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Page 120: Cultura B
|**pupusas** |**ceviche** | comidas (foods)|
|**garÃfuna** | **xinca**| **idiomas** (languages)|
|**tiburones** (sharks) | **venados** (deer)| **animales** (animals)|
* What kind of water is there in Lake Nicaragua?
So, you could write:
* *En el lago Nicaragua hay agua dulce.*
There is sweet water in lake Nicaragua.
* What animals are there in lake Nicaragua?
So, you could write:
* *En el lago Nicaragua hay peces y tiburones.*
There’s fish and sharks in lake Nicaragua.
* What civilization built a palace that was discovered by archaeologists in Central America in the year 2000?
So, you could write:
* *La civilización Maya construyó el palacio.*
The Mayan civilization built the palace.
* What kind of buildings can you find in the capital cities of Central America?
So, you could write:
* *En las ciudades capitales de Centroamérica se puede encontrar rascacielos.*
In the capital cities of Central America, you can find skyscrapers.
*Nuestro planeta está siendo destruido. Hay especies de peces en peligro de extinción por la contaminación del agua. Para apreciar la biodiversidad, debemos darle un ambiente limpio. Debemos dejar de dañar la Tierra.*
Our planet is being destroyed. There’s species of fish that are endangered because of water contamination. To appreciate biodiversity, we must give it a clean environment. We must stop damaging the Earth.