Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 205: Practica

Exercise 2
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 3
In the following exercise, we must connect each word with its logical meaning.
Step 2
2 of 3
In the first column of the table, we have the words, and in the second column the different ones are in random order.

|Words | Logical Meaning|
|1. Protect. |a. Lion. |
|2. Storm. |b. Snake. |
|3. Destruction. |c. Fire. |
|4. Field. |d. Conserve. |
|5. Wild. |e. Thunder. |
|6. Poisonous. |f. Fresh air. |

Step 3
3 of 3
The logical match will be the following:

– The word **Protect** matched with the word **Conserve**. *(1 – d).*

– The word **Storm** matched with the word **Thunder**. *(2 – e).*

– The word **Destruction** matched with the word **Fire**. *(3 – c)*.

– The word **Field** matched with the word **Fresh air**. *(4 – f)*.

– The word **Wild** matched with the word **Lion**. *(5 – a)*.

– The word **Poisonous** matched with the word **Snake**. *(6 – b)*.

Step 1
1 of 3
In this exercise, we just need to connect the next word with the correct association:
Step 2
2 of 3
It is easier if we organize it in a table to to organize them better with their respective translations:

|1. proteger |1.Protect |
|2. tormenta |2. Storm |
| 3. destrucción |3. destrucction |
|4. campo |4. field |
|5. salvaje | 5. savage|
|6. venenosa |6. poisonous |

|Español | English|
|a. león |a. lion |
|b. serpiente |b. snake |
|c. incendio |c. fire |
|d. conservar |d. conserve |
|e. trueno |e. thunder |
|f. aire libre |f. open air |

Step 3
3 of 3
Finally we can conect the words with the right associations:

|**1.** proteger |**d.** conservar |
|**2.** tormenta |**e.** trueno |
| **3.** destrucción|**c.** incendio |
|**4.** campo |**f.** aire libre |
|**5.** salvaje |**a.** león |
|**6.** venenosa | **b.** serpiente |

Exercise 3
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 4
In the following exercise, we must write the appropriate word for each sentence.
Step 2
2 of 4
The sentences are the following:

1. *Natural phenomenon in which the sky lights up when there is a storm:* **Relámpago.** *(flash of lightning)*.

2. *A long, narrow-bodied reptile often poisonous:* **Serpiente.** *(snake)*.

3. *Long period without rain:* **Sequía.** *(Drought)*.

Step 3
3 of 4
4. *Extension of land where it does not usually rain:* **Desierto**. *(Dessert)*.

5. *Natural phenomenon that occurs when the earth moves abruptly:* **Terremoto.** *(Earthquake)*.

6. *Ferocious animal considered the king of the jungle:* **León.** *(Lion)*.

Step 4
4 of 4
7. *Opposite of “wet”:* **Seco.** *(Dried)*.

8. *Noise produced in the clouds by an electric discharge:* **Trueno.** *(Thunder)*.

9. *Mountain series:* **Cordillera** *(Mountain range)*.

10. *Large fire that can destroy houses and fields:* **Incendio** *(Fire)*.

Step 1
1 of 8
We must write the **correct word** for each definition
Step 2
2 of 8
*We must use our **logic** to respond appropriately and add translations.*
Step 3
3 of 8
1. Fenómeno natural en el que se ilumina el cielo cuando hay una tormenta: **rayo.**
* *

2. Reptil de cuerpo largo y estrecho (narrow) que muchas veces es venenoso: **serpiente.**
* *

Step 4
4 of 8
**HINT:** *In order to be able to answer, the words we are looking for are listed on the previous pages.*
Step 5
5 of 8
3. Periodo largo sin lluvias:**Sequia.**

* *Long period without rain: drought.*

4. Extensión de tierra donde no suele llover:**desierto.**

* *An area of land where it does not usually rain: desert.*

Step 6
6 of 8
5. Fenómeno natural que se produce cuando se mueve la tierra bruscamente (abruptly): **terremoto.**
* *Natural phenomenon that occurs when the earth moves abruptly: earthquake.*

6. Animal feroz considerado el rey de la selva: **león.**
* *Ferocious animal considered the king of the jungle: lion.*

Step 7
7 of 8
7. Contrario de “húmedo”: **seco.**

* *Opposite of “húmedo”: dry.*

8. Ruido producido en las nubes por una descarga eléctrica: **trueno.**

* *Noise produced in the clouds by an electrical discharge: thunder.*

Step 8
8 of 8
9. Serie de montañas: **cordillera.**

* *Series of mountains: mountain range.*

10. Fuego grande que puede destruir casas y campos: **incendio.**

* *Large fire that can destroy houses and fields: incendio.*

Exercise 4
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 5
In the following exercise, we must complete the text with the words from the box.
Step 2
2 of 5
The words of the box are the following:

|Words | |
|Animals | Environment|
|Coral reefs |Mountains |
|Forest |Landscape |
|Conserve |Protect |
|Coasts |Natural Resource |
|Ocean |Earth |

Step 3
3 of 5
The sentences of the paragraph are the following:

1. *Biodiversity refers to the great variety of life forms – **animales** (Animals), vegetables, and humans* (.)

2. *(.) that coexist in the **medio ambiente** (environment),*

3. *not only on earth but also in the **mar** (sea)*

Step 4
4 of 5
4. *This interdependence means that no species is isolated or can live on its own. The Caribbean comprises less than eleven percent of the total surface of the planet. It contains a vast wealth of wildlife throughout its humid tropical **Bosques** (forests.)*

5. *High **montañas** (mountains), vast coasts (.)*

6. *And the incredible underwater **paisaje** (landscape) (.)*

Step 5
5 of 5
7. *Of the **arrecifes de coral** (coral reefs.)*

8. *There are currently more than sixty-five environmental organizations working to **preservar** (preserve) (.)*

9. *And **proteger** (protect) (.)*

10. *The valuable **recursos naturales** (natural resources) of the Caribbean islands.*

Step 1
1 of 5
We have to complete the paragraph with the words given in the chart.
Step 2
2 of 5
Let’s make the table and its translations:

|animales / *animals* |costas / *coasts* |paisaje / *landscape* |
|arrecifes de coral / *coral reefs* |mar / *sea* |proteger / *protect* |
|bosques / *forests* |medio ambiente / *environment* |recursos naturales / *natural resources* |
|conservar / *conserve* | montañas / *mountains*|tierra / *land* |

Step 3
3 of 5
Let’s take a look at the exercise done:

* La biodiversidad se refiere a la gran variedad de formas
de vida -**animales** (1), vegetales y humanas- que
conviven en el (2) **medio ambiente**, no solo en la tierra sino
también en el **mar** (3) . Esta interdependencia
significa que ninguna especie esta aislada o puede vivir por
sí sola. A pesar de que el Caribe comprende menos del once
por ciento de la superficie total del planeta, su territorio
contiene una vasta riqueza de vida silvestre (wild) que se encuentra lo largo de sus **bosques** (4) tropicales húmedos, **montañas** (5) altas, extensas costas, y del increíble (6) **paisaje** submarino de los (7) **arrecifes de coral** Se estima que en la actualidad hay mas de sesenta y cinco organizaciones ambientalistas que trabajan para (8) **conserva** y (9) **proteger** los valiosos **recursos naturales** (10) de las islas caribeñas.

Step 4
4 of 5
We will now translate the entire text to understand it thoroughly:

* *Biodiversity refers to the great variety of forms
life -animals, plants and humans- that coexist in the environment, not only on earth but also in the sea. This interdependence means that no species is isolated or can live for Yes, alone. Despite the fact that the Caribbean comprises less than eleven percent of the total surface of the planet, its territory contains a vast wealth of wildlife found throughout its tropical humid forests, high mountains, extensive coastlines, and the incredible underwater landscape of the coral reefs. It estimates that there are currently more than sixty-five environmental organizations working to conservation and protect the valuable natural resources of the Caribbean islands.*

Step 5
5 of 5
**HINT:** *You can read the paragraph superficially to better understand it and get a better idea of what to answer.*
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