Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 240: Despues de leer

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 9
In the following exercise, we must select the correct option for each sentence.
Step 2
2 of 9

The sentence is:

– *Vieques is a municipality of (the Dominican Republic / Puerto Rico).*

The correct option is **Puerto Rico**.

Step 3
3 of 9

The sentence is:

– *Among the attractions of the island is (a towering peak / a bioluminescent bay).*

The correct option is **Una bahía bioluminiscente.** *(a bioluminescent bay)*.

Step 4
4 of 9

The sentence is:

– *Coral reefs are relevant for biodiversity because (they host an enormous variety of species / protect the ozone layer).*

The correct option is **Albergan una inmensa variedad de especies.** *(they host an enormous variety of species)*.

Step 5
5 of 9

The sentence is:

– *The protest against the Navy on the island came after (the death of a security guard/use of inert bombs).*

The correct option is **De la muerte de un guardia de seguridad.** *(the death of a security guard.)*

Step 6
6 of 9

The sentence is:

– *The bombing practices leave (erosion problems / a high level of contamination).*

The correct option is **Un nivel alto de contaminación.** *(a high level of contamination)*

Step 7
7 of 9

The sentence is:

– *Many people were arrested (for stealing reduced uranium / for entering the bombing practice area).*

The correct option is **Por ingresar en la zona de practicas de bombardeo.** *(for entering the bombing practice area.)*

Step 8
8 of 9

The sentence is:

– *The ends of the island now contain (a shooting zone/environmental reserve).*

The correct option is **Una Reserva Ambiental** *(environmental reserve)*.

Step 9
9 of 9

The sentence is:

– *Bioluminescence is an effect caused by (microorganisms/contamination).*

The correct option is **Microorganismos** *(microorganisms)*.

Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 6
In the following exercise, we must answer the questions related to the text *La Conservación de Vieques*.
Step 2
2 of 6

The question is:

– *What tourism potential does Vieques have? Give examples.*

The answer will be:

– **La isla Vieques tiene la ventaja de que es territorio estadounidense. Por lo tanto, puede atraer inversiones para construir hoteles, parques acuáticos, restaurantes, entre otros. Igualmente, manteniendo sus playas limpias y conservadas, la isla tiene un enorme potencial para ofrecer los arrecifes de corales y la bioluminiscencia como una atracción para los turistas.** *(Vieques Island has the advantage that it is US territory. Therefore, it can attract investment to build hotels, water parks, restaurants, among others. Likewise, by keeping its beaches clean and preserved, the island has enormous potential to offer coral reefs and bioluminescence as an attraction for tourists.)*

Step 3
3 of 6

The question is:

– *What was the Navy doing in Vieques?*

The answer will be:

– **La Armada hacía practicas de bombardeo en la Isla Vieques.** *(The Navy carried out bombing drills on Vieques Island.)*

Step 4
4 of 6

The question is:

– *What was the wish of the Vieques protesters?*

The answer will be:

– **El deseo de los manifestantes de la Isla Vieques era que se acabaran las practicas de bombardeo. Su lema era ¡Ni una bomba más!** *(The wish of the protesters on Vieques Island was for the bombing practices to end. His catchword was Not one more bomb!)*

Step 5
5 of 6

The question is:

– *Why do you think the United States Navy was authorized to conduct bombing drills on Vieques?*

The answer will be:

– **Es probable que el Congreso o el Presidente de los Estados Unidos había autorizado a la Armada a hacer practicas de bombardeo en la Isla Vieques.** *(Congress or the president of the United States had probably authorized the Navy to carry out bombing drills on Vieques Island.)*

Step 6
6 of 6

The question is:

– *What happens when a person or fish swims in the bioluminescent bay?*

The answer will be:

– **La bioluminicencia hace que las personas o peces que se muevan debajo del agua se iluminen y brillen. Esto ocurre por unos microorganismos que al agitarse producen este efecto.** *(Bioluminescence makes people or fish moving underwater light up and glow. This glow occurs by some microorganisms that, when shaken, produce this effect.)*

Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 4
In the following exercise, we must answer the following questions about Vieques Island.
Step 2
2 of 4

The first question is:

– *Why is it important to conserve an island like Vieques?*

The answer will be the following:

– **Es crucial conservar la Isla Vieques por su gran diversidad de fauna marina, de sus arrecifes de corales y por sus playas cristalinas.** *(It is crucial to conserve Vieques Island for its diversity of marine fauna, coral reefs, and crystalline beaches.)*

Step 3
3 of 4

The second question is:

– *What effects can the EPA statement have? How can the life of Viequenses be improved if the contamination is solved?*

The answer will be the following:

– **El Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) es la entidad encargada de proteger al ambiente y promover leyes para disminuir la acción del hombre sobre el ecosistema. La declaración de esta agencia le otorga un carácter legal y federal a la preservación de esta isla.** *(The Environmental Protection Agency is the entity in charge of protecting the environment and promoting laws to reduce man’s action on the ecosystem. The declaration of this agency gives a legal and federal character to the preservation of this island.)*

Step 4
4 of 4
– **Si la contaminación de la isla se solventa, mejorará la calidad de vida de los viequenses, ya que el turismo aumentará y la economía mejorará. Todas las personas podrán disfrutar de playas limpias y se crearán puestos de trabajo.** *(If the island’s pollution is solved, it will improve the quality of life of Viequenses, since tourism will increase and the economy will improve. All people will be able to enjoy clean beaches, and it will create new jobs.)*
Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 5
In the following exercise, we must create a dialogue about the activities of the Navy on Vieques Island. Two protestants must participate, the president of the United States and a representative of the army.
Step 2
2 of 5
We will provide a general idea about the dialogue. However, the student can modify it or add more content.

– **Protestants**: – *¡Queremos que paren las practicas de la Armada! no queremos más bombas. (We want the practices of the Navy to stop! We don’t want any more bombs.)*

– **President C**: – *Entiendo su preocupación. Sin embargo, hemos logrado grandes avances en la defensa de la nación gracias a estas practicas. (I understand your concern. However, we have made great strides in defending the nation thanks to these practices.)*

Step 3
3 of 5
– **Army official**: – *El presidente tiene razón, hemos logrado avances. Sin embargo, estoy consciente de que nuestras practicas han perjudicado al ecosistema de la isla. (The president is right. We have made progress. However, I am aware that our practices have harmed the island’s ecosystem.)*

– **Protestants**: – *Han perjudicado al turismo, la principal actividad económica de la isla. Toda la población esta preocupada por su futuro y su salud. (They have harmed tourism, the main economic activity on the island. The entire population is concerned about their future and their health.)*

Step 4
4 of 5
– **President C**: – *¿Qué proponen para solucionar este problema? (What do you propose to solve this problem?)*

– **Protestants**: – *Proponemos que se detengan todas las practicas de bombardeo y que agencias como la EPA nos ayuden a descontaminar la isla para atraer de nuevo el turismo. (We propose that all bombing practices stop and that agencies like the EPA help us decontaminate the island to attract tourism again.)*

Step 5
5 of 5
– **President C**: – *Estoy de acuerdo. Necesito que la Armada me presente un plan para el cese de sus practicas. Hablaré con la EPA y demás agencias federales para brindales apoyo. (I agree. I need the Navy to present me with a plan for the cessation of their practices. I will speak with the EPA and other federal agencies for support.)

– **Army official**: – *¡Entendido, presidente!. (Understood, president!)*

– **Protestants:**: – *Muchas gracias por escucharnos. (Thank you very much for listening to us.)*

Exercise 5
Step 1
1 of 4
In the following exercise, we must write a letter to our friend about how Vieques Island will change now that the Navy practices are over.
Step 2
2 of 4
We will provide some ideas to the student for the writing of the letter.

– **Ahora la Isla podrá fomentar el turismo, incentivar la inversión y crear puestos de trabajos.** *(Now, the Island will be able to promote tourism, encourage investment and create jobs.)*

– **Mis padres dejarán de preocuparse por nuestra salud. El uranio enriquecido y otras sustancias tóxicas estaba perjudicando la salud de todos los habitantes.** *(My parents will stop worrying about our health. The enriched uranium and other toxic substances were damaging the health of all the inhabitants.)*

Step 3
3 of 4
– **Las playas volverán a ser cristalinas, los arrecifes de corales se preservarán el ecosistema y la fauna marina no sufrirá las consecuencias de la contaminación de la Armada.** *(The beaches will once again be crystal clear, the coral reefs will preserve the ecosystem, and the marine fauna will not suffer the consequences of the contamination of the Navy.)*

– **Espero volver a ir con mis amigos a la playa.** *(I hope to go with my friends to the beach again.)*

Step 4
4 of 4
– **El gobierno anunció el apoyo del Environmental Protection Agency y otras agencias federal para sanear a la isla y evitar que futuras acciones del hombre atenten contra el ecosistema de la isla.** *(The government announced the support of the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies to clean up the island and prevent future human actions from threatening the island’s ecosystem.)*
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