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Section 7.2: Strengthening Family Relationships
2. Listen to each other
3. Show empathy
2. Changes in family circumstances
2. Separation and Divorce
3. Remarriage
4. Death of a family member
$textbf{Sole custody}$ – the child will have to choose only one parent to stay with and this is difficult if the child is close to both parents.
$textbf{Joint custody}$ – traveling back and forth from one parent to another may be difficult for the child.
$textit{Negative event}$ – separation or divorce of parents.
Both events are difficult to adjust to and can add stress to a teen. Having someone to confide to is very helpful in situations you are not able to talk to your parents. But it is still the best to talk about your emotions to your family members.
1. Talk to one of your parents about the situation
2. Talk to friends about the additional member
3. Help with the chores as it focuses your attention elsewhere
4. Have relaxation once in a while
5. Find a part-time job to help with the finances as it also is an added experience