Glencoe Health
Glencoe Health
1st Edition
McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9780078913280
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Page 586: Chapter 21 Assessment

Exercise 1
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Alcohol intoxication is a condition that is associated with excessive alcohol consumption in a short period of time which significantly reduces the physical and psychological control of a person.
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Exercise 2
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Binge drinking is a dangerous habit of excessive alcohol consumption (drinking 5 or more) in a single session that yields more than 0.08% blood alcohol concentration.
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Binge drinking
Exercise 3
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Alcohol poisoning occurs when there is a high concentration of alcohol in the person’s blood which could potentially cause fatal responses to the central nervous system.
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Alcohol poisoning
Exercise 4
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Alcohol consumption can cause physical and mental health consequences. Alcohol can pose a threat to the person’s cardiovascular, digestive, hepatic, and central nervous systems. The short-term effects of alcohol consumption include impaired judgment and coordination, arrhythmia, liver inflammation, increased production of stomach acid, and pancreatitis.
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B. Vision is impaired
Exercise 5
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The factors that affect the influence of alcohol are the body mass, the gender of the person, the food taken by the person, the rate and amount of alcohol intake, and the medications that can interfere with alcohol. Having a smaller body mass can lead to an increased intensity and onset of alcohol absorption in the body. Gender is also a factor since females tend to have a smaller body mass than males, which causes a higher rate of alcohol absorption among females. Moreover, foods can influence the effect of alcohol by slowing down the metabolism and absorption rate of alcohol into the bloodstream.
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A. A small female who has not eaten
Exercise 6
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Chronic and excessive consumption of alcohol can damage the central nervous system and other organs in the body. The potential long-term effects of alcohol consumption include brain damage, myocardial infarction, stroke, fat buildup in the liver, liver damage, ulcer, stomach cancer, and pancreatic damage.
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A. A heart attack
Exercise 7
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Alcohol consumption among teenagers alters their physical and psychological capabilities. Teens who drink alcohol will have a higher risk of being injured or dead due to alcohol-related accidents and involved in violent crimes like assault. These teens also endanger their selves because of their impaired decision-making capability. Having impaired judgment could lead to wrong decisions that affect their values in life, and the risk to contract STD. Their actions would affect not only their health but also their social life.
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Teens who drink have a higher risk of being involved in accidents, violent crimes, and the spread of STDs because of the physiological and psychological effects of alcohol, such as impaired judgment and slow reflexes.
Exercise 8
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Antihistamine, also known as anti-allergy, is a classification of drugs that inhibit the release and effect of histamines—causes inflammatory response—when there are allergens in the body. There are antihistamine medications that cause drowsiness which makes the person sleepy and lethargic. On the other hand, alcohol is a substance that induces sedative effects, such as sleepiness. Therefore, a combination of alcohol and antihistamine is dangerous, especially when the person is going to drive because this combination will induce an intensified feeling of drowsiness.
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Terry’s decision to take antihistamine and alcohol is not a safe behavior, because alcohol has sedative effects that would contribute and intensify the drowsiness effect of the antihistamines.
Exercise 9
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Chronic and excessive consumption of alcohol can increase the risk of having alcohol-related conditions that affect the brain, heart, liver, stomach, and pancreas. When alcohol is consumed, it will be absorbed and metabolized from the stomach and intestines to the bloodstream and will be distributed to the liver and other organs in the body, until it reaches the brain. Alcohol decreases the size of the hippocampus—the part in the brain’s temporal lobe which is responsible for storing memory and learning. It also affects the neurotransmitters in the brain, such as GABA, through inhibiting and/or mimicking their effects, and it can damage the brain cells. After years of excessive drinking, the person could develop thiamine deficiency that could lead to Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome that has the symptoms of impaired learning capabilities, muscle coordination difficulties, and confusion.
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Chronic and excessive drinking can affect the brain by decreasing the size of the hippocampus, inhibiting and mimicking the effects of the neurotransmitters in the brain, and developing vitamin deficiency that affects the brain’s function.
Exercise 10
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People who experience alcohol intoxication can have the possible consequences of impaired judgment, slow reflexes, and reduced ability to control their actions. People who do not remember the things that they have done when they’re drunk are experiencing alcohol-related blackouts—caused by temporary inhibition of the function of the hippocampus which affects the brain’s memory consolidation—the process where the short-term memory is transferred to the long-term memory.
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Dana has a drinking problem because he experiences alcohol-related blackouts causing him to forget the things he had done when he is intoxicated.
Exercise 11
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The blood alcohol concentration of a person constantly increases even though the person stops drinking alcohol or has been unconscious because the consumed alcohol is continuously being metabolized and distributed into the bloodstream which could endanger the person’s life. Alcohol poisoning can cause vomiting, reduced respiration rate, irregular heart rate, and hypothermia which could lead to the person having seizures that could cause coma or even death. Therefore, if someone is experiencing alcohol poisoning, don’t leave them and you should place that person upright or in a Bacchus Maneuver position in order to prevent choking from their vomit. Call 911 and tell the dispatcher the information that is important.
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Leaving someone who is experiencing alcohol poisoning could endanger their life because they could experience seizures that might lead to coma and even death. So if you encountered someone with this condition, immediately call 911 and place the person upright or in a Bacchus Maneuver position.
Exercise 12
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Alcohol abuse is the maladaptive behavior of chronic and excessive alcohol consumption that could affect the person’s health and life. Teenagers who live with a family member that abuses alcohol could experience physical and psychological problems due to abuse and being neglected. They also tend to isolate their selves among other people and experience economic hardships because instead of allotting money for their needs, the family member who abuses alcohol used it in buying liquors.
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Alcohol abuse
Exercise 13
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Physiological dependence is a condition that occurs when a person repetitively consumed an addictive substance that leads to the person’s dependence on consuming that specific substance.
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Physiological dependence
Exercise 14
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Alcoholism is the condition of being physiologically and psychologically dependent on consuming drinks that contains alcohol.
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Exercise 15
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Psychological dependence is the condition that involves the emotional and mental behavior of the person when consuming addictive substances, despite their harmful effects.
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Psychological dependence
Exercise 16
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The factors that influence alcohol use among teenagers includes negative peer pressure—friends who encourage them to drink, not having the guidance of their family, and the influence of the media, especially social media because it only allows people to see the wonderful side of alcohol consumption and not its health consequences.
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C. Having parents who disapprove of alcohol use.
Exercise 17
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The possible consequences of the high-risk behaviors associated with alcohol consumption include having physical injuries and death due to alcohol-related accidents, involvement in violent crimes, such as assault, and having impaired decision-making abilities that could affect a person’s morals and values.
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D. Improved job prospects
Exercise 18
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The benefits of remaining alcohol-free include having a reduced risk of being involved in alcohol-related accidents and violent crimes, such as robbery. Staying alcohol-free also reduces the risk of having impaired judgment that could result in doing things that may compromise a person’s morality.
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A. Decreased likelihood of getting a sexually transmitted disease
Exercise 19
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In order to remain alcohol-free, people must learn how to effectively refuse in a situation where alcohol is present and their peers are insisting on the use of alcohol. They could also avoid social gatherings and events that involved serving alcoholic drinks. Additionally, they could choose to plan parties or events that do not involve liquors.
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C. Attending parties with people who use alcohol
Exercise 20
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Chronic and excessive consumption of alcohol poses threat to people’s life and health. Adult drinkers have the tendency to have fatty liver disease—a condition caused by the buildup of fats in the liver, stomach cancer, and ulcer—occurs when the lining of the stomach is damaged, pancreatitis—inflammation of the pancreas, and cardiovascular diseases. Adult drinkers can also influence teenagers to drink alcohol.
Alcohol consumption during adolescence can affect the physiological and psychological development of the teenager. Teens are at high risk of having a damaged hippocampus—a part of the temporal lobe responsible for the regulation of one’s emotion, behavior, memory, and abilities to learn. Drinking alcohol can also increase the risk of developing mental health problems among teenagers, and poor impulse control that could cause violent episodes and dangerous sexual behavior.
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Adult drinkers can develop fatty liver disease, ulcers, stomach cancer, pancreatitis, and cardiovascular diseases because of chronic and excessive alcohol consumption. While underage drinking can damage the hippocampus and increase the risk of having mental health problems and poor impulse control among teenagers.
Exercise 21
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Alcohol companies sponsor community events and music festivals as the means of advertising and marketing their alcoholic products because nowadays, a lot of people are attending music festivals, and sponsoring such events have been the best way to influence the preference of the people and to promote their alcoholic products, rather than advertising through banners, billboards, and other traditional forms of advertisements. During the event, these companies show the people that drinking alcohol will make their experience in these events more fun and interesting.
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Alcohol companies sell their products through sponsoring community events and music festivals because it has been the best way to influence people’s preference in alcoholic products since a lot of people are attending these events.
Exercise 22
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Underage alcohol consumption affects not only the health of the teenager but also the community. Teenage alcohol consumption can lead to an impulsive decision that could pose danger to the community, such as drunk driving that has the possibility to cause alcohol-related accidents that could lead to damaging properties, physical injuries, and even death among the people who are involved. Teenagers who drink alcohol also have the tendency to be involved in violent crimes, such as physical assault due to misunderstandings. And lastly, teens are also at risk of doing impulsive things that could affect their lives and society, like being infected with STDs and spreading the disease due to unprotected sexual activities.
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Teenage alcohol consumption affects that community through their impulsive decisions that could lead to alcohol-related accidents, involvement in violent crimes, and the spread of STDs.
Exercise 23
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Living alcohol-free will beneficial, especially during adolescence—where the physical and psychological developments of a teenager happen. Alcohol-free teenagers tend to achieve their long-term goals than the teens who consume alcohol because they will be able to preserve their health and have a reduced risk of developing alcohol-related health complications. Also, their physiological and psychological developments wouldn’t be compromised by alcohol use, making them have the opportunity to reduce the instances of making wrong decisions and instead, be focused on learning the things that would help them achieve their goals.
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Alcohol-free teens are more likely to achieve their long-term goals than the teens who use alcohol because they have a reduced risk of having alcohol-related health complications and their physical and psychological development would not be affected by alcohol, making them focus more on achieving their goals.
Exercise 24
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Aside from avoiding social gatherings and events that serve alcohol, there are other strategies that would be helpful in avoiding alcohol use. When someone is offering you an alcoholic drink, effectively use your refusal skills, and immediately call someone whom you trusted and ask for a ride home. Or better yet, plan social gatherings and activities that do not involve alcohol use.
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Avoiding gatherings where alcohol is present is the best way to stay alcohol-free because you will be able to prevent encountering a situation where someone is pressuring you to drink alcohol.
Exercise 25
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Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a group of alcohol-related conditions that include behavioral, physical, and psychological development problems that develop in a fetus when their mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy.
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Fetal alcohol syndrome
Exercise 26
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Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is the percentage of the alcohol concentration in the bloodstream of a person.
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Blood alcohol concentration (BAC)
Exercise 27
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An alcoholic is a person who developed a physical and psychological dependence on the use of alcohol.
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Exercise 28
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0.08 percent is the acceptable limit of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) when an adult driver decided to drive after drinking alcohol. If the BAC of the driver is 0.08% or more, the driver will be charged for drunk driving.
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D. 0.08%
Exercise 29
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If a person is caught driving under the influence of alcohol, his driver’s license could be confiscated, and he would lose his driving privileges. A possible lawsuit could be filed against him and he could be arrested because of drunk driving. Lastly, his insurance policy could also be canceled.
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D. There will be no penalty
Exercise 30
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Fetal alcohol syndrome is the classification of alcohol-related birth conditions due to the alcohol consumption of the mother during pregnancy. FAS causes facial deformities, physical and psychological development problems, such as anxiety, learning disabilities, and organ damages.
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D. All of the above
Exercise 31
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The stages of alcoholism include alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, and alcohol addiction. Alcohol abuse is the maladaptive behavior of immoderate consumption of alcohol. Constant alcohol abuse leads to alcohol dependence—in which the body of the alcoholic developed a physical and psychological dependence on the effects of alcohol. The dependence will eventually lead to addiction. Alcohol addiction is the final stage of alcoholism, it is a condition where the person continuously consumes alcohol even though his life is being affected by the physical and psychological health consequences of alcohol consumption.
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B. Going through detoxification
Exercise 32
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Alcohol, a central nervous system depressant, is produced by the yeast fermentation of sugars. The sedative effects of alcohol made it risky to drive after alcohol consumption because alcohol mimics the inhibition effect of GABA—a neurotransmitter that is responsible for the sedation and depression of the central nervous system. Alcohol affects the attention, behavior, cognition, judgment, reflexes, vigilance, and vision of a person which could increase the possibility of being involved in driving-related accidents.
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The effects of alcohol that make it risky to drive after drinking are the attention, behavior, cognition, judgment, reflexes, vigilance, and vision alterations which increases the possibility of being involved in accidents.
Exercise 33
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Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a group of alcohol-related birth conditions caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy that affects the physical and psychological development of the fetus. The fetus will endure severe and long-lasting effects of fetal alcohol syndrome which include facial and extremity deformities, hearing and vision impairment, organ defects—especially the heart, kidney, and liver, central nervous system problems that affect cognition and brain development, and mental health problems. Moreover, drinking during pregnancy could also lead to miscarriage and fetal death.
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Jacob should inform her mother that drinking alcohol during pregnancy can affect the fetus’ development and increases the risk of developing fetal alcohol syndrome.
Exercise 34
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An alcoholic is a person who developed a physiological and psychological dependence on alcohol consumption. There are several factors that could increase one’s likelihood of becoming an alcoholic. There are scientific studies that indicate that alcoholism could be partially due to genetics.
Moreover, teenagers who are exposed to alcohol abuse within their homes are most likely to drink alcohol at a very young age. Alcohol consumption during adolescence has increased the risk of developing alcohol dependence than those who started during adulthood.
In addition, family and friends who drink alcohol, and negative peer pressure can encourage alcohol consumption among teenagers that could lead to alcohol dependence. And lastly, there are mental health factors that could contribute to alcoholism, such as anxiety, depression, and stress.
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The factors that increase one’s likelihood of becoming an alcoholic are genetics, exposure to alcohol abuse and alcoholics, alcohol consumption during adolescence, peer pressure, and mental health problems.
Exercise 35
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There are several resources and programs that support and guide alcoholics and their families and friends. There are alcoholism research organizations that include the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, American Society of Addiction Medicine, American Psychological Association, Anxiety and Depression Association of America, National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors, and National Association of Social Workers.

Alcoholics can also join support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Moderation Management, Secular Organizations for Sobriety, SMART Recovery, and Women for Sobriety.
There are also support groups for the families and friends of the alcoholic and these include Al-Anon Family Groups, Adult Children of Alcoholics, and National Association for Children of Alcoholics.
There are organizations and other resources that provide information with regards alcoholism which includes the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute of Mental Health, National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Students Against Destructive Decisions, and National Drugs and Alcohol Treatment Referral Routing.

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In order for Jesse to find help, she should search for support groups and other resources that help alcoholics to recover from alcohol dependence.
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