Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
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Page 258: Practica

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 14
Today, we are going to complete the *blank spaces* in the text with the correct form of the verbs, the topic today is the **perfect preterite**, and its conjugations.
The perfect preterite **is used when whe are talking about actions made in the past thata have consecuences in the present.**
Step 2
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The text is about the conversation between a lab assitant and the director of the lab, we can have a better understanding by knowing which verbs we are going to use:

|Español | English|
|estar | be |
|hacer |make |
|tener | have|
|descargar | download|
|romper |brake |
|romper | brake|
|perder |lost |
|volver |go back |
|preguntar | ask|
|ver | see|

Step 3
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***REMEMBER***: *Spanish conjugations **vary according to the pronoun** we are using, as well as whether it is **singular** or plural **affects** the verb.*
Step 4
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1. The text starts with the director of the laboratory asking the assistant where he had been in the morning, so, as the director asked him, and in Spanish and the verb *ser/estar(be)* can be compounded to have a better meaning, it would be “has estado”.
Step 5
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Hint: The verb ***estar/be*** its compounded, an *a Spanish compounded verb* *need another verb to be conjugated with itself to function.*
Step 6
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2. The director continue, now asking him about his laptop, so we are going to use: *hacías*.
Step 7
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3. As the assistant is giving his version of the story we will use “tuve”.
Step 8
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4. now the assistant talks about an action *that has not been carried out*, we will use “*descargar*” in compound form with “*hacer*” and it would look like this: **”ha descargado”**.
Step 9
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5. The director asks him* if he broke* the the laptop, so we use: **”rompiste”.**
Step 10
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6. The assistant defends himself, so we are gonna put **”rompí”** in the blank space.
Step 11
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7. Right after that, explains that actually he lost the laptop, making “perdí” the right use for the verb.
Step 12
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8. In this case, the correcto form of the verb is **”volví”** because the assistant is giving reasons.
Step 13
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9. He came back and asked everybody, so **”pregunte”** its more accurate.
Step 14
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10. He concludes that no one has seen it. So **”vio”** is the best option.
Exercise 2
Step 1
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Now we are going to use **preterite perfect** in the verbs *to make sentences with each group of words.*
Step 2
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1. Nosotros **compramos** la cámara digital más innovadora.

We choose **”compramos”** because we are talking about us in the plural.

2. Tu nunca **”pensaste”** en ser matemático.

In this case, “pensaste” is in line with the situation

3. Los científicos ya **”han descubierto”** la cura.

As the verb “descubrir” is irregular, we are going to compose it and it look like **”han descubierto”**.

4. El profesor **escribió **formulas en la pizarra.

Now is easier use **”escribió”** for this sentence.

5. Mis padres siempre ***han creído*** en los ovnis.

Here we can use ***”han creído”*** as the correct option.

Exercise 3
Step 1
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It is essential that on this occasion you use **your personal experience** in this exercise, but we will use my example so that you can see how it can be answered.
Step 2
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Continuing to use the preterite perfect tense, the exercise *asks us to use another example that we have done if we have not done the action.*

***REMEBER***: we use the verb **”hacer”** to be able to make compound verbs that make sense.

Step 3
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I translated the sentences so that you can observe them with greater comprehension:

| Español|English |
| 1. No he ido a la luna, pero he visitado museos. |1. I have not been to the moon, but I have visited museums. |
| 2. Aun no he ganado la lotería, pero si he ganado concursos. | 2. I haven’t won the lottery yet, but I have won contests.|
| 3. Nunca he visto un extraterrestre, pero si he visto gente disfrazada de uno. | 3. I have never seen an alien, but I have seen people dressed up as one. |
|4. No he inventado algo, aunque he probado cosas nuevas. | 4. I have not invented something, although I have tried new things. |
|5. Jamás conocido al presidente del país, pero si he conocido al gobernador del estado. |5. I have never met the president of the country, but I have met the governor of the state. |
|6. Yo he estado despierto por más de dos días. |6. I have been awake for more than two days. |
|7. Yo jamás he hecho algo revolucionario, aunque si he visto uno.| 7. I have never done anything revolutionary, although I have seen one.|
|8. Yo siempre he soñado con ser astronauta. |8. I have always dreamed of being an astronaut. |

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