Glencoe Health
Glencoe Health
1st Edition
McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9780078913280
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Section 20.2: Choosing to Live Tobacco-Free

Exercise 1
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Awareness regarding the harmful effects of smoking cigarette have been a great part of reducing the tobacco use among teenagers. Teenagers are now taking a step towards avoiding the usage of tobacco products with the guidance of other people and through complying with No-smoking policies. Parents have a significant role in preventing their children from smoking cigarettes through being their role models. Also, it is most likely to avoid tobacco use if the teenager’s friends do not smoke as well. No-smoking policies, especially in school, together with the guidance and supervision of the teachers also present a positive feedback against smoking. And lastly, teenagers are now well aware about the health risks of tobacco use. This health risks includes heart and lung diseases.
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The four reasons that smoking among teens is on a downward trend includes family values, positive peer pressure, health risks and the No-smoking policies.
Exercise 2
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Smoking cigarettes pose various health risks that endangers a person’s life, will it be short-term or long-term. Also, smoking can be harmful for other people’s life because of secondhand smoking. People who are exposed to cigarette smoke can develop diseases, such as COPD and Coronary Heart Disease, and exposure can also weaken the person’s immune system. Therefore, you should tell your friend to quit smoking and let his body heal from the damages caused by the tobacco products. Living tobacco-free will lessen the possibility to acquire respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. It would strengthen their immune system while improving their health through exercising and consuming healthy foods. Being tobacco-free also improve the emotional, social and psychological well-being of a person because of the freedom they will obtain from not being dependent on addictive drugs which may lessen stress from possible health complications. In order to quit smoking and live tobacco-freee, they will just have to surround their selves with people who will encourage them to stop smoking and will be with them throughout the process of quitting. They should stay away from people who will constantly encourage them to keep using tobacco products. And lastly, they should learn how to refuse when someone forced and pressured them in smoking.
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The three reasons to convince your friend to quit smoking are through informing them regarding the health risks caused by tobacco, benefits of being tobacco-free and give them strategies to stop smoking.
Exercise 3
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Nicotine substitutes are essential in being tobacco-free. Nicotine replacement therapy includes nicotine patch, lozenges, gum and even nasal spray. People uses nicotine substitute in order to reduce the physical symptoms they are experiencing because of their abrupt nicotine withdrawal. The body have been dependent on nicotine for a long-term use of tobacco, therefore, a sudden quitting in smoking results in withdrawal symptoms.
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People use nicotine substitute when quitting smoking to manage their nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
Exercise 4
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Staying tobacco-free benefits someone’s health because it improves the emotional, physical, psychological and social well-being of the person. Emotional and Psychological health is being improved because there will be decreased stress levels from thinking about the possible health conditions a person may acquire with smoking cigarettes and there will be a sense of freedom from being dependent on a substance. Being tobacco-free provides better physical health because the immune system will have the time to recover and this will prevent acquiring diseases. Socially, living tobacco-free will give you self-esteem to be around other people because you do not need to worry about having yellow teeth, bad breath and odor.
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Staying tobacco-free benefits one’s health through improving the emotional, psychological and social well-being of a person and through having a less chance of having life-threatening diseases.
Exercise 5
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Teenagers are aware that constant smoking causes health complications, however, even though they have the knowledge about that matter, some of them still chooses to smoke cigarettes. The media influences teenagers’ way of thinking regarding tobacco use with the means of having advertisements that kind of characterized smoking as an awesome and energetic thing to do. Most often, advertisements are giving false information to the public, or some would not include the health hazzards of tobacco in order for their products to be popular and be purchased by the consumers. These really affects how teenagers perceive smoking, because these advertisements might give them misconceptions about smoking which may negate the possible health risks that underlies in tobacco use.
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Media influences teens to use tobacco products through advertisements that leads to misinformation and advertisements that do not include health hazzards of tobacco use.
Exercise 6
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During the school’s break time, a guy is walking along the hallway towards the cafeteria, when his friend approached him and asked him to hangout after class.
Friend: Hey, bro! Let’s hangout in my house after classes. I will let you try my new e-cigarette. It is better than the normal cigarette because it doesn’t lead to health complications. You just have to try it!

Possible Refusal 1: I’m sorry, bro. But I have a group study after class. I am having a hard time catching up with my subjects.
Possible Refusal 2: Bro, I can’t hangout later. I have other plans with my parents. I need to be going home after class.
Possible Refusal 3: I’m sorry, bro. I hate to offend you but I have to be honest with you. I don’t want to try smoking cigarettes, even e-cigarettes, because I am aware that both of them have health risks and I don’t wanna suffer from life-threatening diseases when I get old. I want to live a quality life. I hope you’ll understand.

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Scenario of teenager being pressured to use tobacco with three refusal statements
Exercise 7
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The winter season is around the corner. The skies’ turning dark, while the stars’ turning bright. The breeze of the cold winter weather brushes through my cheeks as I walked along the lit pavements of the famous Central Park in Manhattan, New York City. Before I would forget, let me introduce myself, my name is Alex. I am a professional writer with a contract with a well-known publishing company in New York. In order for me to construct possible inspirations for my book’s concept, I wander around the city of New York. Wandering, traveling and smoking helped me visualize the flow of the story that I wanted for the book. However, as I was having a conversation with my doctor awhile ago, I learned that I have acquired Chronic Bronchitis from my smoking habits. The doctor warned me that I should quit smoking cigarettes, in order to prevent possible development of lung cancer and other health conditions. Smoking also weakened my immune system, making me vulnerable to different diseases. And the doctor also informed me that having health complications due to smoking can cause emotional stress and anxiety. However, even though I am aware about these consequences, I can’t stop myself from the urge to smoke again and I am also experiencing headaches, dizziness, anxiety, depression and insomnia. After having difficulties in maintaining my tobacco-free life, I went to see my doctor for a follow-up. He informed me that I am having the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and he prescribed me a nicotine patch that would help me in recovering from the withdrawal. He also informed me the proper use of the nicotine patch. Slowly, as the dosage strength of the patch decreases and until the last day of having to use a nicotine patch, I can picture a quality life of mine where I do not have to worry about having life-threatening health conditions. I also joined a support group and they helped me fully recover and it improves my mental and emotional health. After this journey, I have learned that smoking tobacco hinders you to live a good, healthy life. A tobacco-free life is necessary for someone’s peace of mind in the future.
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Short story about quitting smoking
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