Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

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Page 325: Practica

Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 5
This exercise is similar to the word families, but in this case it is based on **analogies.**
Step 2
2 of 5
We will use the words in the following chart:

| | | |
|actual/ *current* |destacado / *highlight* |imprimir / *print* |
| chisme / *gosip* | emisora / *broadcaster* |lector / *reader* |

Step 3
3 of 5
1. radio – oyente – revista – **lector** / *radio – listener – magazine – reader*

2. televisión – cadena – radio – **emisora** / *television – channel – radio – station*

Step 4
4 of 5
3. parcialidad – parcial – actualidad – **actual** / *bias – biased – current – actual*

4. periódico – noticia – prensa sensacionalista – **chisme** / *newspaper – news – tabloid – gossip*

Step 5
5 of 5
5. cine – rodar – prensa – **imprimir** / *film – shooting – press – print*

6. influyente – importante – prominente – **destacado** / *influential – important – prominent – outstanding*

Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 2
We have to associate each word with its equivalent definition:
Step 2
2 of 2
let’s translate everything and associate them with their proper word:

|definition |word |
|1. Dice si una película es buena o no. / *tells whether a film is good or not.* |**a. crítico de cine** / *film critic* |
|2. Escucha la radio. / *Listens to the radio.* | **e. oyente** / listener |
|3. Habla en la radio. / *Talks on the radio.* |**d. locutor** / broadcaster |
|4. Se suscribe a sus revistas y periódicos favoritos. / *He subscribes to his favorite magazines and newspapers .* |**c. lector** / reader |
|5. Aparece en videos musicales y conciertos. / *Appears in music videos and concerts.* | **b. estrella pop** / pop star|
|6. Revisa artículos y mejora la calidad de la revista. / *Reviews articles and improves the quality of the magazine.* |**f. redactor** / copywriter|

Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 4
*We are asked to fill in the blanks in the paragraph with the words given in the chart.*
Step 2
2 of 4
*We will transcribe the table and translate it, then answer the paragraph correctly:*

|acontecimiento / *event* |enterarme / *find out* |público/ *public* | |
|anuncios / *ads* | estrella / *star*|sensacionalista / *sensationalist* | |
|cadena / *chain* |mala fama / *bad reputation* |tira cómica / *comic strip* | |
|destacado / *featured* | periodista / *journalist*|transmitieron / *broadcast* | |

Step 3
3 of 4
*We will answer the paragraph and translate it at the end:*

No guise perderme el (1) **acontecimiento** del año y al final me lo perdí. La (2) **estrella** de cine asistió al estreno de su ultima película y una (3) **periodista** famosa la entrevistó. Fotógrafos de buena y (4) **mala fama** sacaban fotos para venderlas a las revistas de prensa (5) **sensacionalista**. Algunos reporteros entrevistaban a un (6) **destacado** crítico de cine. El (7) **público** se entretenía viendo escenas de la película en una pantalla gigante . Varios canales de televisión (8) **transmitieron** el acontecimiento en directo. Al final, no se que pasó. Cambie de canal durante los (9) **comerciales** y me quede dormido . Mariana voy a leer la sección de sociedad para (10) **enterarme** de todos los detalles.

Step 4
4 of 4
*Finally, we will translate the paragraph for full understanding:*

* *I didn’t want to miss the event of the year and in the end I missed it. The movie star attended the premiere of her latest movie and a famous journalist interviewed her. Photographers of good and bad fame were taking pictures to sell to the tabloid magazines. Some reporters interviewed a prominent film critic. The audience was entertained by watching scenes from the movie on a giant screen. Several television channels broadcast the event live. In the end, I don’t know what happened. I changed channels during the commercials and fell asleep . Mariana I’m going to read the society section to find out all the details.*

Exercise 5
Step 1
1 of 4
This exercise asks us to respond whether we agree with the statements with a **simple yes or no answer.**
Step 2
2 of 4
*We will answer with my personal experience, we are also asked to give our opinion in class, but we will only answer the exercise.*
Step 3
3 of 4
|1. Hoy día es mas fácil enterarse de lo que pasa en el mundo. / *Nowadays it is easier to find out what is happening in the world.* |**X** | |
| 2. Gracias a la información que transmiten los medias de comunicación , la gente tiene menos prejuicios que antes. / *Thanks to the information provided by the media, people are less prejudiced than in the past.*| |**X** |
|3. La libertad de prensa es un mito. / *Freedom of the press is a myth.* | **X**| |
|4. La publicidad quiere entretener al publico. / *Advertising wants to entertain the public.* | |**X** |
|5. El único objetivo de la prensa sensacionalista es informar. / *The only purpose of the tabloid press is to inform.* | |**X** |
|6. Gracias a Internet, es fácil encontrar información imparcial. / *Thanks to the Internet, it is easy to find unbiased information.* |**X** | |
|7. La imagen tiene mucho poder en el mundo de la comunicación. / *The image has a lot of power in the world of communication.* |**X** | |
|8. Hoy día los reporteros son vendedores de opiniones. / *8. Nowadays, reporters are opinion sellers.* |**X** | |
|9. Tenemos demasiada información. Es imposible asimilarla. / *We have too much information. It is impossible to assimilate it.* |**X** | |
|10. El mundo es un sitio mejor gracias a los medias de comunicación. / *The world is a better place because of the media.*| **X**| |
Step 4
4 of 4
*In this last step, you should express to your class your opinions based on your results.*
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