Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

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Page 275: Antes de leer

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 6
In this case in space, we have to fill in the blanks of the sentences without being able to repeat words, with the other that have been given to us in the table.
Step 2
2 of 6

| | | Vocabulary| | |
|a la vanguardia |actualizar | la bitácora |la blogonovela | la blogosfera |
|el enlace |él/la novelista |el sitio web |el/la usuario/a |la web |

Step 3
3 of 6
1. Mi amigo periodista entiende mucho de tecnología y prefiere utilizar la **web** para informarse y para publicar sus ideas.
*My journalist friend understands a lot about technology and prefers to use the web for information and to publish his ideas.*

The other words do not form a sentence with a meaning, so **web** it´s the correct word

Step 4
4 of 6
2. El no compra periódicos, sino que consulta varios **sitios web** de noticias.
*He does not buy newspapers, but consults various news websites.*

He is talking about where he gets the information, the word that comes closest is **sitios web.**

**Hint:** *We will not use the words as they are written, but we will adapt them to make sense in the sentence.*

Step 5
5 of 6
3. Después escribe sus comentarios sobre la política argentina en una **bitácora** con **el enlace** que conectan al lector a periódicos electrónicos.
*subsequently writes his commentaries on Argentinian Politics in a weblog with a link that connects the reader to electronic newspapers.*

A blog is where you write about a topic of interest, and a link is one that takes you to the website, so **bitácora** & **el enlace** are legitimate.

Step 6
6 of 6
4. Muchos **novelistas** contemporáneos están interesados en incursionar en el nuevo fenómeno literario conocido como la **blogonovela.**
*Many contemporary novelists are interested in dabbling in the new literary phenomenon known as the blognovel.*

We are gonna use **novelistas** and **blognovel**, those who may be interested in venturing into this field are novelists and the field they are going to venture into is blognovels.

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