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Page 64: Leer A
1. *Ana has lots of things to do in the morning.* **True**
2. *Ana made beautiful publicitary signs.* **False:** Eduardo made the signs.
3. *The elderly people get the clothes at 9:00 AM.* **False**: they get the clothes at 8:30.
4. *Ana’s group is doing a publicity campaign.* **True**
5. *Yesterday, Ana designed a sign to solicit volunteers.* **False**: she hasn’t done it yet.
1. *Why do you think the group needs more volunteers?*
You could write:
*El grupo necesita más voluntarios porque tienen muchas tareas.*
The group needs more volunteers because they have a lot to do.
2. *In your opinion, what is the most important activity Ana has to do? Why?*
You could write:
*La actividad más importante que tiene que hacer Ana es comprar la comida para el comedor de beneficencia, porque hay gente que tiene que comer.*
The most important activity Ana has to do is buy food for the community kitchen, because there’s people that need to eat.