Nelson Functions 11
Nelson Functions 11
1st Edition
Chris Kirkpatrick, Marian Small
ISBN: 9780176332037
Textbook solutions

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Section 1-1: Relations and Functions

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 5
a) This relation is a function
Domain is $left{-5,-3,-1,1 right}$

Range is $left{ 1,2,3,2right}$

This relation is a function because each element of the domain corresponds with only one element in the range

Step 2
2 of 5
b) The relation is not a function.
b) Domain is $left{-1,1,3,5 right}$

Range is $left{ -3,-1,0,2right}$

The value 1 of the independent variable maps
to two different values -3 and 0 of the dependent variable
This relation is not a function.

Step 3
3 of 5
c)The relation is not a function.
Domain is $left{0,3,5 right}$

Range is $left{ 4,5,-2,1right}$

The value 0 of the independent variable maps
to two different values 4 and 1 of the dependent variable
This relation is not a function.

Step 4
4 of 5
d) The relation is a function.
Domain is $left{-4,-2,2,5 right}$

Range is $left{ 1,6right}$

Each element of the domain has only one
corresponding element in the range, so the relation
is a function.

5 of 5
a) function ; each $x$-value has a unique $y$-value

b) not a function ; for $x$=1, $y=0$ and $-3$

c) not a function; for $x=0$ , $y=1$ and 4

d) function ; each $x$-value has a unique $y$-value

Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 7
a.) not a function
To determine whether a graph represents a function or not, we can do a $bold{vertical;line; test}$.

If the vertical line touches the graph $bold{only;once}$, then it is a function. If it touches the vertical line $bold{more;than;once}$, it is not a function.

In this case, if you draw a vertical line at $x=1$, it touches the graph at three points. Thus, it is $boxed{not;a;function}$

Step 2
2 of 7
b.) not a function
In this case, if you draw vertical lines at any $x>-4$, the line will touch the graph at two points. Thus, it is $boxed{not;a;function}$.
Step 3
3 of 7
c.) function
If you draw any vertical line, it touches the graph only once. Hence, it is a $boxed{function}$.
Step 4
4 of 7
d.) not a function
If you draw a vertical line within the interval $-5leq xleq 1$, it touches the graph at two points. Hence, it is $boxed{not;a;function}$.
Step 5
5 of 7
e.) function
Any vertical line would touch the graph only at one point. It is therefore a $boxed{function}$.
Step 6
6 of 7
f.) not a function
If you draw vertical lines where $x<3$,
it would touch the graph at two points. It is therefore $boxed{not;a;function}$
7 of 7
a.) not a function
b.) not a function
c.) function
d.) not a function
e.) function
f.) not a function
Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 4
a) List of ordered pairs for the relation between students and grades is

left{ (Barbara, 10), (Pierre, 12), (Kateri,11), (Mandeep, 11), (Elly,10 )right}

Exercise scan

b) Use a a mapping diagram for the relation between students and grades we see:

Domain is $left{ Barbara, Pierre, Kateri, Mandeep, Ellyright}$

Range is: $left{10,11,12 right}$

c) Each element of the domain has only one
corresponding element in the range, so the relation student-grade
is a function.

Step 2
2 of 4
a) List of ordered pairs for the relation between grades and numbers of credits is

left{ (10,8), (12,25), (11,15), (11,18), (10,16 )right}

Exercise scan

b) Use a a mapping diagram for the relation between students and grades we see:

Domain is $left{ 10,11,12right}$

Range is: $left{8, 15, 16, 18, 25 right}$

c) Element 11 of the domain has two
corresponding element in the range 15 and 18,and e lement 10 of the domain has two
corresponding element in the range 8 and 16 so the relation grade-credits is not a function.

Step 3
3 of 4
a) List of ordered pairs for the relation between students and grades is

left{ (Barbara, 8), (Pierre, 25), (Kateri,15), (Mandeep, 18), (Elly,16 )right}

Exercise scan

b) Use a a mapping diagram for the relation between students and grades we see:

Domain is $left{ Barbara, Pierre, Kateri, Mandeep, Ellyright}$

Range is: $left{8,15,16,18,25 right}$

c)Each element of the domain has only one
corresponding element in the range, so the relation student-credits is a function.

4 of 4
a) see diagrams inside

b) students, grades: domain = ${$ Barbara, Pierre, Kateri, Mandeep, Elly $}$

range = ${$ 10, 11, 12 $}$

grades, credits: domain = ${$ 10, 11, 12 $}$

range = ${$ 8, 15, 16, 18, 25 $}$

students, credits: domain = ${$ Barbara, Pierre, Kateri, Mandeep, Elly $}$

range = ${$ 8, 15, 16, 18, 25 $}$

c) The grades-credits relation is NOT a function because 10 in the domain corresponds to 8 and 16 in the range.

Exercise 5
Step 1
1 of 3
Exercise scan
Here we shall confirm by graphing which relation is not a function. From item 4, we can extract the data points as shown.
Use this data to plot the domain vs range as follows.
a.) students vs grades

b.) grades vs credits

c.) student vs creditsExercise scan

Step 2
2 of 3
Exercise scan
From the plots, perform vertical line test. If any vertical line touches more than one point, then it is not function.
Step 3
3 of 3
Exercise scan
For the graph of grades vs credits, If you do vertical line test at $grades = 11$, it touches at two points. Hence, it fails the vertical line test and is therefore not a function.

Thus, the grades-credit relation is not a function.

Exercise 6
Step 1
1 of 3

Exercise scan

$y=3$ is a horizontal line. Use this graph we can conclude for each variable $x$ we gat only one $y=3$, so, this relation is a function
Step 2
2 of 3

Exercise scan

$x=3$ is a vertical line.Looking at this function stuff graphically, what if we had the relation that consists of a set containing just two point $left{(3,-2),(3,2) right}$. We already know that this is not a function, since $x = 3$ goes to each of $y=-2$ and $y=2$
3 of 3
$y=3$ ; horizontal line ; function since it passes vertical-line test

$x=3$ ; vertical line ; NOT a function since it fails vertical line test

Exercise 7
Step 1
1 of 5
a)Exercise scan
Any vertical line drawn on the graph intersects the graph at only one point.

This is the graph of a linear

Step 2
2 of 5
b)Exercise scan
Any vertical line drawn on the graph intersects the graph at only one point.

This is the graph of a quadratic function

Step 3
3 of 5
c)Exercise scan
Any vertical line drawn on the graph intersects the graph at only one point.

This is the graph of a quadratic function

Step 4
4 of 5
d)Exercise scan
At least one vertical line drawn on
the graph intersects the graph at
two points. This is not the graph of
a function.

This is a circle. It is a not a function

5 of 5
a) linear, function

b) quadratic, function

c) quadratic, function

d) circle, NOT a function

see graphs inside

Exercise 8
Step 1
1 of 6
i) Substitute $x=0$ into equation $3x+4y=5$, now we get:


$0+4y=5$ divide both sides by 4


Substitute $x=-2$ into equation $3x+4y=5$, now we get:


$-6+4y=5$ add 6 on both sides


$4y=11$ divide both sides by 4


This is a function for each $x$ we get only one value $y$

see graph :Exercise scan
Step 2
2 of 6
ii)Substitute $x=0$ into equation $x^{2}+y^{2}=4$, now we get:



$y=pm sqrt{4}$


so, if $x=0$, then , $y=-2$ or $y=2$

Substitute $x=-2$ into equation $x^{2}+y^{2}=4$, now we get:





This is a not a function because for $x=0$ we get two values of $y$

see graph:Exercise scan
Step 3
3 of 6
iii) Substitute $x=0$ into equation $x^{2}+y=2$, now we get:




Substitute $x=-2$ into equation $x^{2}+y=2$, now we get:





This is a function because for each value $x$ we get only one value of $y$.

see graph:Exercise scan
Step 4
4 of 6
iv) Substitute $x=0$ into equation $x+y^{2}=0$, now we get:





iv) Substitute $x=-2$ into equation $x+y^{2}=0$, now we get:




so, if $x=-2$, then $y=-sqrt{2}$ or $y=sqrt{2}$

This is a not a function because for $x=-2$ we get two values of $y$

see graph:Exercise scan
Step 5
5 of 6
b) Function are i) and iii)

c) We can verify our answer use graph and apply vertical-line test, or solve equation for y
and check for multiple values

6 of 6
a) i) 1.25 ; 2.75 ii) $pm$ 2 ; 0 iii) 2; -2 iv) 0 ; $pmsqrt{2}$

b) functions: (i) and (iii)

c) From the graph, apply vertical-line test or solve for $y$ in terms of $x$ then see if there are multiple possible values of $x$.

Exercise 9
Step 1
1 of 5
a) $y=sqrt{x+2}$

We know $sqrt{x}$ is defined for $xgeq0$, so, in our case, $y=sqrt{x+2}$ is defined for $x+2geq0$, or $xgeq-2$

For each $xgeq0$ we get only one value of $y$.
We see graph passes the vertical-line test, showing that
for each x-value in the domain there is only one
y-value in the range.

The relation $y=sqrt{x+2}$ is a function.

Exercise scan
Step 2
2 of 5
b) $y=2-x$

For each $x$ we get only one value of $y$.
We see graph passes the vertical-line test, showing that
for each x-value in the domain there is only one
y-value in the range.

The relation $y=2-x$ is a function.

Exercise scan
Step 3
3 of 5
c) $3x^{2}-4y^{2}=12$

At least one vertical line drawn on
the graph intersects the graph at
two points.

This relation $3x^{2}-4y^{2}=12$ not the graph of
a function.

Exercise scan
Step 4
4 of 5
d) $y=-3(x+2)^{2}-4$

For each $x$ we get only one value of $y$.
We see graph passes the vertical-line test, showing that
for each x-value in the domain there is only one
y-value in the range.

The relation $y=-3(x+2)^{2}-4$ is a function.

Exercise scan
5 of 5
functions: (a), (b) and (d)
Exercise 10
Step 1
1 of 3
Graphically, we can use vertical line test to check whether the relation is a function. If any vertical line touches the graph more than once, then it is NOT a function.Exercise scan
Step 2
2 of 3
Numerically, we can solve for $y$ in terms of $x$




For instance if $x=6$

$y=pmsqrt{6-2}=pmsqrt{4}=pm 2$

$y=2$ or $-2$

Each value of $x$ does NOT have a unique value of $y$. Therefore, it is NOT a function.

3 of 3
not a function

graphically, it fails vertical line test

numerically, at $x=6$, $y=pm 2$

Exercise 11
Step 1
1 of 2
a) For each amount of sale, there is a unique amount of money which Olwen could earn. In other words, it is not possible to have two or more incomes from a single amount of sales. Therefore, it is a function.

b) For each given time, there is a unique distance that Bran could walk. Therefore, it is a function.

c) Each age is not uniquely assigned to a certain number of credits so it is possible that two or more students at the same age could take varying numbers of credits. Therefore, it is NOT a function.

2 of 2
options (a) and (b) are functions
Exercise 12
Step 1
1 of 3
a) The domain is the set of possible values of independent variable while the range is the set of all possible values of dependent variable.

The distance traveled by a car cannot be negative so the domain is

${ xinbold{R};|;xgeq 0}$

To find the range, notice that the cost cannot be less than $$44$

{ yinbold{R};|;ygeq 44}

Step 2
2 of 3
b) For the domain, the distance cannot be negative so it has a lower limit.

For the range, the cost cannot be lower than the minimum daily rental charge.

c) It passes the vertical line test so it is a function.

3 of 3
a) domain = ${ xinbold{R};|xgeq 0}$ , range = ${ yinbold{R};|;ygeq 44}$

b) distance can’t be negative, cost cannot lower than minimum daily rental charge

c) function; passes vertical line test

Exercise 13
Step 1
1 of 3
The domain is the set of integers and the range should be less than $5$.

Exercise scan

Step 2
2 of 3
The domain is real numbers less than or equal to 10 and the range must be greater than $-5$.

The point at $x=10$ must be solid while the point at $y=-5$ must be open.

Exercise scan

3 of 3
Graphs has been plotted in answer.
Exercise 14
Step 1
1 of 4
Definition of function:

Function is a relation from a set of inputs to a set of possible outputs where each input is related to exactly one output.

Step 2
2 of 4
Characteristics of a function:

1) For each value $x$ , function $y=f(x)$ has only one value $y$

(Each element $x$ of the domain has only one
corresponding element $y$ in the range)

2)If any vertical line drawn on the
graph intersects the graph at only
one point

Step 3
3 of 4
Examples of a function :

1) $y=2x-3$ linear function

2) $y=x^2+3x-4$ quadratic function

3) $3x^{2}+2y-1=0$

4) $y=sqrt{2x+1}$

Step 4
4 of 4
Not- examples of a function:

1) $x^{2}+y^{2}=9$

2) $3x^{2}-4y^{2}=24$

3) $x+2y^{2}=0$

4) $y=pmsqrt{x+y}$

Exercise 15
Step 1
1 of 4
a) It is a function because each weight corresponds to a single price, that is, each weight cannot have two or more prices.
Step 2
2 of 4
b) The weight can’t be negative so the domain is

domain = ${ xinbold{R};|;xgeq 0}$

The cost can’t also be negative and there are no minimum fees required so the range is

range = ${ yinbold{R};|;ygeq 0}$

c) The graph can be drawn as follows.

Exercise scan

Step 3
3 of 4
c) In the current system, if the weight is 95 kg you would have to pay $$380$ while you pay only $$350$ for 100 kg. This is unfair.

A recommended system would be:

For items less than $100$ kg, charge $$4$ per kilogram, for items more than $100$ kg, charge $$400$ plus $$3.5$ per kilogram that exceeds $100$ kg. The graph looks like this.

Exercise scan

4 of 4
a) Each order corresponds to a single cost.

b) domain = ${ xinbold{R};|;xgeq 0}$ , range = ${ yinbold{R};|;ygeq 0}$

c) see graph inside

d) for $y=4x$ for $x<100$, $y=400+3.5(x-100)$ for $xgeq 100$

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