Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 306: Antes de ver el corto

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 4
In this exercise we have to complete the sentences with the words in the box.
Step 2
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let’s put the table and then complete the sentences:

| | |
|la amenaza / *threat* |factura / *bill* |
|avergonzar / *to embarras* |humillar / *to humiliate* |
|el/la cobrador(a) / *debt collector* |el/la moroso/a / *a debtor* |
|cumplir / *to carry out* | el/la payaso/a / *a clown* |
|deber / *to owe* |el sueldo fijo / *base salary* |
|dejar en paz / *to leave alone* |tozudo/a / *a stubborn* |

Step 3
3 of 4

**1.** Alguien que no paga sus deudas es **moroso**. / *Someone who does not pay his debts is a defaulter.*

**2.** Además del **sueldo fijo** , la empresa me paga comisiones. / *In addition to the fixed salary, the company pays me commissions.*

Step 4
4 of 4
**3.** Una persona **tozuda** nunca quiere cambiar de opinión. / *A stubborn person never wants to change his mind.*

**4.** Un **payaso** trabaja en el circo. / *A clown works in the circus.*

**5.** Cuando alguien no paga, algunas empresas contra tan a un **cobrador**. / *When someone does not pay, some companies hire a debt collector.*

Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 7
*A simple exercise of answering the questions.*
Step 2
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*we are asked to answer based on personal experience, we will use mine as an example.*
Step 3
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1. ¿Has tenido alguna vez un trabajo que no te gustaba? ¿Cual? / *Have you ever had a job you didn’t like? Which one?*

* **Una vez trabaje de albañil, no me gusta el trabajo meramente fisico.** / *I once worked as a bricklayer, I don’t like purely physical work.*

Step 4
4 of 7
2. Imagina que necesitas trabajar con urgencia. ¿Dónde buscarías trabajo? ¿Por qué? / *Imagine that you urgently need to work. Where would you look for a job? Why?*

* **Buscaría trabajo en un siempre mercado, ellos siempre están necesitando gente.** / *I would look for work in an always on market, they are always in need of people.*

Step 5
5 of 7
3. ¿Eres capaz de hacer cosas que no te gustan por dinero? Explica tu respuesta. / *Are you able to do things you don´t like to do for money? Explain your answer.*

* **Sí pero todo tiene un limite, nunca pondría en riesgo mi integridad física o mental.** / *Yes, but there is a limit to everything, I would never put my physical or mental integrity at risk.*

Step 6
6 of 7
4. ¿Qué empleo crees que nunca harías? ¿Por que? / *What job do you think you would never do? Why?*

* **Nunca trabajaría en un camión de basura.** / *I would never work on a garbage truck.*

Step 7
7 of 7
5. Cuando eras niño/ a, ¿Qué trabajo soñabas con tener de grande? / *When you were a child, what job did you dream of having when you grew up?*

* **Yo solía pensar que algún día seria arquitecto.** / *I used to think that someday I would be an architect.*

Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 5
*The next exercise asks us to look at the frame and imagine what is going to happen next in the story. We are also asked to make a list of adjectives that describe the personality of the clown.*
Step 2
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*The exercise is in pairs, but we will perform it individually.*
Step 3
3 of 5
*let’s respond and translate:*

**Parece que lo que acurre es que el payaso esta siguiendo a luisa a todas partes inclusive en el autobús, mientras la humilla y sigue molestándola mientras que Luisa trata de seguir con su día tratando de lidiar con el payaso.**

* *It seems that what is happening is that the clown is following Luisa everywhere, even on the bus, while humiliating and annoying her as Luisa tries to go about her day trying to deal with the clown.*

Step 4
4 of 5
**HINT:** *You can get a better idea of what the clown looks like if you read the scene below.*
Step 5
5 of 5
*Some of the characteristics of the clown could be the following:*

| **Ansioso: El payaso suele estar estresado y nervioso por su nuevo empleo.**|*Anxious: The clown is usually stressed and nervous about his new job.* |
|**Amargado: El esta amargado por tener un mal empleo.** |*Bitter: He is bitter about having a bad job.* |
|**Molesto: El suele tratar a los demás de manera muy grosera.** |*Annoyed: He tends to treat others rudely.* |
|**Tozudo: Su jefe lo define como alguien tozudo.** |*Stubborn: His boss defines him as stubborn.* |
|**Intolerante: a el le molesta trabajar con gente que tiene deudas.** |*Intolerant: He resents working with people who are in debt.* |

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