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Page 214: Que aprendiste?
The statement is:
– *Coral reefs are plants of intense colors.*
The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.
In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.
The statement is:
– *Coral reefs are also known as the tropical forests of the sea.*
The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.
In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.
The statement is:
– *Hurricanes get stronger when they pass over reefs.*
The above statement is **Falso** *(False)*.
Coral reefs calm storms and hurricanes before they reach the shore.
The statement is:
– *These structures are an ideal ecosystem for endangered species.*
The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.
In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.
The statement is:
– *Coral formations need light.*
The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.
In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.
The statement is:
– *Tourists are allowed to take some coral with them.*
The above statement is **Falso** *(False)*.
The reefs are in danger because of the man who collects corals when they dive.
The statement is:
– *MarĂa la Gorda is located in the extreme west of Puerto Rico.*
The above statement is **Falso** *(False)*.
MarĂa la Gorda is in the extreme west of Cuba.
The statement is:
– *In Maria la Gorda, the reefs form tunnels and mountain ranges.*
The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.
In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.
The statement is:
– *The construction of houses near the beaches does not affect the development of the reefs.*
The above statement is **Falso** *(False).*
The construction of houses on the beach pollutes the water and causes sedimentation.
The statement is:
– *Coral reefs are one of the oldest habitats on the planet.*
The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.
In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.
The statement is:
– *Turtles do not live on reefs because they cannot find their food.*
The above statement is **Falso** *(False)*.
Reefs are the refuge and source of food for many turtles.
The statement is:
– *Experts are concerned about the future of the reefs.*
The above statement is **Cierto** *(True)*.
In the text *Bosques del Mar* you can check the statement.
1. El Grupo de Investigadores Submarinos hundiĂł el Hickory para crear **un arrecife artificial.** (un parque nacional/un arrecife artificial).
* *The Underwater Researchers Group sank the Hickory to create an artificial reef.*
*You can’t sink a submarine in a park, It refers to the fact that it was made to create coral.*
* *La Caleta National Underwater Park is located in the Dominican Republic.*
*La Caleta is located in Santo Domingo, which is the capital of the Dominican Republic.*
* *Don’t you want to contribute to Juan’s gift? You’re stingy!*
*”Eres una rata” is an expression you use when someone is stingy.*
* *If you’re in Argentina and you’re hungry, you say “me pica el bagre”.*
*”Te pica el bagre” is an Argentine expression used when someone is hungry.*
The first statement with the options is:
– *The Underwater Research Group sank the Hickory to create (a national park / artificial reef).*
The correct option is **Un arrecife artificial** *(artificial reef)*.
The second statement with the options is:
– *La Caleta Underwater National Park is in (Puerto Rico / the Dominican Republic).*
The correct option is **RepĂşblica Dominicana** *(The Dominican Republic)*. Santo Domingo is the capital of the Dominican Republic.
The third statement with the options is:
– *Don’t you want to contribute to Juan’s gift? You are (a rat / a pig)!*
The correct option is **Una rata** *(a rat)*. The expression *you are a rat* refers to a stingy person.
The fourth statement with the option is:
– *If you are hungry in Argentina, you say that (the catfish bites you/you are like a goat).*
The correct option is **Me pica el bagre** *(The catfish bites you)*.
The question is:
– *What do environmental organizations want to stop in the Yasuni National Park?*
The answer will be:
– **Las organizaciones ambientales buscan frenar el avance de empresas petroleras que afecta el ecosistema del Parque Nacional YasunĂ.** *(Environmental organizations seek to stop the advance of oil companies that affects the ecosystem of the National Park Yasuni.)*
The question is:
– *What animals does the Peregrine Fund of Panama protect?*
The answer will be:
– **El Fondo Peregrino de Panamá protege a las aves arpĂas, especialmente el águila arpĂa, quien es el ave nacional de Panamá.** *(The Panama Peregrine Fund protects harpy birds, especially the harpy eagle, which is the national bird of Panama.)*
The question is:
– *What is Greenpeace looking for with the campaign against transgenics?*
The answer will be:
– **Greenpeace busca que el gobierno de Chile oblique a las empresas alimenticias a identificar a aquellos alimentos que usen ingredientes transgĂ©nicos.** *(Greenpeace wants the Chilean government to force food companies to identify those foods that use transgenic ingredients.)*
The question is:
– *In your opinion, what does Ramon Margalef mean when he says that man is a problem for the biosphere?*
The answer will be:
– **RamĂłn se refiere a que la acciĂłn del hombre ha afectado el hábitat y ecosistema de muchas especies y perjudica a su propio planeta y subsistencia.** *(Ramon refers to the fact that man’s action has affected the habitat and ecosystem of many species and harms his planet and subsistence.)*
– *Are you concerned about the pollution of the sea? Do you think you have a habit in your daily life that damages our seas? Are you willing to change your lifestyle to keep the seas unpolluted? What would they change?*
– **La contaminaciĂłn de los mares debe ser un problema que preocupe a todas las personas.** *(Pollution of the seas must be a problem that concerns everyone.)*
– **A travĂ©s de las aguas residuales y desechos que llegan a los mares como plásticos, la fauna marina los puede consumir y se va pasando en la cadena alimenticia. Puede representar un riesgo para las personas que consumen perscados o productos marinos.** *(Through sewage and waste that reaches the seas as plastics, marine fauna can consume them and pass through the food chain. It can represent a risk for people who consume fish or seafood.)*