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Page 211: Ampliacion
– **Estimado Señor Aguayo, espero se encuentre bien. Le escribimos de parte de Facetas.** *(Dear Mr. Aguayo, I hope you are well. We write to you on behalf of Facetas.)*
– **Le queremos dar una mala y terrible noticia.** *(We want to give you bad and terrible news.)*
– **Esta mañana al llegar a la tienda, vimos que su pez Bambi había muerto.** *(This morning when we got to the store, we saw that his Bambi fish had died.)*
– **Hablamos con todos los empleados de la tienda para conocer si habían visto un comportamiento inusual en Bambi.** *(We spoke to all the store employees to find out if they had seen unusual behavior from Bambi.)*
– **Uno de los empleados dijo que el día anterior, el pez no comió** *(One of the employees said that the day before the fist did not eat.)*
– **Lo sentimos mucho, señor Aguayo.** *(We are very sorry, Mr. Aguayo.)*
*Make a letter to mention to Mr. Aguayo that his fish has died.*
Querido Sr. Aguayo.
Esperamos que la está pasando de lo mejor en sus vacaciones, en Facetas las cosas no están tan bien, tenemos que darle una mala noticia. Hace dos días Bambi ha estado un poco triste y no ha comido nada, hoy en la mañana lo encontramos sin vida en la pecera, sentimos mucho tener que darle esta noticia.
Dear Mr. Aguayo.
We hope you are having the best time on your vacation, things are not so good at Facetas, we have bad news to give you. Two days ago Bambi has been a little sad and has not eaten anything, this morning we found him lifeless in the fish tank, we are very sorry to have to give him this news.
|Texts |
|**The Pets.** Aguayo will leave his pet Bambi in the care of Diana. Another type of pet with aquatic habits is the capybara (capybara). We see this animal on the banks of rivers in South America. This cute, easy-to-tame “animal” is the largest rodent on the planet, weighing up to 100 pounds! A little big for the Facetas office, right? |
|**Camping.** According to Aguayo, the idea of camping is to be in contact with nature. An exciting place to camp is the Bolivian community of Rurrenabaque, the gateway to the Madidi National Park. This park, one of the enormous reserves on the planet, comprises five ecological floors, from Amazonian plains to snow-capped mountain ranges. |
|**Scorpion.** Fabiola and Mariela are afraid of spiders, and it is not for less! Some arachnids are very dangerous. In the Dominican Republic, scorpions possess a deadly poison. They can be found under furniture and on shoes. Would scorpions survive Diana’s fly swatter? |
The questions are the following:
– *What exotic pets do you know? Name at least three or four. What are your habits? Are they easy or difficult to tame? Are they dangerous?*
The answer will be:
– **Las mascotas exóticas que conozco son los alacranes, guacamayas y capibara. El alacrán es un arácnido nocturno y peligroso que se alimenta de insectos. Es muy difícil de domesticar.** *(The exotic pets that I know are scorpions, macaws, and capybaras. The scorpion is a nocturnal and dangerous arachnid that feeds on insects. They are hard to tame.)*
– **El capibara es un roedor de gran tamaño. Vive en ríos de Suramérica. Es fácil de domesticar.** *(The capybara is a large rodent. It lives in rivers of South America. It is easy to tame.)*
– *Have you ever camped? Where? For how many days? What did you do?*
The answer will be:
– **Sí he acampado. Acampé por dos días en el Peninsula State Park. Pesqué, encendí una fogata y conté histories de terror.** *(Yes I have camped. I camped for two days at Peninsula State Park. I fished, lit a fire, and told horror stories.)*
– *What does the expression “ecological floor” mean? Have you ever been to a region with different “ecological floors”? What is the geography of the region where you live?*
The answer will be:
– **El piso ecológico es cuando el clima y la altura de una región es variada. En algunos países caribeños es común ver la costa y detrás una montaña.** *(The ecological floor is when the climate and the height of a region are varied. In some Caribbean countries, it is common to see the coast and behind a mountain.)*
– **La zona geográfica donde vivo tiene pisos ecológicos. La ciudad donde vivo está rodeada de montañas.** *(The geographical area where I live has ecological floors. The city where I live has mountains surrounded.)*
– *Have you ever seen a scorpion? What other dangerous insects do you know? Have you been bitten? Are you afraid of them?*
The answer will be:
– **He visto escorpiones en el zoológico. Uno de los insectos más peligrosos es la mosca tse-tsé. Este insecto es poco diferenciable de las moscas tradicionales. Le tengo miedo ya que puede causar la muerte. He sido picado por abejas.** *(One of the most dangerous insects is the tsetse fly. This insect is not distinguishable from traditional flies. I am afraid of it as it can cause death. I’ve been stung by bees.)*
1. **What exotic pets do you know? Name at least three or four. What are the habits? Are they easy or difficult to tame? They are dangerous?**
Los animales exóticos que conozco son los siguientes:
**Araña Lobo:** habita en gran parte de América del Sur, en su mayoría la encontramos en Brasil, se alimenta de artrópodos. Es una especie con un rango de peligrosidad medio, puede generar gran dolor y puede durar de 24 a 48 horas. Su domesticación es compleja.
**Iguana Marina:** su hábitat es la zona costera del archipiélago de Galápagos, son especies herbívoras, si se sienten en peligro o riesgo te pueden hacer daño con su cola. Está totalmente prohibida su domesticación.
**Rana de Cristal:** su hábitat es la cordillera de los Andes, se encuentran en mayor proporción en arroyos cercanos a los bosques montanos. No son peligrosas y no se recomienda su domesticación.
2. **Have you ever camped? Where? For how many days? What did you do?**
No he acampado nunca, algún día me gustaría por acampar y escalar algún nevado.
3. **What does the term “ecological floor” mean? Have you ever been to a region with different “ecological floors”? How is the geography of the region where you live?**
Se considera piso ecológico a la franja de suelo o de vegetación que se encuentra a una determinada altitud sobre el nivel del mar. Yo vivo en una región que cuenta con varios tipos de piso ecológico. La Provincia de el Oro en Ecuador cuenta con una diversidad de ecosistemas que van desde el Páramo hasta el manglar o zona costera, la región tiene una gran diversidad de climas y especies.
4. **Have you ever seen a scorpion? What other dangerous insects do you know? Have you been bitten? Are you afraid of them?**
Si, he visto alacranes. Una vez fui picado por uno, su picadura genera un dolor muy fuerte, el alacrán es el único insecto peligroso que conozco y tengo mucho miedo a ellos.
1. The exotic animals that I know are the following:
**Wolf Spider:** inhabits much of South America, mostly found in Brazil, it feeds on arthropods. It is a species with a medium range of danger, it can cause great pain and can last from 24 to 48 hours. Its domestication is complex.
**Marine Iguana:** their habitat is the coastal area of the Galapagos archipelago, they are herbivorous species, if they feel in danger or risk they can hurt you with their tail. Its domestication is totally prohibited.
**Glass Frog:** its habitat is the Andes mountain range, they are found in greater proportion in streams near montane forests. They are not dangerous and their domestication is not recommended.
2. I have never camped, one day I would like to camp and climb some snowy mountain.
3. Ecological floor is considered to be the strip of soil or vegetation that is at a certain altitude above sea level. I live in a region that has several types of ecological flooring. The Province of El Oro in Ecuador has a diversity of ecosystems that range from the Páramo to the mangrove or coastal zone, the region has a great diversity of climates and species.
4. Yes, I have seen scorpions. Once I was bitten by one, its bite generates a very strong pain, the scorpion is the only dangerous insect that I know and I am very afraid of them.