Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 383: Despues de ver el corto

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 10
*We are asked to answer the following questions*
Step 2
2 of 10
*We will be careful when answering and will translate everything for better understanding.*
Step 3
3 of 10
1. ¿Dónde esta el restaurante? / *Where is the restaurant?*

* **El restaurante se encuentra en un lugar perdido en las montañas.** / *The restaurant is located in a place lost in the mountains.*

Step 4
4 of 10
2. ¿Qué ocurre cuando el cliente dice que no puede comer mas sopa? / *What happens when the customer says he can’t eat any more soup?*

* **El comensal se encuentra lleno después de tanta comida.** / *The diner is full after so much food.*

Step 5
5 of 10
**HINT:** *To answer correctly, we must read and in any case see the text/scene called “the viands” to know what we are talking about.*
Step 6
6 of 10
3. ¿Por qué se enoja el chef cuando regresa el camarero a la cocina? / *Why does the chef get angry when the waiter returns to the kitchen?*

* **Lo considera una ofensa porque el piensa que lo que hace es arte puro.** / *He considers it an offense because he thinks that what he does is pure art.*

Step 7
7 of 10
4. ¿Para que va el comensal al servicio (restroom)? / *Why does the diner go to the restroom?*

* **El acude por que se encuentra hambriento.** / *He comes because he is hungry.*

Step 8
8 of 10
5. En el servicio, ¿Qué le promete el otro comensal al protagonista? / *At the service , what does the other diner promise the protagonist?*

* **Le promete que hablara con el chef para solventar su problema.** / *He promises to talk to the chef to solve his problem.*

Step 9
9 of 10
6. ¿Qué hace el protagonista al ver que el otro comensal no lo ha ayudado? / *What does the main character do when he sees that the other diner has not helped him?*

* **El pobre pone una cara de desesperación al ver que le traen un plato más grande.** / *The poor guy makes a face of despair when he sees a larger plate being brought to him.*

Step 10
10 of 10
7. ¿Qué hacen los camareros y el chef cuando lo detienen? / *What do the waiters and the chef do when they stop him?0*

* **Todos lo obligan a comer el jabalí.** / *Everyone forces him to eat the wild boar.*

Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 8
*Again we have to answer the questions.*
Step 2
2 of 8
*We have to answer with complete sentences, once we finish we will translate everything.*
Step 3
3 of 8
1. ¿Por qué dice el chef que todo el mundo debe probar su comida? / *Why does the chef say that everyone should try his food?*

* **Porque el chef dice que es un gran artista.** / *Because the chef says he is a great artist.*

Step 4
4 of 8
**HINT:** *To answer correctly, we must read and in any case see the text/scene called “the viands” to know what we are talking about.*
Step 5
5 of 8
2. ¿Por qué crees que los otros clientes no ayudan al protagonista? / *Why do you think the other customers don’t help the main character?*

* **Debe de ser por el miedo que le tienen todos al chef y sus ayudantes.** / *It must be because everyone is afraid of the chef and his assistants.*

Step 6
6 of 8
4. ¿Crees que Papandreu es un artista? ¿Por qué? ¿Es común que las artistas se comporten así?

* **Tal vez lo sea, parecer ser alguien reconocido, no creo que los artistas sean así, parece demasiado excéntrico.** / *Maybe he is, he seems to be someone recognized, I don’t think artists are like that, he seems too eccentric.*

Step 7
7 of 8
5. ¿Qué sucede al final de la historia ? ¿Podrá el protagonista irse del restaurante? ¿Y los demás comensales? / *What happens at the end of the story? Will the main character be able to leave the restaurant? What about the other diners?*

* **Al final ninguno logra escapar y el chef les da un gran festín a la hora de la cena.** / *In the end, none of them manages to escape and the chef gives them a great feast at dinner time.*

Step 8
8 of 8
6. ¿Qué habrías hecho tu si fueras el protagonista? / *What would you have done if you were the main character?*

* **No lo se a ciencia cierta, parece ser una situación demasiado complicada.** / *I don’t know for sure, it seems to be too complicated a situation.*

Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 9
*We are asked to choose a frame and describe the character in it.*
Step 2
2 of 9
*We will do the exercise individually and in this case we will choose the frame of the center as our subject, we will write 5 sentences about the subject in question.*
Step 3
3 of 9
*Our questions to define the character are:*

* ¿Cómo son? / *What are they like?*
* ¿Por qué están en el restaurante? / *Why are they in the restaurant?*
* ¿Cómo son sus vidas? / *What are their lives like?*
* ¿Qué opinan de Papandreu? / *What do they think of Papandreou?*

Step 4
4 of 9
1. **Yo creo que el señor en este punto el señor esta más que a la merced del chef.**

* *I believe that the gentleman at this point is more than at the mercy of the chef.*

Step 5
5 of 9
2. **Seguramente al igual que el protagonista debió de haber llegado al restaurante por casualidad.**

* *Surely, like the protagonist, he must have arrived at the restaurant by chance.*

Step 6
6 of 9
**HINT:** *To answer you have to read and watch the scene that we have discussed in the previous exercises. you have to be creative and we do not have a special way to make the sentences, take it into account.*
Step 7
7 of 9
3. **Su vida actualmente solo se resume en estar en el restaurante y comer todo lo que le pongan en frente.**

* *His life nowadays is all about being in the restaurant and eating whatever is put in front of him.*

Step 8
8 of 9
4. **Ha de tener una idealización hacia el chef, esto debido al síndrome de Estocolmo.**

* *He must have an idealization towards the chef, due to the Stockholm syndrome.*

Step 9
9 of 9
5. **El pobre debe de estar atrapado en el restaurante desde hace mucho tiempo.**

* *The poor guy must have been stuck in the restaurant for a long time.*

Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 7
*Let’s imagine that we find ourselves in a situation similar to the one in the scene but of a different type. Let’s choose a place and make a paragraph.*
Step 2
2 of 7
*We will do it individually, answering and translating, the topics to choose from are the following:*

|• un quirófano (operating room) y un cirujano de gran renombre. / *an operating room and a renowned surgeon.* |
|• una pasarela (runway) y una supermodelo. / *a runway and a supermodel.* |
|• un estudio de diseño y un diseñador premiado. / *a design studio and an award-winning designer.* |
| una peluquería y un estilista famoso. / *a hairdresser and a famous stylist.*|

Step 3
3 of 7
*Our topic will be:*

* **an operating room and a renowned surgeon.**

Step 4
4 of 7
**HINT:** *Before you start, remember that this type of exercise tests all your knowledge in order to produce a short text in a concise and satisfactory way.*
Step 5
5 of 7
*Our paragraph would read as follows:*

* **En el hospital estaba siendo tratado mi primo Raúl por el gran cirujano Javier Casas, famosos por ser uno de los más grandes del mundo, el problema es que resulto ser uno de los más excéntricos también, pues antes de la cirugía mando a realizar todos los estudios habidos y por haber más de una vez, y cuando estuvo contento con los resultados, a la hora de operar, nos invito a toda la familia a entrar al quirófano para ver la cirugía, no nos quedó otra más que aceptar, y observar atento como este nos explicado donde y cuando cortaba a mi primo, mientras nos hablaba de su día a día y enseñaba los órganos de mi familiar.**

Step 6
6 of 7
*Now the translation:*

* *In the hospital my cousin Raul was being treated by the great surgeon Javier Casas, famous for being one of the greatest surgeons in the world, the problem is that he turned out to be one of the most eccentric too, because before the surgery he had all the studies done and to be done more than once, And when he was happy with the results, when it was time to operate, he invited the whole family to enter the operating room to see the surgery, we had no choice but to accept, and watch attentively as he explained to us where and when he cut my cousin, while he told us about his day to day life and showed us my relative’s organs.*

Step 7
7 of 7
**REMEMBER:** *You have to be very imaginative, don’t hold back, you can choose the topic of your choice.*
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