Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 344: Antes de ver el corto

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 7
This time, we **have to complete the sentences with the words we are given in the chart.**
Step 2
2 of 7
We will make a table where we can see the different options:

| | |
|aclarar / *to clarify* | el maletero / *trunk*|
|dar la gana / *to feel like* |la nuca / *nape* |
|darse cuenta (de) / *to realize* |parar el carro / *to hold one’s horses* |
|darse por aludido(a) / *to realize* / *assume that one is being referred to* | pillar(se) / *to get (caught)* |
|embalarse / *to go too fast* | la sintonia / *synchronization; tuning; connection* |
|fijarse en / *to notice* | |

Step 3
3 of 7
**1.** La parte del carro en la que guardas las compras: **el maletero.** / *The part of the cart where you store your groceries: the trunk.*
Step 4
4 of 7
**2.** La parte de atrás de la cabeza: **nuca.** / *The back of the head: nape.*
Step 5
5 of 7
**3.** El hecho de explicar algo para evitar confusiones: **aclarar.** / *The fact of explaining something to avoid confusion: to clarify.*
Step 6
6 of 7
4. Comprender o entender algo: **darse cuenta.** / *To understand or comprehend something: to realize.*
Step 7
7 of 7
5. Ir demasiado deprisa: **embalarse.** / *To pack up:To go too fast.*
Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 6
A simple exercise of answering the questions
Step 2
2 of 6
**Remember** that these exercises are based on **personal experience**, we will use mine as an example, we must also be clear and not over-explain things.
Step 3
3 of 6
**1.** ¿Prefieres escuchar programas de radio o solo música cuando vas en autobús o en carro? / *Do you prefer to listen to radio programs or just music when you ride in a bus or car?*

**R:** No me gustan los programas de radio, pero me encanta escuchar música mientras voy viajando. / *I don’t like radio programs, but I love listening to music while traveling.*

Step 4
4 of 6
**2.** ¿Si tuvieras un problema que no supieras solucionar, llamarías a un programa de radio o de televisión? ¿Por qué? / *If you had a problem that you didn’t know how to solve, would you call a radio or television program? Why?*

**R:** A ninguno, ninguno de los dos me parecen confiables, mejor llamar a los policías. / *Neither, neither of them seem reliable to me, better to call the cops.*

Step 5
5 of 6
**3.** Imagina que te sientes atraído/a por alguien que ves en la calle. ¿Le pedirás una cita? / *Imagine you are attracted to someone you see on the street. Would you ask him/her out on a date?*

**R:** De ninguna manera, no invito a alguien a salir sin conocerlo(a). / *No way, I don’t ask someone out without knowing him/her.*

Step 6
6 of 6
**4.** Si escuchas a dos personas que parecen hablar de ti sin decir tu nombre, ¿te das por aludido/a enseguida o tardas en darte cuenta? / *If you hear two people who seem to be talking about you without saying your name, do you immediately take the hint or are you slow to notice?*

**R:** Depende, por lo general me doy cuenta muy rápido. / *It depends, I usually figure it out pretty quickly.*

Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 6
*We are asked to look at the frames and imagine what might happen next.*
Step 2
2 of 6
*You have to answer the question and then include 3 or 4 speculations for each frame, the exercise will be solved individually.*
Step 3
3 of 6
1. ¿Cuál es la relación entre el locutor y las personas que esperan para pagar el peaje (toll)? / *What is the relationship between the announcer and the people waiting to pay the toll?*

* **De alguna manera todos están compartiendo un tiempo juntos, el locutor habla mientras la gente escucha.** / *In a way everyone is sharing time together, the speaker talks while people listen.*

Step 4
4 of 6
*In the first frame we can see the announcer of the radio program.*

*Let’s make the 3 speculations:*

* **El locutor puede estar hablado por llamada con un radioescucha.** / *The announcer may be on a call with a listener.*

* **Puede estar hablando sobre un tema de interés.** / *He may be talking about a topic of interest.*

* **El puede estar hablando con su equipos de trabajo.** / *He may be talking to his work teams.*

Step 5
5 of 6
*The second frame shows a woman listening to the radio.*

*Let’s make the last 3 speculations:*

* **La mujer escucha la estación del locutor.** / *The woman listens to the announcer’s station.*

* **Ella se ríe de sus chistes.** / *She laughs at his jokes.*

* **Esta esperando el momento para marcar a la estación.** / *She is waiting for the moment to dial the station.*

Step 6
6 of 6
**HINT:** *Be creative, you can get an idea by reading the scene on the next page, these exercises are about answering based on your opinion.*
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