All Solutions
Page 319: Vocabulario B
|parque de diversiones *(amusement park)* |acuario *(aquarium)* |museo *(museum)* |
|autitos chocadores *(bumper cars)* |zoolĂłgico *(the zoo)*|biblioteca *(library)* |
More solutions are possible, so use the ones below as a reference.
1. **Hello, how are you mrs.?**
*(¿**Alo, cómo está señora**?)*
2. **Can** I talk to Tomás?
*(Âż**Puedo** hablar …?)*
3. Just a moment, let me see… no, he **is not** here.
*(… no, Ă©l no **está**.)*
4. **What a pity!**
*(**Qué pena! / Qué triste!**)*
5. I want to know if he **would like to / wants** go to an amusement park.
*(ÂżQuiero saber si **le gustarĂa / quiere** ir …?)*
6. Yo pienso que **le gustarĂa / quiere ir**.
*(I think that he **would like / wants** to go.)*
More answers are possible, so use the model answers below as a reference.
The first blank could be *” amusement park” (**un parque de diversion**).*
The second blank could be *”to go to the zoo” (**ir al zoolĂłgico**).*
We could put *”animals” (**los animals**)* in the first blank, and *”to go to a museum” (**ir al museo**)* in the second.
We can put *”the Ferris wheel” (**la vuelta al mundo**)* in the first blank, and *”to go to the aquarium” (**ir al acuario**).*