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Page 235: Leer B
– compartir los quehaceres – share house chores
– limpiar el cuarto – clean/tidy up the room
– hacer la cama – make the bed
– pasar la aspiradora – vacuum
– sacar la basura – take out the trash
– limpiar los zapatos – clean the shoes
Verbs *”deben” (should)* and *”necesitar” (need to)* will be conjugated in accordance with the person and number of the subject.
(The family should help (with house chores.))
(The kids should clean their room and need to make their beds.)
(For the carpets, the family should vacuum once a week.)
(Before entering the house, the shoes need to be cleaned.)
1. …aydar.
2. …deben limpiar sus cuartos y necesitan hacer sus camas.
3. …debe pasar la aspiradora una vez por semana.
4. …necesitan estar limpios.
Do you think it is important for a family to share chores? Why?
– Pienso que es importante para una familia que compartan los quehaceres porque todos deben tener responsabilidades y mantener la casa limpia.
(I think it is important for a family to share chores because everyone should have responsibilities and keep the house clean.)