Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 316: Despues de leer

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 4
**This exercise is a little more complicated than others, since it is based on ordering the statements chronologically according to the previous story.**
Step 2
2 of 4
*In order to be able to answer you must first read and understand the text called “the lazy bee” and then answer correctly.*
Step 3
3 of 4
**The secret in this exercise is after reading the text, search one by one the statements listed and make your own list to build a general idea on which you can base it.**
|**8** | *a. The lazy bee wins the test.* |
| **1**|*b . The guardians let the lazy bee into the hive, but warn her that it will be the last time.* |
|**5** |*c. A snake announces that it is going to devour her.* |
| **10**|*d. The guardians let in the bee that is no longer lazy.* |
|**2** |*e. The bee promises to change, but doesn’t follow through.* |
|**7** |*f. The snake makes its test successfully.* |
|**9** |*g. The bee returns to the hive after spending the night out* |
|**3** | *h. The guardians forbid him to enter the hive.*|
|**6** |*i. The snake proposes to do two tests.* |
|**4** |*J. The bee falls down a hole into a cave.* |
Step 4
4 of 4
*Finally we did the immediate translation to save you some time, you can compare the sentences with the ones in your book.
If you feel lost just look for the part you need to correctly place the sentence in the order.*
Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 7
*this exercise asks us to answer the following questions based on the above story.*
Step 2
2 of 7
*At this point you should already have some idea of how to answer based on the bee’s story, we will translate the questions and answers that will be of my authorship so that you have them as an **example**.*
Step 3
3 of 7
1. ¿Qué características podrías señalar de la abeja haragana? ¿En qué se diferenciaba de las otras abejas? / *What characteristics could you point out about the lazy bee and how was it different from other bees?*

* **Mientras las otras abejas abejas trabajaban duro, la abeja haragana no le importaba ni hacia nada.** / *While the other bees were hard at work, the lazy bee didn’t care or do anything.*

Step 4
4 of 7
**HINT:** *If you are still in doubt about how to answer you can go back to the text and look for the missing information.*
Step 5
5 of 7
2. ¿Qué te parece que puede representar la víbora? / *What do you think the snake may represent?*

* **Es el ser que observa y juzga activamente a la abeja.** / *It is the being that actively observes and judges the bee.*

Step 6
6 of 7
3. En el relato , ¿Qué es lo que salva a la abeja de la víbora? / *In the story, what saves the bee from the snake?*

* **Una plantita la salvo, se trataba de una sensitiva.** / *A small plant saved it, it was a sensitive one.*

Step 7
7 of 7
4. ¿Cuál es la moraleja de la fábula? / *What is the moral of the fable?*

* **Que si uno quiere salir adelante hay que esforzarse en ello.** / *If you want to get ahead, you have to work hard at it.*

Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 9
*The exercise asks us to answer the questions in pairs, as an example we will answer them individually.*
Step 2
2 of 9
*In order to be able to answer we still have to take into account the fable to answer correctly.*
Step 3
3 of 9
1. En el relato se contraponen claramente dos lugares: la colmena y el exterior. ¿Puedes encontrar una palabra que carácter ice a cada uno? / *In the story two places are clearly contrasted: the hive and the outside. Can you find a word that characterizes each?*

* **Creo que describen cuando uno se encuentra dentro y fuera de su zona de confort.** / *I think they describe when you are in and out of your comfort zone.*

Step 4
4 of 9
2. Las guardianas advierten a la abeja varias veces antes de impedirle la entrada. ¿Te parece bien lo que hacen? ¿Crees que tienen razón? / *The guardians warn the bee several times before preventing her from entering. Do you think they are right? Do you think they are right?*

* **Me parece bien que lo hagan y tienen razón, pues se le advirtió a la abeja las consecuencias de sus actos.** / *I think they are right to do so, and they are right, for the bee was warned of the consequences of its actions.*

Step 5
5 of 9
**HINT:** *If you feel lost when answering, you can certainly go back to the fable and look for the missing information.*
Step 6
6 of 9
3. ¿Por qué es tan importante que todas colaboren con la tarea de recoger el polen? ¿Para que sirve la miel que hacen las abejas? ¿Qué sentido tiene eso para la comunidad? / *Why is it so important for everyone to help with the task of collecting pollen? What is the purpose of the honey the bees make? What is the purpose of this for the community?*

* **La miel sirve para alimentar a las abejas bebe y es importante que toda la comunidad trabaje para el desarrollo de la misma.** / *Honey is used to feed the baby bees and it is important that the whole community works for its development.*

Step 7
7 of 9
4. ¿Qué crees que hizo recapacitar a la abeja haragana? / *What do you think made the lazy bee think again?*

* **La abeja recapacito cuando vio lo difícil que es la vida afuera de la colmena.** / *The bee came to his senses when he saw how difficult life is outside the hive.*

Step 8
8 of 9
5. ¿Estas de acuerdo con la moraleja de la fabula? / *Do you agree with the moral of the fable?*

* **Sí estoy de acuerdo, Uno tiene que aprender y darle el valor al trabajo y a lo que se nos da.** / *Yes, I agree, one has to learn and give value to the work and to what is given to us.*

Step 9
9 of 9
6. ¿Te parece que la abeja fue feliz al aceptar las reglas de la colmena? / *Do you think the bee was happy to accept the rules of the hive?*

* **Sí, al ver que fue aceptada nuevamente en el panal.** / *Yes, seeing that she was accepted back into the hive.*

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