We've found 625 Anthropology tests

Anthropology Great Lakes Region Linguistics Near The Coast Standard American English
Cultural Anthro Quiz 2 – Flashcards 65 terms
Sean Mitchell avatar
Sean Mitchell
65 terms
Anthropology Around The World
Fracking Research Paper notecards 76 terms
Deloris Connelly avatar
Deloris Connelly
76 terms
Anthropology Social And Cultural Anthropology
Anthro 201: Chapter 13 Migration 30 terms
Robert Carter avatar
Robert Carter
30 terms
Anthropology Ethics Language And Culture Social And Cultural Anthropology
Culture Counts Chpts. 1-4 80 terms
Daniel Hardy avatar
Daniel Hardy
80 terms
Anthropology Ecology Reproductive System The Environment
exam 2 anthro 160 terms
Chad Lipe avatar
Chad Lipe
160 terms
Anthropology Introductory Sociology Men And Women New York City Public Health Sociology
CHAPT 5: Sociological Research Flashcards 218 terms
Robert Lollar avatar
Robert Lollar
218 terms
Anthropology Problems And Opportunities
Anthropology Final Exam 151 terms
Brad Bledsoe avatar
Brad Bledsoe
151 terms
Anthropology Genetics Multiple Choice Natural Selection
Anthropology Quiz Flashcards 51 terms
Rae Jordan avatar
Rae Jordan
51 terms
Anthropology Cross Cultural Social And Cultural Anthropology
anthropology 4 45 terms
Steven Colyer avatar
Steven Colyer
45 terms
Anthropology Old World Monkeys
Module Two: ANTH 240A 87 terms
Darryl Wooten avatar
Darryl Wooten
87 terms
Anthropology Four Noble Truths The Body
Anthropology Final: Ch. 8 42 terms
Jennifer Hawkins avatar
Jennifer Hawkins
42 terms
Anthropology Social And Cultural Anthropology
Polyandry Flashcards 198 terms
James Hopper avatar
James Hopper
198 terms
Anthropology Natural Selection Signs And Symbols
antho chap 7 – Flashcards 25 terms
Daphne Armenta avatar
Daphne Armenta
25 terms
Anthropology Industrial Revolution Pop Culture Psychology
Anthropology 3.02 Lesson Assessment – Flashcards 10 terms
Brad Bledsoe avatar
Brad Bledsoe
10 terms
Anthropology Economic Activity Information Theory Red Blood Cells Social And Cultural Anthropology Supply And Demand Wild Plants And Animals
Chapters 5, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 – Flashcards 80 terms
Elizabeth Hill avatar
Elizabeth Hill
80 terms
Anthropology Genetics Natural Selection
Anthropology Chapter 6 – Flashcards 27 terms
Andrew Hubbs avatar
Andrew Hubbs
27 terms
Anthropology Social And Cultural Anthropology
//G0LFWVNG// – Flashcards 54 terms
Martha Hill avatar
Martha Hill
54 terms
Anthropology Osama Bin Laden Social And Cultural Anthropology World Trade Center
ANTH 2351.304 Exam 2 Quizzes – Flashcards 27 terms
Sonia Kelly avatar
Sonia Kelly
27 terms
Anthropology Cross Cultural Family South Africa
Anthro 2 Practice Exam – Flashcards 65 terms
John Smith avatar
John Smith
65 terms
17th And 18th Centuries Anthropology Bride And Groom Social And Cultural Anthropology
Exam 3 Part 3 Anthropology – Flashcards 80 terms
Sara Graham avatar
Sara Graham
80 terms
Anthropology Comparative Psychology Natural Selection The Body
Ch 7 Primate Behavior – Flashcards 39 terms
Rae Jordan avatar
Rae Jordan
39 terms
Anthropology Cross Cultural Culture Strengths And Weakness
Culture and Communication – Flashcards 23 terms
Joel Boykin avatar
Joel Boykin
23 terms
What are the two major components of fieldwork in archaeological anthropology?
The genealogical method and excavation
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/anthropology-quizes/
Which of the following is not a distinctive feature of four field anthropology?
It has as exclusive focus on contemporary cultures
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/anthropology-final-2/
Which of the following is not a distinctive feature of four-field anthropology?
E. It has an exclusive focus on contemporary cultures.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/anthropology-quiz-1/
What are the 5 fields or specializations in anthropology, Just list them
Cultural Anthropology Linguistic Archaeology Biological Anthropology Applied Anthropology
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/test-one-anthropology-cultura-anth-2351-epcc/
Which of the following illustrates some of the dangers of the old applied anthropology?
anthropologists aiding colonial expansion by providing ethnographic information to colonists
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/soc-unit-4/
A scholar in which subfield of Anthropology would try to reconstruct, describe, and interpret past human behavior and cultural patterns through material remains?
Archaeological Anthropology
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/final-exam-cultural-anthropology/
What are the four fields of Anthropology?
Linguistic, Cultural, Physical, Archaeology
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/essay-aant-108-midterm/
What is the over all importance of this concept in terms of the general problems in anthropology?
Forming relationships in the community, look at community aspects. Why you need to participate b/c if you don’t you feel othered. Emphasizes why you need participant observation of things.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/anthropology-identifications-36108/
What is the primary purpose of practicing applied anthropology?
It allows the use of anthropological knowledge to solve practical problems.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/chapter-1-3-anthropology/
What is unique about anthropology’s approach to issues?
All of the above are true.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/anthro-102-quizzes/
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