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Section 37.1: The Circulatory System
1. **Arteries** – transport blood away from the heart. These blood vessels carry oxygen-rich blood, that is why they have relatively thick walls that help them withstand the strong pressure from the contraction of the heart.
2. **Veins** – brings back blood from the body tissues to the heart. It carries deoxygenated blood, and it has thinner walls compared to the arterial walls.
3. **Capillaries** – are the smallest type of blood vessel, that connects the veins and the arteries. The main function of the circulatory system to bring nutrients and absorb carbon dioxide is done in these vessels.
**Pulmonary circulation**
Deoxygenated blood $rightarrow$ right atrium of the heart $rightarrow$ right ventricle $rightarrow$ lungs $rightarrow$ oxygenated blood $rightarrow$ left atrium of the heart
**Systemic circulation**
Oxygenated blood from the left atrium of the heart $rightarrow$ left ventricle of the heart
$rightarrow$ aorta $rightarrow$ the rest of the body through the arteries.