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Page 372: Que aprendiste?
* *The Neruda Foundation and the Amigos del Arte Foundation organized an exhibition to commemorate Neruda’s centenary.*
* *The twenty-one artists who participated had to choose a poem and make a painting based on it.*
* *In Santiago Calatrava’s creations, the color white predominates.*
* *Frida Kahlo married Diego Rivera.*
**Answer:** Depende de para que sean hechas, si son hechas para vender o tienen un sentido artÃstico, si son para vender de manera continua pueden ser un oficio. / *It depends on what they are made for, if they are made to sell or have an artistic sense, if they are to sell continuously they can be a craft.*
**Answer:** He hecho dibujos y video arte de manera muy amateur. No soy muy bueno. / *I have made drawings and video art in a very amateur way. I’m not really good.*
**Answer:** Como en la respuesta anterior, depende del propósito, no puedo considerar arte cadenas de comida rápida o grafitis hechos para ofender, a comida hecha por chefs profesionales a grafiti hecho para protestar. / *As in the previous answer, it depends on the purpose, I can’t consider art fast food chains or graffiti made to offend, to food made by professional chefs to graffiti made to protest.*