Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 236: Despues de leer

Exercise 1
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 9
A simple exercise of **answering the following questions:**
Step 2
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For this **we have to read previously the text called “The Eclipse” to answer correctly. We will respond and translate the question and answer.**
Step 3
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1. ¿Dónde se encontraba fray Bartolomé? / *Where was Fray Bartolome?

* **El estaba perdido en una jungla ubicada en Guatemala.** / *He was lost in a jungle located in Guatemala.*

Step 4
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**HINT:** *It is important to read and understand the text in order to have a full understanding that will help us to respond.*
Step 5
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2. ¿Conocía el protagonista la lengua de los indígenas? / *Did the protagonist know the language of the Indians?*

* **El tenía un conocimiento medio con el cual trato de comunicarse con unas pocas palabras.** / *He had an average knowledge with which he tried to communicate with a few words.*

Step 6
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3. ¿Qué querían hacer los indígenas con fray Bartolomé? / *

* **Ellos querían sacrificarlo frente a un altar.** / *They wanted to sacrifice him in front of an altar.*

Step 7
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4. ¿Qué les advirtió fray Bartolomé a los indígenas? / *What did Fray Bartolomé warn the Indians about?*

* **El engañó a los indígenas diciéndoles que si lo mataban iba a oscurecer el sol.** / *He deceived the Indians by telling them that if they killed him he would make the sun turn dark.*

Step 8
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5. ¿Qué quería fray Bartolomé que los indígenas creyeran? / *What did Fray Bartolomé want the Indians to believe?*

* **El quería engañarlos para salir de ahí con vida.** / *He wanted to trick them to get out of there alive.*

Step 9
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6. ¿Qué recitaba un indígena mientras el corazón del fraile sangraba? / *What did one of the Indians recite while the friar’s heart was bleeding?*

* **Ellos recitaban las fechas de los eclipses que ya sabían que iban a ocurrir.** / *They recited the dates of eclipses that they already knew would occur.*

Step 1
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In the following exercise, we must answer the questions related to the text *El Eclipse*.
Step 2
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The question is:

– *Where was Fray Bartolome?*

The answer will be the following:

– **Bartolome se encontraba perdido en una selva en Guatemala.** *(Bartolome was lost in a jungle in Guatemala.)*

Step 3
3 of 7

The question is:

– *Did the protagonist know the language of the indigenous people?*

The answer will be the following:

– **El protagonista tenía un conocimiento medio del lenguaje indígena. Intentó comunicarse con los indígenas con las pocas palabras que sabía.** *(The protagonist had an average knowledge of the indigenous language. He tried to communicate with the indigenous people with the few words that he knew.)*

Step 4
4 of 7

The question is:

– *What did the natives want to do with Fray Bartolome?*

The answer will be the following:

– **Los indígenas querían sacrificar a Bartolome ante un altar.** *(The natives wanted to sacrifice Bartolome before an altar.)*

Step 5
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The question is:

– *What did Fray Bartolome warn the indigenous people?*

The answer will be the following:

– **Bartolome usó sus conocimientos de Aristóteles para advertirle a los indígenas que si lo mataban, podía hacer que el sol se oscurezca en su altura.** *(Bartolome used his knowledge of Aristotle to warn the indigenous people that if they killed him, he could make the sun darken at his height.)*

Step 6
6 of 7

The question is:

– *What did Fray Bartolome want the natives to believe?*

The answer will be the following:

– **Bartolome quería que los indígenas creyeran su mentira y pudiese salvar su vida.** *(Bartolome wanted the natives to believe his lie and be able to save his life.)*

Step 7
7 of 7

The question is:

– *What was an indigenous reciting while the friar’s heart bled?*

The answer will be the following:

– **Mientras el corazón del fraile sangraba, los indígenas recitaban las fechas en que ocurrirían los eclipses solares y lunares que habían estimado los mayas.** *(While the friar’s heart bled, the natives recited the dates where the solar and lunar eclipses that the Maya had estimated would occur.)*

Exercise 2
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
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Again, all we have to do is **answer the questions.**
Step 2
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This exercise also requires us **to have previously read the text “The Eclipse”.**
Step 3
3 of 7
1. ¿Por qué crees que fray Bartolome pensaba en el convento de Los Abrojos antes de morir? / *Why do you think Fray Bartolome thought about the convent of Los Abrojos before he died?*

* **Tal vez fue porque ahí se crio.** / *Maybe it was because that’s where he grew up.*

Step 4
4 of 7
**HINT:** *While it is important to read, the exercise asks us to theorize a bit about situations for which we do not have the full context.*
Step 5
5 of 7
2. ¿Cuál había sido la misión de fray Bartolome en Guatemala? / *What had been the mission of Fray Bartolome in Guatemala?*

* **Probablemente se dedicaba a convertir a los indígenas al cristianismo.** / *He was probably dedicated to converting the indigenous people to Christianity.*

Step 6
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3. ¿Quién le había encomendado esa misión? / *Who had entrusted him with that mission?*

* **Pudo haber sido alguien superior, como Carlos Quinto, ya que el texto menciona que hablaron antes de partir.** / *It could have been someone superior, such as Carlos Quinto, since the text mentions that they talked before they left.*

Step 7
7 of 7
4. A pesar de los conocimientos de Aristóteles, ¿Por qué el protagonista no consiguió salvarse? / *In spite of Aristotle’s knowledge, why didn’t the protagonist manage to save himself?*

* **Porque los indígenas ya tenían conocimientos de las fechas de los eclipses antes de que el lo mencionara.** / *Because the Indians already knew the dates of the eclipses before he mentioned it.*

Step 1
1 of 5
In the following exercise, we must interpret the text *El Eclipse* and answer the following questions.
Step 2
2 of 5

The question is:

– *Why do you think Fray Bartolome thought about the convent of Los Abrojos before he died?*

The answer will be the following:

– **Bartolome pensaba en el convento antes de morir porque probablemente fue donde pasó los mejores momentos de su vida.** *(Bartolome thought about the convent before he died because it was where he probably spent the best moments of his life.)*

Step 3
3 of 5

The question is:

– *What had been the mission of Fray Bartolome in Guatemala?*

The answer will be the following:

– **Bartolome tenía tres años en Guatemala. Por lo tanto, podemos suponer que era un misionero tratando de inculcar la religión cristiana en Guatemala.** *(Bartolome was three years old in Guatemala. Therefore, we can assume that he was a missionary trying to instill the Christian religion in Guatemala.)*

Step 4
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The question is:

– *Who had entrusted him with this mission?*

The answer will be the following:

– **Carlos Quinto pudo haber sido quién encomendó a Bartolome a su misión en Guatemala.** *(Carlos Quinto may have been the one who entrusted Bartolome to his mission in Guatemala.)*

Step 5
5 of 5

The question is:

– *Despite Aristotle’s knowledge, why did the protagonist fail to save himself?*

The answer will be the following:

– **Bartolome no consiguió salvarse porque los indígenas ya conocían los eclipses y tenían conocimiento sobre los calendarios de eclipse solar y lunar a través de los astrónomos mayas.** *(Bartolome didn’t save because the indigenous people already knew about eclipses and had knowledge about the solar and lunar eclipse calendars through the Mayan astronomers.)*

Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 5
The following exercise has two parts. In the first part, we must select and investigate a natural phenomenon.

In the second part, we must create a micro-story about the selected natural phenomenon.

Step 2
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**Part 1**

– **El fenonomeno natural seleccionado es la cáscada de fuego en el Parque Nacional de Yosemite. Esto ocurre durante Febrero o Marzo cuando el sol está en una posición casi horizonatal ilumina la cascada de agua y asemeja como si estuviera en llamas. Este fenómeno termina cuando el sol se oculta.** *(The selected natural phenomenon is the cascade of fire in Yosemite National Park. This phenomenon occurs during February or March when the sun is almost horizontal position illuminates the waterfall and looks like it is on fire. This phenomenon ends when the sun goes down. )*

Step 3
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– **Este fenómeno había creado temores en la población. Ellos veían la cascada con un rojo internso con forma de fuego.** *(This phenomenon had created fears in the population. They saw the waterfall with an intense red in the rocks with the shape of fire.)*
Step 4
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**Part 2**

The micro-story on the selected phenomenon is as follows:

– **Hoy fui con mis padres al Parque Nacional Yosemite. Era la primera vez que íbamos.** *(Today I went with my parents to Yosemite National Park. It was the first time we went.)*

– **Caminamos por las montañas y navegamos en kayak. Ya adentrada la noche, vimos que una de las cascadas del parque estaba roja. Lucía como fuego.** *(We hike through the mountains and kayak. Late at night, we saw that one of the waterfalls in the park was red. It looked like fire.)*

Step 5
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– **Todos nos asutamos y decidimos irnos. Sin embargo, antes de irnos llegó un guía turístico y nos explicó que el color rojo se debía al sol.** *(Before we left, a tour guide arrived and explained that the red color was due to the sun.)*

– **Nos quedamos hasta el anochecer y vimos que no deberíamos preocuparnos por la cascada.** *(We stayed until dark and saw that we shouldn’t worry about the waterfall.)*

Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 4
In the following exercise, we must imagine that we are Bartolome and write a letter to King Carlos V about the fauna and vegetation of the Guatemalan jungle. We will give some ideas and facts so that the student can write the letter.
Step 2
2 of 4
The letter should begin by greeting the King. You can start as follows:

– **Su majestad, Rey Carlos V, le mando un abrazo fraternal y felicito por su reinado del imperio español.** *(His Majesty, King Carlos V, I send him a fraternal embrace and congratulate for his reign of the Spanish Empire.)*

Step 3
3 of 4
Some aspects of the jungle in Guatemala are the following:

– **La selva guatemalteca se caracteriza por su clima húmedo y sus constantes lluvias.** *(The Guatemalan jungle is characterized by its humid climate and its constant rains.)*

– **Puedes observar especies como guacamayas, monos, jaguares y cocodrilos.** *(Species such as macaws, monkeys, jaguars and crocodiles can be observed.)*

Step 4
4 of 4
– **Existe una gran diversidad de pueblos indígenas. Cada uno con sus costumbres y tradiciones. Los mayas son el principal grupo indígena de Guatemala.** *(There is a great diversity of indigenous communities, each group with its customs and traditions. The Mayans are the most important indigenous group in Guatemala.)*

– **Existe una considerable oportunidad para infundir la palabra de Dios y el cristianismo en Guatemala.** *(There is a considerable opportunity to spread the word of God and Christianity in Guatemala.)*

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