accurate records of the feelings of the people of the past remain.*

Step 9
9 of 9
6. ¿Qué corriente artística te parece mas innovadora? ¿Por qué? / *Which artistic current seems more innovative to you? Why?*

* **El abstracto, pues no se encasilla en una sola cosa y cada quien puede hacerlo como le guste.** / *The abstract, because it is not limited to a single theme and everyone can do it as they like.*

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