Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 375: Practica y comunicacion

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 8
The exercise asks us to conjugate each verb in the future perfect to complete the sentences.
Step 2
2 of 8
We will answer with the verb in bold and already conjugated, we will also translate the sentences already answered.
Step 3
3 of 8
**1.** Me imagino que ustedes ya **Habrán leído** (leer) el poema para mañana.

* *I imagine that you have already read the poem for tomorrow.*

Step 4
4 of 8
**REMEBER:** *For the Future Perfect we have to make compound verbs with the verb **”haber”** plus the other verb to talk about an action that started in the past but still has consequences in the present.*
Step 5
5 of 8
**2.** ¿**Habrá conocido** (conocer) Juan a la famosa autora?

* *Has Juan met the famous author?*

Step 6
6 of 8
**3.** Para la próxima semana, Ana y yo **habremos terminado** (terminar) de leer el cuento.

* *By next week, Ana and I will have finished reading the story.*

Step 7
7 of 8
**4.** Le dije al pintor que yo **Habré conseguido** (conseguir) una modelo para el jueves.

* *I told the painter that I will have a model by Thursday.*

Step 8
8 of 8
**5.** Me imagino que las obras ya se **habrán vendido** (vender).

* *I imagine the artwork will have sold by now.*

Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 4
*We have to imagine leaving with friends at 6 pm to go to the ballet, no one has arrived. Now we have to transcribe the following sentences as guesses.*
Step 2
2 of 4
*We will answer the following when following the model given to us:*
Step 3
3 of 4
|1. Me dejaron un mensaje telefónico. / *They left me a phone message.* |**Me habrán dejado un mensaje telefónico.** / *They must have left me a phone message.* |
|2. Uno de mis amigos tuvo un accidente. / *One of my friends had an accident.* |**Uno de mis amigos habrá tenido un accidente.** / *One of my friends must have had an accident.* |
|3. Me equivoque de día. / *I had the wrong day.* |**Me habré equivocado de día.** / *I must have had the wrong day.* |
|4. Fue una broma. / *It was a joke.* |**Habrá sido una broma.** / *It must have been a joke.* |
|5. Lo soñe. / *I dreamed it.* |**Lo habré soñado.** / *I must have dreamed it.* |
Step 4
4 of 4
**HINT:** *Assumptions are formed by the union of the verb haber plus another complementary verb.*
Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 8
*We are asked to fill in the blanks in the sentences with the verbs in parentheses.*
Step 2
2 of 8
*For this, we have to analyze the conversation and conjugate the verbs by adding the future perfect to answer.*
Step 3
3 of 8
*We will answer and finally translate:*

**PROFESORA**.- Buenos días. ¿Todos (1) **habran entregado** (entregar) el ensayo para el final del día?

* *Good morning, will everyone have turned in their essays by the end of the day?*

Step 4
4 of 8
MONICA.- Yo lo (2) **habré escrito** (escribir) para el viernes, profesora.

* *I will have written it by Friday, teacher.*

Step 5
5 of 8
**HINT:** *The future perfect is the union of the conjugation of the verb haber with the verb to be used to express an action that will end in the near future.*
Step 6
6 of 8
**PROFESORA**.- Pero me imagino que tu ya (3) **habrás visto**(ver) la exposición del escultor, ¿Verdad?

* *But I imagine that you have already seen the sculptor’s exhibition, right?*

Step 7
7 of 8
**MONICA**.- Pues… estuve con fiebre… todo el fin de semana. Pero voy mañana.
**PROFESORA**.- Por lo menos (4) **habras ido** (ir) a la biblioteca a hacer las investigaciones necesarias, ¿No?

* *-Well… I had a fever… all weekend. But I’m going tomorrow.*
*-You must have at least gone to the library to do the necessary research, right?*

Step 8
8 of 8
**MONICA**.- Pues, fui, pero otro estudiante ya había sacado los libros que necesitaba. Según la bibliotecaria, el los (5) **habrá devuelto** (devolver) para mañana.

* *Well, I went, but another student had already checked out the books he needed. According to the librarian, he will have them back by tomorrow.*

Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 8
*The exercise asks us to ask the following questions.*
Step 2
2 of 8
*As an example, we will only answer **1 time individually**, since this exercise is done in the classroom.*
Step 3
3 of 8
*Let’s start:*

1. Cuando terminen las próximas vacaciones de verano, ¿Qué habrás hecho? / *When the next summer vacation is over, what will you have done?*

* **Espero haber viajado y disfrutado al máximo.** / *I hope I have traveled and enjoyed it to the fullest.*

Step 4
4 of 8
2. Antes de terminar la escuela secundaria, ¿Qué aventuras habrás tenido? / *Before you finish high school, what adventures will you have had?*

* **Para ese entonces quiero haber salido de campamento con mis amigos al bisque o a la playa.** / *By that time I want to have gone camping with my friends at the bisque or the beach.*

Step 5
5 of 8
3. Dentro de diez años, ¿Dónde habrás estado y a quien habrás conocido? / *In ten years, where will you have been and who will you have met?*

* **En 10 años quiero poder estar trabajando de lo que me gustas y haber conocido a alguien especial.** / *In 10 years I want to be working at what I like and have met someone special.*

Step 6
6 of 8
4. Cuando tengas cuarenta años, ¿Qué decisiones importantes habrás tornado?

* **Cuando tenga 40, ya habré decidido donde voy a pasar el resto de mi vida y como lo haría.** / *By the time I’m 40, I’ll have decided where I’m going to spend the rest of my life and how I’m going to spend it.*

Step 7
7 of 8
5. Cuando seas anciano/a, ¿Qué lecciones habrás aprendido de la vida? / *When you are old, what lessons will you have learned from life?*

* **Ya anciano, espero haber aprendido a llevar la mejor ida posible con lo que tenga a la mano.*** / *As an old man, I hope I have learned how to make the best possible go with what I have on hand.*

Step 8
8 of 8
**HINT:** *These types of questions test what you have learned so far, you can answer as you see fit as long as you make sense and make correct use of grammar.*
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