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Page 66: Leer C
*Ernesto writes MartĂn to…*
So, you could write:
*Ernesto le escribe a MartĂn para darle la bienvenida al grupo.*
Ernesto writes MartĂn to welcome him to the group.
*Before going to the park, Martin’s team has to…*
So, you could write:
*Antes de ir al parque, el equipo de MartĂn tiene que comprar las bolsas para recoger la basura.*
Before going to the park, MartĂn’s team has to buy bags to pick up the garbage.
*Ernesto tells them they have to ____ in the recycling bags*
So, you could write:
*Ernesto les dice que tienen que meter las latas en las bolsas para reciclar.*
Ernesto tells them they have to put the cans in the recycling bags.
*Things are easier when…*
So, you could write:
*Las cosas son más fáciles cuando trabajamos entre todos.*
Things are easier when we work together.
1. *What does “everyone adds their grain of sand in this activity” mean?*
You could write:
*Quiere decir que todos ayudan un poco para terminarlo entre todos.*
It means everyone helps a little to finish it together.
2. *What do you recycle at home? Why do you think it’s important?*
You could write:
*Reciclo latas y papel. Es importante para que el planeta no se llene de basura.*
I recycle cans and paper. It’s important so the planet won’t be filled with garbage.