Descubre 3
Descubre 3
2nd Edition
Vista Higher Learning Staff
ISBN: 9781618572004
Textbook solutions

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Page 214: Que aprendiste?

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 13
In the next exercise, we must say if the statements are true or false according to the **Enfoques** texts.
Step 2
2 of 13

The statement is:

– *Coral reefs are plants of intense colors.*

The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.

In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.

Step 3
3 of 13

The statement is:

– *Coral reefs are also known as the tropical forests of the sea.*

The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.

In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.

Step 4
4 of 13

The statement is:

– *Hurricanes get stronger when they pass over reefs.*

The above statement is **Falso** *(False)*.

Coral reefs calm storms and hurricanes before they reach the shore.

Step 5
5 of 13

The statement is:

– *These structures are an ideal ecosystem for endangered species.*

The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.

In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.

Step 6
6 of 13

The statement is:

– *Coral formations need light.*

The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.

In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.

Step 7
7 of 13

The statement is:

– *Tourists are allowed to take some coral with them.*

The above statement is **Falso** *(False)*.

The reefs are in danger because of the man who collects corals when they dive.

Step 8
8 of 13

The statement is:

– *MarĂ­a la Gorda is located in the extreme west of Puerto Rico.*

The above statement is **Falso** *(False)*.

MarĂ­a la Gorda is in the extreme west of Cuba.

Step 9
9 of 13

The statement is:

– *In Maria la Gorda, the reefs form tunnels and mountain ranges.*

The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.

In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.

Step 10
10 of 13

The statement is:

– *The construction of houses near the beaches does not affect the development of the reefs.*

The above statement is **Falso** *(False).*

The construction of houses on the beach pollutes the water and causes sedimentation.

Step 11
11 of 13

The statement is:

– *Coral reefs are one of the oldest habitats on the planet.*

The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.

In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.

Step 12
12 of 13

The statement is:

– *Turtles do not live on reefs because they cannot find their food.*

The above statement is **Falso** *(False)*.

Reefs are the refuge and source of food for many turtles.

Step 13
13 of 13

The statement is:

– *Experts are concerned about the future of the reefs.*

The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.

In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.

Exercise 2
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
1 of 6
In this one we are asked to **choose the correct option in order to complete the sentences correctly.**
Step 2
2 of 6
*In order to answer properly we must read the text above to understand the sentences.*
Step 3
3 of 6
We will answer the questions and translate the result:

1. El Grupo de Investigadores Submarinos hundiĂł el Hickory para crear **un arrecife artificial.** (un parque nacional/un arrecife artificial).
* *The Underwater Researchers Group sank the Hickory to create an artificial reef.*

*You can’t sink a submarine in a park, It refers to the fact that it was made to create coral.*

Step 4
4 of 6
2. El Parque Nacional Submarino La Caleta esta ubicado en **RepĂşblica Dominicana.** (Puerto Rico/ la RepĂşblica Dominicana).

* *La Caleta National Underwater Park is located in the Dominican Republic.*

*La Caleta is located in Santo Domingo, which is the capital of the Dominican Republic.*

Step 5
5 of 6
3. ¿No quieres contribuir para el regalo de Juan? ¡Eres **una rata!** (una rata/un chancho)!

* *Don’t you want to contribute to Juan’s gift? You’re stingy!*

*”Eres una rata” is an expression you use when someone is stingy.*

Step 6
6 of 6
4. Si estás en Argentina y tienes hambre, dices que **te pica el bagre.** (te pica el bagre/ estas coma una cabra) .

* *If you’re in Argentina and you’re hungry, you say “me pica el bagre”.*

*”Te pica el bagre” is an Argentine expression used when someone is hungry.*

Step 1
1 of 5
In the following exercise, we have a statement with two options. We must choose the option that makes sense and is consistent with the text.
Step 2
2 of 5

The first statement with the options is:

– *The Underwater Research Group sank the Hickory to create (a national park / artificial reef).*

The correct option is **Un arrecife artificial** *(artificial reef)*.

Step 3
3 of 5

The second statement with the options is:

– *La Caleta Underwater National Park is in (Puerto Rico / the Dominican Republic).*

The correct option is **RepĂşblica Dominicana** *(The Dominican Republic)*. Santo Domingo is the capital of the Dominican Republic.

Step 4
4 of 5

The third statement with the options is:

– *Don’t you want to contribute to Juan’s gift? You are (a rat / a pig)!*

The correct option is **Una rata** *(a rat)*. The expression *you are a rat* refers to a stingy person.

Step 5
5 of 5

The fourth statement with the option is:

– *If you are hungry in Argentina, you say that (the catfish bites you/you are like a goat).*

The correct option is **Me pica el bagre** *(The catfish bites you)*.

Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 5
In the following exercise, we must answer the following questions according to the texts.
Step 2
2 of 5

The question is:

– *What do environmental organizations want to stop in the Yasuni National Park?*

The answer will be:

– **Las organizaciones ambientales buscan frenar el avance de empresas petroleras que afecta el ecosistema del Parque Nacional YasunĂ­.** *(Environmental organizations seek to stop the advance of oil companies that affects the ecosystem of the National Park Yasuni.)*

Step 3
3 of 5

The question is:

– *What animals does the Peregrine Fund of Panama protect?*

The answer will be:

– **El Fondo Peregrino de Panamá protege a las aves arpĂ­as, especialmente el águila arpĂ­a, quien es el ave nacional de Panamá.** *(The Panama Peregrine Fund protects harpy birds, especially the harpy eagle, which is the national bird of Panama.)*

Step 4
4 of 5

The question is:

– *What is Greenpeace looking for with the campaign against transgenics?*

The answer will be:

– **Greenpeace busca que el gobierno de Chile oblique a las empresas alimenticias a identificar a aquellos alimentos que usen ingredientes transgĂ©nicos.** *(Greenpeace wants the Chilean government to force food companies to identify those foods that use transgenic ingredients.)*

Step 5
5 of 5

The question is:

– *In your opinion, what does Ramon Margalef mean when he says that man is a problem for the biosphere?*

The answer will be:

– **RamĂłn se refiere a que la acciĂłn del hombre ha afectado el hábitat y ecosistema de muchas especies y perjudica a su propio planeta y subsistencia.** *(Ramon refers to the fact that man’s action has affected the habitat and ecosystem of many species and harms his planet and subsistence.)*

Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 4
In the following exercise, we must answer the following questions according to our opinion. The student will be given some ideas in each question to form their judgment.
Step 2
2 of 4
The questions are the following:

– *Are you concerned about the pollution of the sea? Do you think you have a habit in your daily life that damages our seas? Are you willing to change your lifestyle to keep the seas unpolluted? What would they change?*

Step 3
3 of 4
Some highlights of the previous questions are the following:

– **La contaminaciĂłn de los mares debe ser un problema que preocupe a todas las personas.** *(Pollution of the seas must be a problem that concerns everyone.)*

– **A travĂ©s de las aguas residuales y desechos que llegan a los mares como plásticos, la fauna marina los puede consumir y se va pasando en la cadena alimenticia. Puede representar un riesgo para las personas que consumen perscados o productos marinos.** *(Through sewage and waste that reaches the seas as plastics, marine fauna can consume them and pass through the food chain. It can represent a risk for people who consume fish or seafood.)*

Step 4
4 of 4
– **Las personas deben cambiar su estilo de vida para reducir la contaminaciĂłn del agua. Deben reciclar, no tirar basura cuando vayamos a la playa, romper las tiras plasticas, consumir menos baterĂ­as, usar opciones más ecolĂłgicas como paneles solares o transporte pĂşblico, y no comprar tanta ropa.** *(People must change their lifestyles to reduce water pollution. Recycle, not throw garbage when we go to the beach, break the plastic strips, consume fewer batteries, use more ecological options such as solar panels or public transport, and not buy too many clothes.)*
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