Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 227: Comunicacion

Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 5
In the following exercise, we must write an article using the sentences in the box. We will give the student some ideas to make the article.
Step 2
2 of 5
The phrases to use in the article are the following:

|Phrases | | |
|to run |to take a picture | towards the car|
|to the guide |with open mouth | towards the lion|
|to nobody |with digital camera |towards the tiger |

Step 3
3 of 5
Some ideas the student can use to write the article are the following:

– **Durante el safari paramos (a tomar una foto) al hipopotamo (con la cámara digital). Estaba (con la boca abierta).** *(During the safari, we stopped to take a photo of the hippo with the digital camera. It was with its mouth open.)*

– **Le prestamos atención (al guía) turístico. Contó historias y datos interesantes.** *(We pay attention to the tour guide. He told interesting stories and facts.)*

Step 4
4 of 5
– **(A nadie) le dio miedo cuando vimos a los leones.** *(Nobody was scared when we saw the lions.)*

– **Vimos que una zebra iba (hacia el león). Era una presa fácil!.** *(We saw that a zebra was going towards the lion. It was easy prey!)*

Step 5
5 of 5
– **Nos asustamos cuando unas hienas vinieron (hacia el carro).** *(We were scared when some hyenas came to the car.)*

– **Tratamos de acercanos a una jirafa y uno de los turistas se asustó y salió (a correr).** *(We tried to get close to a giraffe, and one of the tourists got scared and went out to run).*

– **Un bebé elefante se acercaba hacia un tigre. Afortunadamente su mamá lo llevó de nuevo a la manada.** *(A baby elephant was coming towards a tiger. Fortunately, his mother took him back to the pack.)*

Exercise 5
Step 1
1 of 9
In the following exercise, we have four news headlines. We must complement and add something to each headline. For each headline, we will add three complements.
Step 2
2 of 9
We need to use the prepositions **(a, con or hacia.)**


The first headline is the following:

– *They invented a new fuel.*

Step 3
3 of 9
The news headlines will be the following:

1. **Inventaron un combustible nuevo (con) productos reciclados.** *(They invented with recycled products.)*

2. **Inventaron un combustible nuevo con productos reciclados y (a) base de etanol.** *(They invented a new fuel with recycled and ethanol-based products.)*

3. **Inventaron un combustible nuevo con productos reciclados y a base de etanol. Estará disponible (a) partir del año que viene.** *(They invented a new fuel with recycled and ethanol-based products. It will be available from next year.)*

Step 4
4 of 9

The second headline is the following:

– *The president congratulated the firefighters.*

Step 5
5 of 9
The news headlines will be the following:

1. **El presidente felicitó a los bomberos y (a) los polícías.** *(The president congratulated the firefighters and the police.)*

2. **El presidente felicitó a los bomberos y a los policías (con) una mención especial.** *(The president congratulated the firefighters and the policemen with a special mention.)*

3. **El presidente felicitó a los bomberos y a los policías con una mención especial. y (hacia) los maestros.** *(The president congratulated the firefighters and the policemen (with) a special mention and towards the teachers.)*

Step 6
6 of 9

The third headline is the following:

– *A new reserve is inaugurated today.*

Step 7
7 of 9
The news headlines will be the following:

1. **Inauguran hoy una nueva reserva (hacia) el este.** *(They inaugurate today a new Reserve towards the east.)*

2. **Inauguran hoy una nueva reserva hacia el este (con) una fiesta.** *(They inaugurate today a new Reserve towards the east with a party.)*

3. **Inauguran hoy una nueva reserva hacia el este con una fiesta. (a) todas las personas.** *(They inaugurate today a new Reserve towards the east with a party to all the people.)*

Step 8
8 of 9

The fourth headline is the following:

– *A storm is coming.*

Step 9
9 of 9
The news headlines will be the following:

1. **Se acerca una tormenta (hacia) acá.** *(A storm is coming here.)*

2. **Se acerca una tormenta hacia acá (a) toda velocidad.** *(A storm is coming here at full speed.)*

3. **Se acerca una tormenta hacia acá a toda velocidad. (con) truenos y relámpagos.** *(A storm is coming here at full speed with thunder and lightning.)*

Exercise 6
Step 1
1 of 13
The following exercise consists of two parts. In the first part, we must answer each question using the future tense and the subjunctive form. In addition, we must use the prepositions (A, Hacia, and Con.)

In the second part, we must report on the answers to each previous question using the prepositions.

Step 2
2 of 13
**Part A**


The first question is the following:

– *Do you know someone who contributes to caring for the environment?*

The answer will be:

– **Si yo conociere (a) un protector ambiental le pediría consejos.** *(If I met an environmental protector, I would ask him for advice.)*

The subjunctive in the future form for the subject *I* is **Conociere**. The preposition is **(a)**.

Step 3
3 of 13

The second question is the following:

– *Do you like to hunt? Do you know a lot of people who hunt?*

The answer will be:

– **No conozco a ningún cazador. Si conociere (a) un cazador le dijere que eso está mal.** *(If I meet a hunter I will tell him that this is wrong.)*

The subjunctive in the future form for the subject *I* are **Conocierte and Dijere**. The preposition is **(a)**.

Step 4
4 of 13

The third question is the following:

– *Do you think recycling is important? Why? What will happen if we don’t recycle?*

The answer will be:

– **Sí es importante reciclar. Si todos recicléremos (con) consciencia tuviéremos un mejor mundo.** *(Yes, it is important to recycle. If we all recycle with conscience, we will have a better world.)*

The subjunctive in the future form for the subject *We* are **Recicléremos and Tuviéremos**. The preposition is **(con)**.

Step 5
5 of 13

The fourth question is the following:

– *What attitude do you have towards the use of disposable products?*

The answer will be:

– **Tengo una actitud positiva. Si yo tuviere una actitud negativa (hacia) los productos desechables, perjudicare al medio ambiente.** *(I have a positive attitude. If I have a negative attitude towards disposable products, I will harm the environment.)*

The subjunctive in the future form for the subject *I* are **Tuviere and Perjudicare**. The preposition is **(Hacia)**.

Step 6
6 of 13

The fifth question is the following:

– *Do you think global warming will get worse unless we change our lifestyle?*

The answer will be the following:

– **Si el calentamiento global empeorare (con) nuestro estilo de vida actual, debemos cambiarlo.** *(If global warming gets worse with our current lifestyle, we must change it.)*

The subjunctive in the future form for the subject *It* is **Empeorare**. The preposition is **(Con)**.

Step 7
7 of 13

The sixth question is the following:

– *What measures should take the government we do not deplete the natural resources?*

The answer will be the following:

– **El gobierno debiere tomar medidas extrictas (hacia) las fábricas que contaminan la aguas.** *(The government should take strict measures towards the factories that pollute the waters.)*

The subjunctive in the future form for the subject *It* is **Debiere**. The preposition is **(Hacia)**.

Step 8
8 of 13
**Part 2**

We should now comment on the above answers:


– **Isabel no conoce (a) nadie que contribuya con el medio ambiente. Ella me comenta, que debemos tratar de no malgastar el agua y usar energías reciclables.** *(Isabel does not know anyone who contributes to the environment. She tells me that we should try not to waste clean water and use recyclable energy.)*

Step 9
9 of 13

– **Isabel no conoce (a) ningún cazador. Si lo conociese le diría que no cazara, eso perturba el ecosistema de los animales.** *(Isabel does not know any hunters. If she knew a hunter, she would tell him not to hunt, which disturbs the ecosystem of the animals.)*

Step 10
10 of 13

**Isabel piensa que es importante reciclar. Si todos reciclamos (con) consciencia, en el futuro tendremos un mejor planeta.** *(Isabel thinks it is important to recycle. If we all recycle with conscience, in the future we will have a better planet. )*

Step 11
11 of 13

**David piensa que la actitud (hacia) los productos desechables debe ser positva. Ayudará a disminuir el calentamiento global.** *(David thinks the attitude towards disposable products should be positive. He will help decrease global warming.)*

Step 12
12 of 13

– **David piensa que el calentamiento global empeorará (a) menos que todos modifiquemos nuestro estilo de vida.** *(David thinks global warming will get worse unless we all change our lifestyles.)*

Step 13
13 of 13

– **Isabel piensa que el gobierno debe tomar medidas (hacia) las fábricas que contaminan las aguas. Perturban el ecosistema marino.** *(Isabel thinks that the government should take measures towards the factories that pollute the waters. They disturb the marine ecosystem.)*

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