Prentice Hall Biology (California)
Prentice Hall Biology (California)
1st Edition
Kenneth R. Miller, Levine
ISBN: 9780132013529
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Page 117: Standards Practice

Exercise 1
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
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Due to the Earth’s spherical shape and the tilting on its axis, the heat strikes differently in some parts of the Earth’s surface. The sun rays directly hit the equator. As a result, the temperature near the equator (tropical zone) is usually warmer that those areas (polar and temperate zones) which receive less sun exposure.
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C. distance from the equator
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distance from the equator
Exercise 2
Step 1
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Biotic factors refer to the biological or living factors, whereas abiotic factors are the physical or nonliving components in the environment. Examples of abiotic factors are in choices B, C, D, and E. Therefore, choice A is not an abiotic factor.
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A. microorganisms
Exercise 3
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
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A niche can be compared to a person’s occupation. In an organism’s habitat, the term niche is defined as the role of an organism in the ecosystem. Abiotic factors, biotic factors, and food web are all included in determining the role of a species in the ecosystem.
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E. I, II, and III
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I, II, and III

(abiotic factors, biotic factors, and food web)

Exercise 4
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
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The competitive exclusion principle can be associated with the statement, “the strong will dominate the weak.” Based on this principle, the same species that have the need for the same limited resources cannot coexist in one habitat. The stronger species will dominate over the weaker ones. As a result, there is going to be a disappearance of a particular species in a given niche.
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A. competitive exclusion
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competitive exclusion
Exercise 5
Solution 1
Solution 2
Solution 3
Step 1
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The photic zone and the intertidal zone of the ocean receive light from the sun which allows autotrophs such as algae to undergo photosynthesis.
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c. I and II only
Step 1
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I and II only

(intertidal zone and photic zone)

Step 1
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Photosynthetic organisms such as algae require light energy from the sun in order to produce their food. Therefore, we would expect these organisms to live in areas where light is available.
Step 2
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From the given choices, the **intertidal zone** and **photic zone** are areas where light is available since they are close to the surface. In contrast, the aphotic zone receives little to no sunlight.
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Exercise 6
Solution 1
Solution 2
Solution 3
Step 1
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Estuary is the transition zone between the river and the sea. Therefore, the water in an estuary is a mixture of fresh water and salt water.
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E. a mixture of fresh water and salt water
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a mixture of fresh water and salt water
Step 1
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Water that is found in an estuary is often considered to be *brackish* or a mixture of fresh water and salt water. This is because estuaries are located at the mouth of a river that meets the sea.
Step 2
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Hence, estuaries get their fresh water from the river system while they also get their salt water from the sea. This is also why estuaries form the transition zone between the river and the sea.
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Exercise 7
Solution 1
Solution 2
Solution 3
Step 1
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The barnacle-whale relationship shows commensalism. This type of relationship happens when an organism is helped by another organism, but the other is not harmed.
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D. commensalism
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Step 1
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The ecological relationship between a barnacle and a whale is known as **commensalism**, wherein the barnacle benefits while the whale is not affected (does not benefit nor harmed).
Step 2
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The barnacles benefit from attaching to the whale as they enjoy a stable place to live as well as having access to an abundance of food. This benefit has no biological cost to the whale.
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Exercise 8
Solution 1
Solution 2
Step 1
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The graph shows an uphill pattern from the lower left going to the upper right of the graph. This indicates a positive correlation between the temperature and carbon dioxide concentration. This shows that as the carbon dioxide concentration increases, the temperature also increases.
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A. Carbon dioxide levels and overall temperature will increase
Step 1
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Carbon dioxide levels and overall temperature will increase.
Exercise 9
Solution 1
Solution 2
Solution 3
Step 1
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Burning fossil fuels increases the carbon dioxide concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere. This effect causes an increase in the temperature.
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E. increased burning of fossil fuels
Step 1
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increased burning of fossil fuels
Step 1
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The burning of fossil fuels such as coal releases a large amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Thus, an increase in the burning of fossil fuels would increase atmospheric CO$_2$.
Step 2
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Carbon dioxide is known as a greenhouse gas. The presence of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuels would then result in an increase in temperature.
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