Nelson Functions 11
Nelson Functions 11
1st Edition
Chris Kirkpatrick, Marian Small
ISBN: 9780176332037
Textbook solutions

All Solutions

Section 7-2: Geometric Sequences

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 6
$bold{Identifying;Geometric;Sequence}$ A given sequence

$t_1,;t_2,;t_3;t_4…$ is a geometric sequence if


In this case, $r$ is called the $bold{common;ratio}$

Step 2
2 of 6
a.) $dfrac{26}{15}neq dfrac{37}{26}neq dfrac{48}{37}$

$therefore$ not geometric sequence

Step 3
3 of 6
$dfrac{15}{5}=3$ , $dfrac{45}{15}=3$, $dfrac{135}{45}=3$

$therefore$ geometric sequence

Step 4
4 of 6
c.) $dfrac{9}{3}=3$ , $dfrac{81}{9}=3$ ; $dfrac{6561}{81}=3$

$therefore$ geometric sequence

Step 5
5 of 6
d.) $dfrac{3000}{6000}=dfrac{1}{2}$ , $dfrac{1500}{3000}=dfrac{1}{2}$ , $dfrac{750}{1500}=dfrac{1}{2}$ , $dfrac{375}{750}=dfrac{1}{2}$

$therefore$ geometric sequence

6 of 6
a.) not geometric sequence

b.) geometric sequence

c.) geometric sequence

d.) geometric sequence

Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 5
$bold{General;Term;of;Geometric;Sequence}$ The general term of a geometric sequence with first term $t_1$ and common ratio $r$ is

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

$bold{Recursive;Formula;of;Geometric;Sequence}$ The recursive formula of geometric sequence is

$t_1 ;;, ;;t_n=t_{n-1}cdot r$ where $n>1$

Step 2
2 of 5
a.) $r=dfrac{36}{9}=4$ and $t_1=9$

General Term: $t_n=9cdot 4^{n-1}$

Recursive Formula: $t_1=9$ , $t_n=4cdot t_{n_1}$ where $n>1$

Step 3
3 of 5
b.) $r=dfrac{1250}{625}=2$ and $t_1=625$

General Term: $t_n=625cdot 2^{n-1}$

Recursive Formula: $t_1=625$ , $t_n=2cdot t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

Step 4
4 of 5
c.) $r=dfrac{6750}{10125}=dfrac{2}{3}$ and $t_1=10125$

General Term: $t_n=10125cdot left( dfrac{2}{3}right)^{n-1}$

Recursive Formula: $t_1=10125$ , $t_n=dfrac{2}{3}cdot t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

5 of 5
a.) $t_n=9cdot 4^{n-1}$

b.) $t_n=625cdot 2^{n-1}$

c.) $t_n=10125cdot left(dfrac{2}{3}right)^{n-1}$

Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 2
Remember that for geometric sequence $r=dfrac{t_n}{t_{n-1}}$

Thus, $r=dfrac{t_{32}}{t_{31}}=dfrac{1107}{123}=9$

To obtain $t_{33}$

$t_n=rcdot t_{n-1}$

t_{33}=rcdot t_{32}=9cdot 1107=9963

2 of 2
Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 3
$bold{General;Term;of;Geometric;Sequence}$ The general term of a geometric sequence with first term $t_1$ and common ratio $r$ is

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

Step 2
2 of 3
{text{Remember that for geometric sequence, }}r = frac{{{t_n}}}{{{t_{n – 1}}}} hfill \
{text{In this case, }}r = frac{{302,330,880}}{{1,813,985,280}} = frac{1}{6},,{text{and }}{t_1} = 1,813,985,280 hfill \
{text{The general term is therefore}} hfill \
{t_n} = 1,813,985,280{left( {frac{1}{6}} right)^{n – 1}} hfill \
{text{which means the 1}}{{text{0}}^{th}}{text{term is}} hfill \
{t_{10}} = 1,813,985,280{left( {frac{1}{6}} right)^{10 – 1}} = 180 hfill \
boxed{{t_{10}} = 180} hfill \
end{gathered} ]
3 of 3
Exercise 5
Step 1
1 of 8
$bold{Identifying;Geometric;Sequence:}$ A given sequence $t_1,;t_2,;t_3,;t_4…$ is geometric if


$bold{General;Term;of;Geometric;Sequence:}$ The general term of a geometric sequence with first term $t_1$ and common ratio $r$ is

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

$bold{Recursive;Formula;of;Geometric;Sequence:}$ The recursive formula of geometric sequence is

$t_1 ;;, ;;t_n=t_{n-1}cdot r$ where $n>1$

Step 2
2 of 8
a.) $r=dfrac{24}{12}=2$ and $t_1=12$

General Term: $t_n=12cdot 2^{n-1}$

Recursive Formula: $t_1=12$ , $t_n=2cdot t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

Step 3
3 of 8
b.) Since the ratio between consecutive terms is not identical, the sequence is NOT geometric sequence.
Step 4
4 of 8
c.) Since the ratio between consecutive terms is not identical, the sequence is NOT geometric sequence.
Step 5
5 of 8
d.) $r=-dfrac{15}{5}=-3$ and $t_1=5$

General Term: $t_n=5cdot(-3)^{n-1}$

Recursive Formula: $t_1=5$ , $t_n=(-3)cdot t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

Step 6
6 of 8
e.) Since the ratio between consecutive terms is not identical, the sequence is NOT geometric sequence.
Step 7
7 of 8
f.) $r=-dfrac{50}{125}=dfrac{2}{5}$ and $t_1=125$

General Term: $t_n=125cdotleft(dfrac{2}{5}right)^{n-1}$

Recursive Formula: $t_1=125$ , $t_n=dfrac{2}{5}cdot t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

8 of 8
a,) $t_n=12cdot 2^{n-1}$

b.) not geometric sequence

c.) not geometric sequence

d.) $t_n=5cdot (-3)^{n-1}$

e.) not geometric sequence

f.) $t_n=125cdot left(dfrac{2}{5}right)^{n-1}$

Exercise 6
Step 1
1 of 8
$bold{Identifying;Geometric;Sequence:}$ A given sequence $t_1,;t_2,;t_3,;t_4…$ is geometric if


$bold{General;Term;of;Geometric;Sequence:}$ The general term of a geometric sequence with first term $t_1$ and common ratio $r$ is

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

$bold{Recursive;Formula;of;Geometric;Sequence:}$ The recursive formula of geometric sequence is

$t_1 ;;, ;;t_n=t_{n-1}cdot r$ where $n>1$

Step 2
2 of 8
a.) $r=dfrac{20}{4}=5$ and $t_1=4$

General Term: $t_n=4cdot 5^{n-1}$

Recursive Formula: $t_1=4$ , $t_n=5cdot t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

Sixth term: $t_6=4cdot(5)^{6-1}=12;500$

Step 3
3 of 8
b.) $r=dfrac{-22}{-11}=2$ and $t_1=-11$

General Term: $t_n=(-11)cdot 2^{n-1}$

Recursive Formula: $t_1=-11$ , $t_n=2cdot t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

Sixth term: $t_6=(-11)cdot 2^{6-1}=-352$

Step 4
4 of 8
c.) $r=-dfrac{60}{15}=-4$ and $t_1=15$

General Term: $t_n=(15)cdot (-4)^{n-1}$

Recursive Formula: $t_1=15$ , $t_n=(-4)cdot t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

Sixth term: $t_6=(15)cdot (-4)^{6-1}=-15;360$

Step 5
5 of 8
d.) $r=dfrac{448}{896}=dfrac{1}{2}$ and $t_1=896$

General Term: $t_n=(896)cdot left(dfrac{1}{2}right)^{n-1}$

Recursive Formula: $t_1=896$ , $t_n=dfrac{1}{2}cdot t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

Sixth term: $t_6=(896)cdot left(dfrac{1}{2}right)^{6-1}=28$

Step 6
6 of 8
e.) $r=dfrac{2}{6}=dfrac{1}{3}$ and $t_1=6$

General Term: $t_n=(6)cdot left(dfrac{1}{3}right)^{n-1}$

Recursive Formula: $t_1=6$ , $t_n=dfrac{1}{3}cdot t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

Sixth term: $t_6=(6)cdot left(dfrac{1}{3}right)^{6-1}=dfrac{2}{81}$

Step 7
7 of 8
f.) $r=dfrac{0.2}{1}=0.2$ and $t_1=1$

General Term: $t_n=(1)cdot (0.2)^{n-1}$

Recursive Formula: $t_1=1$ , $t_n=0.2cdot t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

Sixth term: $t_6=(1)cdot left(0.2right)^{6-1}=dfrac{32}{100;000}$

8 of 8
a.) 12 500

b.) -352

c.) -15 360

d.) 28

e.) $dfrac{2}{81}$

f.) $dfrac{32}{100;000}$

Exercise 7
Step 1
1 of 8

For a given sequence $t_1,;t_2,;t_3,;t_4…$

$dfrac{t_2}{t_1}=dfrac{t_3}{t_2}=dfrac{t_4}{t_3}=r implies$ geometric sequence

$t_2-t_1=t_3-t_2=t_4-t_3=dimplies$ arithmetic sequence


geometric : $t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

arithmetic: $t_n=t_1+(n-1)d$


geometric: $t_1 ;;, ;;t_n=t_{n-1}cdot r$ where $n>1$

arithmetic: $t_1 ;,; t_n=t_{n-1}+d$ where $n>1$

Step 2
2 of 8
The difference between consecutive terms is constant, thus, it is arithmetic sequence.

$t_1=9$ , $d=4$

General Term: $t_n=9+(n-1)d=4n+5$

Step 3
3 of 8
b.) The ratio between consecutive terms is constant, thus, it is geometric sequence.

$t_1=7$ , $r=-3$

General Term: $t_n=7cdot (-3)^{n-1}$

Step 4
4 of 8
c.) The ratio between consecutive terms is constant, thus, it is geometric sequence.

$t_1=18$ , $r=-1$

General Term: $t_n=18cdot (-1)^{n-1}$

Step 5
5 of 8
d.) Neither the ratio nor the difference is constant for consecutive terms. Hence, it is $bold{neither;geometric;nor;arithmetic}$
Step 6
6 of 8
The difference between consecutive terms is constant, thus, it is arithmetic sequence.

$t_1=29$ , $d=-10$

General Term: $t_n=29+(n-1)(-10)=39-10n$

Step 7
7 of 8
f.) The ratio between consecutive terms is constant, thus, it is geometric sequence.

$t_1=128$ , $r=dfrac{3}{4}$

General Term: $t_n=128cdot left( dfrac{3}{4}right)^{n-1}$

8 of 8
a.) 12 500

b.) -352

c.) -15 360

d.) 28

e.) $dfrac{2}{81}$

f.) $dfrac{32}{100;000}$

Exercise 8
Step 1
1 of 6
$bold{Identifying;Geometric;Sequence:}$ A given sequence $t_1,;t_2,;t_3,;t_4…$ is geometric if


$bold{General;Term;of;Geometric;Sequence:}$ The general term of a geometric sequence with first term $t_1$ and common ratio $r$ is

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

$bold{Recursive;Formula;of;Geometric;Sequence:}$ The recursive formula of geometric sequence is

$t_1 ;;, ;;t_n=t_{n-1}cdot r$ where $n>1$

Step 2
2 of 6
a.) $r=5$ and $t_1=19$

Recursive fomula: $t_1=19$ , $t_n=5cdot t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

General term: $t_n=10cdot 5^{n-1}$

Step 3
3 of 6
b.) $r=-4$ and $t_1=-9$

Recursive formula: $t_1=-9$ , $t_n=-4t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

General term: $t_n=(-9)cdot (-4)^{n-1}$

Step 4
4 of 6
c.) $r=dfrac{1}{4}$ and $t_1=144$

Recursive formula: $t_1=144$ , $t_n=dfrac{t_{n-1}}{4}$ where $n>1$

General term: $t_n=144cdot left(dfrac{1}{4}right)^{n-1}$

Step 5
5 of 6
d.) $r=dfrac{1}{6}$ and $t_1=900$

Recursive formula: $t_1=900$ , $t_n=dfrac{1}{6}cdot t_{n-1}$ where $n>1$

General term: $t_n=900cdot left(dfrac{1}{6}right)^{n-1}$

6 of 6
a.) $t_n=10cdot 5^{n-1}$

b.) $t_n=(-9)cdot(-4)^{n-1}$

c.) $t_n=144cdot left(dfrac{1}{4}right)^{n-1}$

d.) $t_n=900cdot left(dfrac{1}{6}right)^{n-1}$

Exercise 9
Step 1
1 of 6
$bold{Recursive;Formula;of;Geometric;Sequence:}$ The recursive formula of geometric sequence is

$t_1 ;;, ;;t_n=t_{n-1}cdot r$ where $n>1$

Step 2
2 of 6
a.) In this case, $t_n=left(dfrac{2}{3}right)^{n-1}cdot t_{n-1}$

This means that the ratio between terms is NOT constant and varies as the value of $n$ increases. Thus, this is not a geometric sequence.

Step 3
3 of 6
b.) This is consistent with the recursive formula of geometric sequence with $t_1=-8$ and $r=-3$






Step 4
4 of 6
c.) This is consistent with the recursive formula of geometric sequence with $t_1=123$ and $r=dfrac{1}{3}$






Step 5
5 of 6
d.) In this case,



$t_3=4cdot t_1=40$

$t_4=4cdot t_2=4(2)=80$

$t_5=4cdot t_3=4(40)=160$

Notice the a common ratio of $r=2$ exists between consecutive terms, thus it must be geometric sequence.

The general term can be written as $t_n=10cdot 2^{n-1}=5cdot 2^n$

6 of 6
a.) not geometric sequence

b.) $-8$, $24$,$-72$, $216$, $-648$

c.) 123, 41, $dfrac{41}{3}$, $dfrac{41}{9}$, $dfrac{41}{27}$

d.) 10, 20, 40, 80, 160

Exercise 10
Step 1
1 of 8
$bold{Identifying;Geometric;Sequence:}$ A given sequence $t_1,;t_2,;t_3,;t_4…$ is geometric if


$bold{General;Term;of;Geometric;Sequence:}$ The general term of a geometric sequence with first term $t_1$ and common ratio $r$ is

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

$bold{Recursive;Formula;of;Geometric;Sequence:}$ The recursive formula of geometric sequence is

$t_1 ;;, ;;t_n=t_{n-1}cdot r$ where $n>1$

Step 2
2 of 8
a.) Notice that we can express $t_n=4^n$ as $t_n=4cdot 4^{n-1}$, which is the general term of geometric sequence with $t_1=4$, $r=4$.

The first 5 terms are:

$t_1=4cdot 4^0=4$

$t_2=4cdot 4^1=16$

$t_3=4cdot 4^2=64$

$t_4=4cdot 4^3=256$

$t_5=4cdot 4^4=1024$

Step 3
3 of 8
b.) Remember that for geometric sequence, it should be a discrete exponential function. Thus, it is NOT a geometric sequence.
Step 4
4 of 8
c.) Remember that for geometric sequence, it should be a discrete exponential function. Thus, it is NOT a geometric sequence.
Step 5
5 of 8
d.) Notice that we can express

$t_n=7cdot(-5)^{n-4}$ as $t_n=7(-5)^{-3}cdot (-5)^{n-1}=-dfrac{7}{125}cdot (-5)^{n-1}$

which is the general term of geometric sequence with $t_1=dfrac{7}{125}$ and $r=-5$.

The first 5 terms are:


$t_2=-dfrac{7}{125}cdot (-5)^{2-1}=dfrac{7}{25}$

$t_3=-dfrac{7}{125}cdot (-5)^{3-1}=-dfrac{7}{5}$

$t_4=-dfrac{7}{125}cdot (-5)^{4-1}=7$

$t_5=-dfrac{7}{125}cdot (-5)^{5-1}=-35$

Step 6
6 of 8
e.) Remember that for geometric sequence, it should be a discrete exponential function. Thus, it is NOT a geometric sequence.
Step 7
7 of 8
f.) Notice that we can express

$t_n=dfrac{11}{13^n}$ as $t_n=dfrac{11}{13}cdot left(dfrac{1}{13}right)^{n-1}$

which is the general term of geometric sequence with $t_1=dfrac{11}{13}$ and $r=dfrac{1}{13}$.

The first 5 terms are:


$t_2=dfrac{11}{13}cdot left( dfrac{1}{13}right)^{2-1}=dfrac{11}{169}$

$t_3=dfrac{11}{13}cdot left( dfrac{1}{13}right)^{3-1}=dfrac{11}{2197}$

$t_4=dfrac{11}{13}cdot left( dfrac{1}{13}right)^{4-1}=dfrac{11}{28;561}$

$t_5=dfrac{11}{13}cdot left( dfrac{1}{13}right)^{5-1}=dfrac{11}{371;293}$

8 of 8
a.) 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024

b.) not geometric sequence

c.) not geometric sequence

d.) $-dfrac{7}{125}, dfrac{7}{25}, -dfrac{7}{5}, 7, -35$

e.) not geometric sequence

f.) $dfrac{11}{13},;dfrac{11}{169},;dfrac{11}{2197},;dfrac{11}{28;561},;dfrac{11}{371;293}$

Exercise 11
Step 1
1 of 3
The general term of a geometric sequence,

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

Given that $t_8=360$ and $t_5=45$

$t_8=t_1cdot r^{8-1}$ and $t_5=t_1cdot r^{5-1}$

Take the ratio of the two equations.

$dfrac{t_8}{t_5}=dfrac{t_1cdot r^{8-1}}{t_1cdot r^{5-1}}$

$dfrac{360}{45}=8=r^3 implies r=2$

Now, the first term can be obtained as

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

45=t_1cdot (2)^{5-1}implies t_1=dfrac{45}{2^4}=dfrac{45}{16}

Step 2
2 of 3
To obtain the $20^{th}$ term,

t_{20}=dfrac{45}{16}cdot 2^{19}=1,474,560

3 of 3
Exercise 12
Step 1
1 of 2
Since the bacterial population gets multiplied by $dfrac{7680}{5120}=dfrac{3}{2}$ each observation, it can be modeled as a geometric sequence with $t_1=5120$ and $r=dfrac{3}{2}$.

We shall determine how many bacteria would be there at 9th observation, that is, $t_9$

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

$t_{9}=5120cdot left(dfrac{3}{2}right)^{9-1}$


2 of 2
$131,220$ bacteria
Exercise 13
Step 1
1 of 2
Sam’s investment of $$5;000$ is at $8%$ interest compounded annually, that means the account value gets multiplied by $1.08$ each year, thus, it can be modeled as a geometric sequence with $t_1=5000$ and $r=1.08$.

We shall determine how much would be there on the 10th year (i.e. after nine years), that is, $t_{10}$

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

$t_{10}=5;000cdot left(1.08right)^{10-1}$


2 of 2
Exercise 14
Step 1
1 of 3
a.) The bacterial population decreases by $10%$ each dose. Thus, on the first dose $t_1$, $90%$ of the bacteria remains, and each succeeding dose, it gets multiplied by $0.9$. This can be modeled by a geometric sequence with $t_1=90$ and $r=0.9$. Thus, after $4$ doses, the percentage of bacteria remaining is

t_4=90cdot (0.9)^{4-1}=65.61%

Step 2
2 of 3
b.) We shall determine how many doses is required to lower the population to $5%$. This means, we must find $n$ such that $t_n=5$

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

$5=90cdot (0.9)^{n-1}$

Notice that at

$n=28implies 90(0.9)^{28-1}=5.23$

$n=29implies 90(0.9)^{29-1}=4.71$

Thus, 29 doses are needed to get the bacterial population to not more than $5%$.

3 of 3
a.) $65.61%$

b.) $29$ doses

Exercise 15
Step 1
1 of 2
From the general term of geometric sequence,

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

If $j$ and $k$ are positive integers, we can find the relationship between $t_k$ and $t_j$ as

$t_j=t_1cdot r^{j-1}$

$t_k=t_1cdot r^{k-1}$

Taking the ratios of two equation


$t_j=t_kcdot r^{j-k}$

Therefore, if we want to find $t_j$ given a value of $t_k$, just multiply it with $r^{j-k}$.

Step 2
2 of 2
Applying this relationship, if we want to obtain

$t_8$ from $t_2$, multiply it with $r^{8-2}=r^6$.

To obtain $t_7$ from $t_5$ multiply it with $r^{7-5}=r^2$.

To obtain $t_{29}$ from $t_7$, multiply it by $r^{29-7}=r^{22}$

To obtain $t_{100}$ from $t_3$, multiply it by $r^{100-3}=r^{97}$

Exercise 16
Step 1
1 of 3
a.) The number of shaded triangles gets multiplied by 3 after each stage. Thus, we can model as a geometric sequence with $t_1=1$ and $r=3$.

We can obtain the number of shaded triangles at the $6^{th}$ stage as

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

t_6=1cdot 3^{6-1}=243

Step 2
2 of 3
b.) This time, the initial shaded area is 80 and the shaded area is multiplied by $dfrac{3}{4}$ after each stage. Thus, $r=dfrac{3}{4}$ and $t_1=80$.

We can obtain the shaded area at $20^{th}$ stage as

$t_{20}=80left(dfrac{3}{4}right)^{20-1}=0.338;$ cm$^2$

3 of 3
a.) 243

b.) 0.338 $cm^2$

Exercise 17
Step 1
1 of 1

(1) Both sequences can be expressed as a general term and a recursive formula.

(2) Both contain the expression $(n-1)$ in its standard general term.

(3) Both have a domain of discrete positive integers.


(1) Consecutive terms have constant difference for arithmetic sequence while consecutive terms have constant ratio for geometric sequence.

(2) In arithmetic sequence, the next term can be obtained by addition, while for geometric sequence, the next term is obtained by multiplication.

(3) The general term for arithmetic sequence is a linear function while that of geometric sequence is an exponential function.

Exercise 18
Step 1
1 of 4
$bold{General;Term;of;Geometric;Sequence}$ The general term of a geometric sequence with first term $t_1$ and common ratio $r$ is

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

Step 2
2 of 4
In this case, $t_1=1$, $r=dfrac{1}{2}$, thus, the general term is

$t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

$t_n=1cdot left(dfrac{1}{2}right)^{n-1}$

Thus, the first four terms are:





Step 3
3 of 4
We will evaluate the partial sums of each term





Observe that the sum approaches 2 when more terms are added.

4 of 4
$1$, $1.5$, $1.75$, $1.875…2$
Exercise 19
Step 1
1 of 4
We are given the following sequence:


Step 2
2 of 4
Notice that there is no common difference nor common ratio. This is neither arithmetic nor geometric sequence. We shall analyze them by inspection.

To see a pattern clearly, we shall express them in factored form.

$3=1cdot 3$

$10=2cdot 5$

$28=4cdot 7$

$72=8cdot 9$

176=16cdot 11

Step 3
3 of 4
Notice that one factor is doubled each term while the other factor increases by 2. Thus, we have a product of a geometric sequence and an arithmetic sequence.

For the arithmetic sequence: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11

$a_1=3$ and $d=2$ $implies a_n=3+(n-1)(2)=2n+1$

For the geometric sequence: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16

$g_1=1$ and $r=2$ $implies g_n=1cdot 2^{n-1}$

Thus, the general term is

$t_n=a_ncdot g_n=(2n+1)cdot 2^{n-1}$

For $n=10$


4 of 4
Exercise 20
Step 1
1 of 2
We shall analyze whether it is possible for a sequence to be both arithmetic and geometric. We just have to remember that arithmetic must have common difference while geometric must have common ratio.

arithmetic: $t_n=t_1+(n-1)(d)$

geometric: $t_n=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

If a sequence is both arithmetic and geometric,

$t_1+(n-1)d=t_1cdot r^{n-1}$

Notice that this equation is true if $d=0$ and $r=1$.

This leads to a sequences like, $3,;3,;3,;3$ or when all terms in the sequence are identical.

Thus, the answer is YES.

2 of 2
Exercise 21
Step 1
1 of 3
We shall create an arithmetic sequence containing terms that are in geometric sequence.

example 1: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16… which contains $2,4,8,16$

example 2: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 which contains 3, 9, 27

Step 2
2 of 3
The common ratio of the geometric sequence is usually the common difference between terms in arithmetic sequence.
3 of 3
Answers can vary. See example inside.
Exercise 22
Step 1
1 of 3
The new square has a side equal to the hypotenuse of the right triangle with legs equal to half of the side of the square before it.

If the square in stage 1 has a side of $s_1$, the square on the next stage can be obtained from Pythagorean relation

$s_2^2=(0.5s_1)^2+(0.5s_1)^2implies s_2=sqrt{0.5s_1^2}=sqrt{0.5}s_1$

This is a geometric sequence with common ratio $r=sqrt{0.5}$,

Thus, the general term is


The first term $s_1$ is $0.5(12)=6$


The area of an isosceles triangle is $A=dfrac{1}{2}timestext{base}timestext{height}$. In this case, the base and height are equal. Thus, the additional area formed in each stage is


$A_n=dfrac{1}{2}cdot left[6(sqrt{0.5})^{n-1}right]^2$

A_n=18cdot 0.5^{n-1}

Step 2
2 of 3
The total shaded area on the 6th stage is the sum of $A_1, A_2, A_3..A_6$







The total area is
$A_{text{total}}=18+9+4.5+2.25+1.125+0.5625=35.4375$ cm$^2$

3 of 3
$35.4375$ cm$^2$
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