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Page 264: Escuchar B
|Stores |What can you buy? |
|verdulerĂa (vegetable market) | frutas y verduras (fruits and vegetables)|
|carnicerĂa (butcher’s) | carne (meat)|
|lecherĂa (milk store) | leche, manteca, queso (milk, butter, cheese)|
|almacén (grocery store) | provisiones (groceries)|
| zapaterĂa (shoe store)| zapatos (shoes) |
1. *Puedes comprar naranjas en la verdulerĂa.*
You can buy oranges at the vegetable market.
2. *En la carnicerĂa venden pollo y cerdo.*
They sell chicken and pork at the butcher’s.
3. *ComprĂ© una botella de leche en la lecherĂa.*
I bought a bottle of milk at the milk store.
4. *Fui al almacén a comprar las provisiones del mes.*
I went to the grocery store to buy groceries for the month.
5. *En la zapaterĂa cerca de mi casa venden botas.*
In the shoe store close to my house, they sell boots.