Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Page 207: Comunicacion

Exercise 5
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 8
In the following exercise, we must answer the following questions.
Step 2
2 of 8

The questions are:

– *When you go on vacation, what kind of place do you prefer? The field, the coast, the mountain? Why?*

The answers will be:

– **Cuando me voy de vacaciones, prefiero ir a la montaña. Me gusta porque puedo respirar aire fresco, y observar los árboles y aves.** *(When I go on vacation, I prefer to go to the mountains. I like it because I can breathe fresh air, and watch the trees and birds.)*

Step 3
3 of 8

The questions are:

– *Do you have a favorite animal? Which? Why do you like it? What animals do you not like? Why?*

The answers will be:

– **Sí tengo un animal favorito, el perro. Me gustan porque son leales y juguetones. El animal que no me gusta es el gato porque me dan alergía.** *(I do have a favorite animal, the dog. I like dogs because they are loyal and playful. The animal I don’t like is the cat because they give me allergies.)*

Step 4
4 of 8

The questions are:

– *What do you think of the practice of hunting wild animals? Is it cruel? Is it necessary to control the population for the good of the species?*

The answers will be:

– **Pienso que la caza es necesaria en algunas tribus para poder sobrevivir. Sin embargo no apoyo la caza deportiva o por diversión. Todos los animales tienen depreedadores, y la población animal se adapta naturalmente en cada habitat.** *(I think that hunting is necessary for Tribus since they do it to survive. However, I do not support hunting for sport or fun. All animals have predators, and the animal population adapts naturally in each habitat.)*

Step 5
5 of 8

The questions are:

– *What do you think of the use of fur coats? Is there a difference between wearing leather shoes and wearing a fox fur coat?*

The answers will be:

– **Creo que la gente no debería usar abrigos de piel. Muchos animales son cazados, atrapados y torturados por capricho. Las personas pueden usar pieles sintéticas y ningún animal resultará herido.** *(I think people shouldn’t wear fur coats. Many animals are hunted, trapped, and tortured on a whim. People can use synthetic fur, and no animal will get hurt.)*

Step 6
6 of 8
– **Aunque la piel de las vacas y ovejas produce zapatos de cuero, son animales criados en granjas, en las que las personas estimulan su reproducción, y no hay problemas de extinción.** *(Although the skin of the cows and sheep produces leather shoes, they are animals raised on farms, in which people stimulate their reproduction, and there are no extinction problems.)*
Step 7
7 of 8

The questions are:

– *What natural phenomena are common in your area? Hurricanes, droughts? What effects or consequences do they have for the environment?*

The answer will be:

– **Uno de los fenómenos naturales en mi área es la sequía. La sequía afecta los cultivos de vegetales y frutas.** *(One of the natural phenomena in my area is drought. Drought affects vegetable and fruit crops.)*

Step 8
8 of 8

The questions are:

– *In your opinion, what is the most relevant problem that affects the environment? What can we do to improve the situation?*

The answer will be:

– **Uno de los problemas más graves que afecta al medio ambiente es la contaminación. Podemos reciclar o no botar basura en la calle.** *(One of the most relevant problems affecting the environment is pollution. We can recycle or not throw garbage on the street.)*

Step 1
1 of 9
The exercise asks us **to answer the questions in pairs**, but we will do it **individually** as an example.
Step 2
2 of 9
The exercise asks us to answer the questions in pairs, **but we will do it individually as an example.** We will also translate the results for your better understanding:
Step 3
3 of 9
**1.** Cuando vas de vacaciones, ¿Qué tipo de lugar prefieres? ¿El campo, la costa, la montaña? ¿Por que? / *When you go on vacation, what kind of place do you prefer? The countryside, the coast, the mountains? Why?*

* **Prefiero la montaña, ya que me gustan más las temperaturas templadas y acampar en un bosque.** *I prefer the mountains, as I like warm temperatures and camping in a forest.*

Step 4
4 of 9
**2.** ¿Tienes un animal preferido? ¿Cuál es? ¿Por que te gusta? ¿Qué animales no te gustan? ¿Por qué? / *Do you have a favorite animal? What is it? Why do you like it? What animals do you dislike? Why?*

* **Mi animal preferido son las tortugas, por como se ven y todo lo que hacen para vivir, no me gustan las ratas por que tienen demasiadas crias.** / *My favorite animal is turtles, because of the way they look and everything they do for a living, I don’t like rats because they have too many babies.*

Step 5
5 of 9
3. ¿Qué opinas de la practica de cazar animales salvajes? ¿Es cruel? ¿Es necesario controlar la población para el bien de la especie? / *What do you think about the practice of hunting wild animals? Is it cruel? Is it necessary to control the population for the good of the species?*

* **No me gusta la caza de animales, esta mal, en cambio considero que debe de haber control de población para el bien de los ecosistemas.** / *I do not like the hunting of animals, it is wrong, but I believe that there should be population control for the good of the ecosystems.*

Step 6
6 of 9
**4.** ¿Qué opinas del uso de abrigos de piel (fur)? ¿Hay alguna diferencia entre usar zapatos de cuero (leather) y usar un abrigo de piel de zorro (fox)? / *What do you think about wearing fur coats? Is there a difference between wearing leather shoes and wearing a fox fur coat?*

* **No creo que haya diferencia, a menos que seas muy quisquilloso, usar abrigos de piel no hay problema, mientras sean de animales que se produzcan para ello.** / *I don’t think it makes a difference, unless you are very picky, wearing fur coats is not a problem, as long as they are from animals that are produced for it.*

Step 7
7 of 9
**5.** ¿Qué fenómenos naturales son comunes en tu área? ¿Los huracanes, las sequias? ¿Qué efectos o consecuencias tienen para el medio ambiente? / *What natural phenomena are common in your area: hurricanes, droughts? What effects or consequences do they have on the environment?*

* **Los huracanes son más comunes, destruyen ecosistemas y matan especies de plantas y animales que afectan a largo plazo.** / *Hurricanes are more common, destroy ecosystems and kill plant and animal species that affect the long term.*

Step 8
8 of 9
**6.** En tu opinión, ¿Cuál es el problema mas grave que afecta al medio ambiente? ¿Qué podemos hacer para mejorar la situación? / *In your opinion, what is the most serious problem affecting the environment? What can we do to improve the situation?*

* **Me preocupa el calentamiento global, es muy grave y se solucionaría limitando fabricas y el consumo de automóviles.** / *I am concerned about global warming, it is very serious and could be solved by limiting factories and automobile use.*

Step 9
9 of 9
**HINT:** *try to be concise, don’t spend too much time over explaining.*
Exercise 6
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 2
**Respond according to the example.**
*Think and give advantage and disadvantage to each case.*
Step 2
2 of 2
1. Usar servilletas de papel o de tela.
**Ventaja:** Se reduce la tala de árboles para la elaboración de servilletas de papel.
**Desventaja:** Se consume agua y detergente para su limpieza.

2. Tirar restos de comida a la basura o en el triturador del fregadero.
**Ventaja:** Se reduce el uso de bolsas plásticas para los desechos:
**Desventaja:** No se da un correcto aprovechamiento de los desechos, por ejemplo, elaborar compost.

3. Acampar en un parque nacional o alojarse en un hotel.
**Ventaja:** En el parque nacional puedes relacionarte con la naturaleza en el hotel tienes mayor comodidad.
**Desventaja:** Peligro por la exposición a los animales del entorno en el parque nacional, alto costo por hospedaje en el hotel.

4. Imprimir el papel de los dos lados o simplemente imprimir menos
**Ventaja:** Imprimir de ambos lados reduce el uso de tintan y papel, imprimir menos reduce los costos y el uso de recursos.
**Desventaja:** La incomodidad por la impresión e información incompleta.

1. Use paper or cloth napkins.
**Advantage:** The cutting of trees for the production of paper napkins is reduced.
**Disadvantage:** water and detergent are consumed for cleaning.

2. Throw food scraps in the trash or in the sink disposal.
**Advantage:** The use of plastic bags for waste is reduced:
**Disadvantage:** There is no proper use of waste, for example, make compost.

3. Camping in a national park or staying in a hotel.
**Advantage:** In the national park you can interact with nature in the hotel you have greater comfort.
**Disadvantage:** Danger from exposure to animals in the environment in the national park, high cost for hotel accommodation.

4. Print the paper on both sides or just print less
**Advantage:** Printing on both sides reduces the use of ink and paper, printing less reduces costs and use of resources.
**Disadvantage:** The inconvenience of printing and incomplete information.

Step 1
1 of 5
In the following exercise, we have two alternatives about a specific topic. We must comment about the advantages and disadvantages of each one.
Step 2
2 of 5

The alternatives are as follows:

– *Use paper or cloth napkins.*

**Advantage**: Las servilletas de tela se pueden reusar. Paper napkins are comfortable and easy to use. *(We can reuse cloth napkins. Paper napkins are comfortable and easy to use.)*

**Disadvantage**: Debemos lavar las servilletas de tela y gastar agua y detergente. Las servilletas de papel destruyen árboles y contamina. *(We must wash the cloth napkins and use water and detergent. Paper napkins destroy trees and pollute.)*

Step 3
3 of 5

The alternatives are as follows:

– *Throwing food scraps in the trash or the garbage disposal

**Advantage**: Tirar la comida en la basura evita la contaminación y no ensucia. Triturarla en el fregadero reduce el uso de bolsa plásticas. *(Throwing food in the trash prevents contamination and does not make a mess. Shredding it in the sink reduces the use of plastic bags.)*

**Disadvantage**: El triturador de comida puede ser peligroso para niños. La comida en la basura puede no ser reciclada y contaminar. *(The food disposer can be dangerous for children. Food in the garbage may not be recycled and contaminated.)*

Step 4
4 of 5

The alternatives are as follows:

– *Camping in a national park or staying in a hotel.*

**Advantage**: En el parque nacional estaremos en contacto con la naturaleza. En el hotel estaremos cómodos y tendremos agua caliente. *(In the national park we will be in contact with nature. In the hotel we will be comfortable and we will have hot water.)*

**Disadvantage**: En el parque nacional nos picaran los mosquitos. Quedarnos en el hotel será más costoso. *(In the national park, mosquitoes will bite us. Staying at the hotel will be more expensive.)*

Step 5
5 of 5

The alternatives are as follow:

**Advantage**: Imprimiendo por los dos lados usaremos menos papel. Imprimiendo menos nos saldrá más barato. *(By printing on both sides we will use less paper. Printing less will be cheaper.)*

**Disadvantage**: Imprimiendo por ambos lados, tendremos que voltear la hoja. Si imprimimos menos no tendremos la información completa. *(Printing on both sides, we will have to flip the sheet. If we print less, we will not have the complete information.)*

Exercise 7
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 17
In the following exercise, we must analyze each word in the box. Which do you and your friend identify and why? We will provide an example of all the words. However, the student can form his own opinion of it.
Step 2
2 of 17
The word is *Tree*.

The sentence will be:

– **Me identifico con los árboles porque soy firme con mis decisiones.** *(I identify with the trees because I am firm with my decisions.)*

Step 3
3 of 17
The word is *Forest*.

The sentence will be:

– **Me identifico con los bosques porque poseen una gran diversidad de fauna.** *(I identify with the forests because they have a great diversity of fauna.)*

Step 4
4 of 17
The word is *Rabbit*.

The sentence will be:

– **Me identifico con los conejos porque soy tierno y cariñoso.** *(I identify with rabbits because I am tender and affectionate.)*

Step 5
5 of 17
The word is *Dessert*.

The sentence will be:

– **Mi amigo se identifica con los desiertos porque son lugares tranquilos y calurosos.** *(My friend identifies with deserts because they are calm and hot places.)*

Step 6
6 of 17
The word is *Power source.*

The sentence will be:

– **Me identifico con las fuentes de enrgía porque puedo generar y crear nuevas cosas.** *(I identify with energy sources because I can generate and create new things.)*

Step 7
7 of 17
The word is *hurricane*.

The sentence will be:

– **Ni mi amigo ni yo nos identificamos con los huracanes. Generan inundaciones y daños en las comunidades.** *(Neither my friend nor I identify with hurricanes. They generate floods and damage to communities.)*

Step 8
8 of 17
The word is *Fire*.

The sentence will be:

– **Mi amigo se identifica con los incendios. Es explosivo y eufórico** *(My friend identifies with the fires. He is explosive and euphoric.)*

Step 9
9 of 17
The word is *Lion*.

The sentence will be:

– **Me identiico con el león porque es un animal majestuoso y poderoso.** *(I identify with the lion because it is a majestic and powerful animal.)*

Step 10
10 of 17
The word is *Sea*.

The sentence will be:

– **Me identifico con el mar porque soy tranquilo y libre.** *(I identify with the sea because I am calm and free.)*

Step 11
11 of 17
The word is *Mountain*.

The sentence will be:

– **Me identifico con las montañas porque me genera paz y libertad.** *(I identify with the mountains because it gives me peace and freedom.)*

Step 12
12 of 17
The word is *Birds*.

The sentence will be:

– **Me identifico con los pájaros. Soy aventurero.** *(I identify with the birds. I am an adventurer.)*

Step 13
13 of 17
The word is *Fish*.

The sentence will be:

– **Mi amigo se identifica con los peces. Es olvidadizo y le gusta nadar.** *(My friend identifies with fish. He is forgetful and likes to swim.)*

Step 14
14 of 17
The word is *Lightning*.

The sentence will be:

– **Mi amigo se identifica con el relámpago. El es fuerte y escandaloso.** *(My friend identifies with lightning. He is strong and scandalous.)*

Step 15
15 of 17
The word is *Snake*.

The sentence will be:

– **Me idenifico con la serpiente. Soy escurridizo y silencioso.** *(I identify myself with the snake. I am elusive and silent.)*

Step 16
16 of 17
The word is *Earthquake*.

The sentence will be:

– **Mi amigo se identifica con un terremoto. Siempre está tumbando todas las cosas por donde pasa.** *(My friend identifies with an earthquake. He is always knocking down all the things where he passes.)*

Step 17
17 of 17
The word is *Thunder*.

The sentence will be:

– **Me identifico con el trueno. Cuando me enojo puedo gritar mucho.** *(I identify with thunder. When I get angry I can yell a lot. )*

Step 1
1 of 2
**Respond according to the example.**
*Choose which of the following animals and elements you would identify.*
Step 2
2 of 2


Me identifico con el león por su grandeza, valentía y audacia. / I identify with the lion for his greatness, bravery and audacity.


Mi amiga se identifica con la serpiente, por su poder y versatilidad. / My friend identifies with the snake, because of its power and versatility.


Me identifico con la montaña por su imponencia y calma que puede generar. / I identify with the mountain for its imposing and calm that it can generate.


Mi amigo se identifica con el huracán, por la fuerza con la que puede desarrollar o hacer algo. / My friend identifies with the hurricane, by the force with which he can develop or do something.

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