Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 218: Practica

Exercise 1
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 10
Here is a paragraph that must be read in order to answer the question
Step 2
2 of 10
The exercise asks us to differentiate the future tense verbs from the rest of the text. The paragraph is divided into 8 sections and from each one we have to extract the future tense verb.
Step 3
3 of 10
1. Los videntes (fortune tellers) aseguran que
**van a llegar** catástrofes. / * The clairvoyants say that catastrophes
catastrophes are coming.*

* *In the first section our future tense verb is “van a llegar”, which is the conjugation of the compound verb “ir” and “llegar” (They are gonna arrive).*

Step 4
4 of 10
2. El clima **va a cambiar.** / *The climate is going to change.*

* *In the second section our future tense verb is “va a cambiar” which is the conjugation of the compound verb “ir” and “cambiar”. (They are going to change.)*

Step 5
5 of 10
3. **Va a haber** huracanes y terremotos. / *There are going to be hurricanes and earthquakes.*

*In this section the future tense verb is “Va a haber” which is the conjugation of the compound verb “ir” and “haber”. (There is going to be)*

Step 6
6 of 10
4. **Vamos a vivir** tormentas permanentes. / *We are going to experience permanent storms.*

* *Here the verb is “Vamos a vivir” which is composed of the verbs “ir” and “vivir”. (We are going to experience)*

Step 7
7 of 10
5. Una gran niebla **va a caer** sobre el mundo. / *A great fog is going to fall on the world.*

* *the verb is “va a caer” which is composed of the verbs “ir” and “caer. (It is going to fall).*

Step 8
8 of 10
6. El suelo del bosque **va a temblar.** / *The forest forest is going to shake.*

* *As in other verbs, this is the conjugation of “ir” and “temblar”. (is going to shake).*

Step 9
9 of 10
7. El mundo que conocemos también **va a acabarse.** / *The world as we know it is also going to end.*

* *Seventh section, our future verb is “va a acabarse” which is the union of “ir” and “acabar” (is going to end).*

Step 10
10 of 10
8. En ese instante , la tierra va a volver a sus orígenes. / *At that instant, the earth will return to its origins.*

* *In the last section, our future verb “va a volver” is the union of 2 verbs, “ir” and “volver” (will return).*

Step 1
1 of 9
In the following exercise, we have a story with expressions from the future. We must highlight these expressions and change the verbs in the future tense.
Step 2
2 of 9
The verb in the future for the singular form must end in an accented vowel. In English, we must add the word *will* to express an action or wish in the future.


The first sentence is:

– *The seers assure that catastrophes will come.*

The highlight future phrase is **Van a llegar**.

The new sentence with the future tense verb will be:

– **Los videntes aseguran que (llegarán) catástrofes.** *(The seers assure that catastrophes will come.)*

Step 3
3 of 9

The second sentence is:

– *The weather is going to change.*

The highlight future phrase is **Va a cambiar**.

The new sentence with the future tense verb will be:

– **El clima (cambiará)**. *(The weather will change.)*

Step 4
4 of 9

The third sentence is:

– *There are going to be hurricanes and earthquakes.*

The highlight future tense phrase is **Va a haber**.

The new sentence with the future tense verb will be:

– **(Habrán) huracanes y terremotos.** *(There will be hurricanes and earthquakes.)*

Step 5
5 of 9

The fourth sentence is:

– *We are going to experience permanent storms.*

The highlight future tense phrase is **Vamos a vivir.**

The new sentence with the future tense verb will be:

– **(Viviremos) tormentas permanentes**. *(We will experience permanent storms.)*

**Viviremos** is the future indicative in the plural form.

Step 6
6 of 9

The fifth sentence is:

– *A great mist is going to fall over the world.*

The highlight future tense phrase is **Va a caer.**

The new sentence with the future tense verb will be:

– **Una gran niebla (caerá) sobre el mundo.**

Step 7
7 of 9

The sixth sentence is:

– *The forest floor is going to shake.*

The highlight future tense phrase is **Va a temblar**.

The new sentence with the future tense verb will be:

– **El suelo del bosque (temblará).** *(The forest floor will shake.)*

Step 8
8 of 9

The seventh sentence is:

– *The world we know is also going to end.*

The highlight future tense phrase is **Va a acabarse.**

The new sentence with the future tense verb will be:

– **El mundo que conocemos también se (acabará).** *(The world we know will also end.)*

For the new sentence, we add the pronoun person *(se)* before the verb in the future.

Step 9
9 of 9

The eighth sentence is:

– *In this instant, the earth is going to return to its origins.*

The highlight future tense phrase is **Va a volver.**

The new sentence with the future tense verb will be:

– **En este instante, la tierra (volverá) a sus orígenes.** *(In this instant, the earth will return to its origins.)*

Exercise 2
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 12
In the following exercise, we must complete each sentence with the future tense of each verb.
Step 2
2 of 12

The first sentence about the topic *work* is the following:

– *This week _________ to work hard.*

The future form of the verb **Tener** in the singular and third-person is **Tendrás**.

The complete sentence will be:

– *This week **tendrás** (will have) to work hard.*

Step 3
3 of 12

The second sentence about the topic *work* is the following:

– *________little (.)*

The future form of the verb **Salir** in the singular and third-person is **Saldrás.**

The complete sentence will be:

– **Saldrás** *(you will go out) little*.

Step 4
4 of 12

The third sentence about the topic *work* is the following:

– *And you won’t ________ to have fun (.)*

The future form of the verb **Poder** in the singular and third-person is **Podrás.**

The complete sentence will be:

– *And you won’t **podrás** (be able) to have fun (.)*

Step 5
5 of 12

The fourth sentence about the topic *work* is the following:

– *But it _______ it.*

The future form of the verb **Valer** in the singular and third-person is **Valdrá.**

The complete sentence will be:

– *But it **valdrá** (will be worth) it.*

Step 6
6 of 12

The fifth sentence about the topic *work* is the following:

– *Very soon, you _______ the position you want.*

The future form of the verb **Conseguir** in the singular and third-person is **Conseguirás**.

The complete sentence will be:

– *Very soon, you **conseguirás** (will get) the position you want.*

Step 7
7 of 12

The sixth sentence about the topic *money* is the following:

– *Economic storms ________. Don’t waste your savings.*

The future form of the verb **Venir** in the singular and third-person is **Vendrán**.

The complete sentence will be:

– *Economic storms **vendrán** (will come). Don’t waste your savings.*

Step 8
8 of 12

The seventh sentence about the topic *health* is the following:

– *You ______ your respiratory problems (.)*

The future form of the verb **Resolver** in the singular and third-person is **Resolverás**.

The complete sentence will be:

– *You **resolverás** (will solve) your respiratory problems (.)*

Step 9
9 of 12

The eighth sentence about the topic *health* is the following:

– *(.) but you _______ take care of your throat.*

The future form of the verb **Deber** in the singular and third-person is **Deberás**.

The complete sentence will be:

– *(.)* but **deberás** (you will have to) take care of your throat.*

Step 10
10 of 12

The ninth sentence about the topic *love* is the following:

– *You ____________ good news.*

The future form of the verb **Recibir** in the singular and third-person is **Recibirás**.

The complete sentence will be:

– *You **recibirás** (will receive) good news.*

Step 11
11 of 12

The tenth sentence about the topic *love* is the following:

– *A special person __________ you that he loves you.*

The future form of the verb **Decir** in the singular and third-person is **Dirá**.

The complete sentence will be:

– *A Special person **dirá** (will tell) you that he loves you.*

Step 12
12 of 12

The eleventh sentence about the topic *love* is the following:

– *Happy days _________.*

The future form of the verb **Venir** in the singular and third-person is **Vendrán**.

The complete sentence will be:

– *Happy days **Vendrán** (will come).*

Step 1
1 of 7
The following text talks about predictions according to the Chinese horoscope and we have to fill in the blanks.
Step 2
2 of 7
*For them we will complete them by conjugating the verbs in parenthesis in the future.*
Step 3
3 of 7
**-Dinero:** (6) **Vendrán** (venir) tormentas económicas. No malgastes tus ahorros.

* *Economic storms are coming. Don’t waste your savings.*

Step 4
4 of 7
**HINT:** *Remember that in order to answer you must conjugate the verbs according to whether they are first, second or third personal of the singular or plural.*
Step 5
5 of 7
We will respond and translate the exercise when it is correct:

**-Trabajo:** Esta semana (1) **tendrás** (tener) que trabajar duro. (2) **Saldrás**(salir) poco y no (3) **podrás** (poder) divertirte, pero (4) **valdrá** (valer) la pena. Muy pronto (5) **conseguirás** (conseguir) el puesto que esperas.

* *Work: This week you will have to work hard. You will not go out much and you will not be able to have fun, but it will be worth it. Very soon you will get the position you are waiting for.*

Step 6
6 of 7
**-Salud:** (7) **Resolverás** (resolver) tus problemas respiratorios, pero (8) **deberás** (deber) cuidarte la garganta.
* *You will solve your respiratory problems, but you will have to take care of your throat.*
Step 7
7 of 7
**-Amor:** (9) **Recibirás** (recibir) una noticia muy buena. Una persona especial te (10) **dirá** (decir) que te ama. (11) **Vendrán**(venir) días felices.

* *You will receive very good news. A special person will tell you that he/she loves you. Happy days will come.*

Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 5
In the following exercise, we have four images. We must ask a question as if we were students. The answer must be as if we were researchers.
Step 2
2 of 5

The first image is of a man working on a computer.

The question of the **student** will be the following:

– **¿Existirán los Cds y fax en el futuro?** *(Will there be CDs and faxes in the future?)*

The answer of the **researcher** will be the following:

– **No, en el futuro las personas se comunicarán por correo electrónico y almacenarán la información en nubes de internet.** *(No, in the future people will communicate by email and store the information in internet clouds. )*

Step 3
3 of 5

The second image is of a classroom.

The question of the **student** will be the following:

– **¿Existirán las clases en salones en el futuro?** *Will classrooms exist in the future?*

The answer of the **researcher** will be the following:

– **Sí existirán, pero muchas clases se harán de forma remota por videollamadas.** *(They will exist, but many classes will be held remotely via video calls.)*

Step 4
4 of 5

The third image is a defender of the preservation of the environment.

The question of the **student** will be the following:

– **¿Se acabará la contaminación de la tierra?** *Will the pollution of the earth end?*

The answer of the **researcher** will be the following:

– **Se habrán hecho avances positivos, pero la contaminación de la tierra continuará.** *(Positive progress will have been made, but the contamination of the earth will continue.)*

Step 5
5 of 5

The fourth image is of a political protest.

The question of the **student** will be the following:

– **¿Se acabarán las protestas políticas en el futuro?** *(Will political protests end in the future?)*

The answer of the **researcher** will be the following:

– **En el futuro, las protestas políticas aumentarán en todos los países.** *(In the future, political protests will increase in all countries.)*

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