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Page 283: Practica
*employment – union – salary – automatic cashier.*
In this first case, we are talking about working conditions, so **automatic cashier** is superfluous.
*resume – debt- interview – contract.*
When looking for a job, we do not necessarily talk about debt, so we chooose **debt** as our word.
*interview – stock market – investment – market.*
The subject of the words is about the economy, an **interview** is left over.
*deposit – partner- automatic cashier – checking account.*
There are no **partners ** when it comes to payment methods.
*advisor – executive – manager – import.*
We are talking about jobs An action such as **import** is not necessary.
*resign – export – dismiss – retire.*
Here we are talking about leaving something so **export** does not interest us much.
*commerce – capable – successful – ascend*
When we talk about the achievements **commerce** does not enter the conversation.
*spend – lend – to demand – save.*
Finally we are touching on the issue of money management, so our leftover word is **to demand.**
|Español | Ensglish |
|1. un(a) contador(a) |an accountant |
|2. el/la ministro /a de economĂa |the minister of economy |
| 3. un(a) empleado/a que lleva mucho tiempo en la empresa|3. a long serving employee of té company |
|4. una persona desempleada |4. an unemployed person |
|5. el/la dueño/a de una empresa |the owner of a company |
|6. un(a) gerente que entrevista a un(a) solicitante |a manager interviewing an applicant |
|Español |English |
|a. Conseguir un trabajo lo antes posible. |a. To get a job as soon as possible |
|b. Que sus clientes paguen lo mĂnimo posible de impuestos. |b. Have your clients pay as little tax as possible. |
|c. Un aumento de sueldo. | c. A salary increase.|
|d. Hacerle preguntas sobre el curriculum vitae. |d. Asking you questions about your resume. |
|e. Que sus ejecutivos administren bien su dinero. |e. Have your executives manage their money well. |
| f. Que baje el desempleo y vengan inversiones del extranjero|f. That unemployment goes down and that foreign investments from abroad. |
**REMEMBER**: We are using **”quiere”** as the connector of sentences, as each person is looking for something different.
1. Un(a) contador(a) **quiere** que sus clientes paguen lo mĂnimo posible de impuestos. **(1/b)**
*An accountant wants his clients to pay as little tax as possible.*
2. El/La ministro/a de economĂa **quiere** que baje el desempleo y vengan inversiones del extranjero. **(2/f)**
*the minister of economy wants unemployment to fall and investments to come from outside the country.*
*A long-time employee wants a pay increase.*
4. Una persona desempleada **quiere** conseguir un trabajo lo antes posible. **(4/a)**
*An unemployed person wants to get a job as soon as possible.*
*The owner of a company wants his executives to manage his money well.*
6. Un(a) gerente que entrevista a un(a) solicitante **quiere** hacerle preguntas sobre el curriculum vitae. **(6/d)**
*A manager interviewing an applicant wants to ask questions about the resume.*
| | | | |
|administrar |depositar |incapaces |riqueza |
|ahorros |empleo |inversiones |sindicato |
|bolsa de valores |financieros | jubilar|vendedora |
*I already want to **retire** I’m tired and I want to enjoy my grandchildren.*
Older people generally think about retirement.
*If we don’t improve the way we **manage**, this company will fail.*
For a company to function, it must be well managed.
*Do you want to reduce your debt, trade in the **stock market** and save for retirement? Our **financial** advisors can help*.
People who want to invest in the market also need advisors.
*I have spent all my **savings** I need a **job**.*
There are people who save to avoid working for a few months.
*More **investment** must be received to save the company.*
Sometimes capital has to be injected to keep a company afloat.
*The **union** is against the new regulations for employees.*
A union is responsible for protecting workers’ rights.