Advanced Functions 12
Advanced Functions 12
1st Edition
Chris Kirkpatrick, Kristina Farentino, Susanne Trew
ISBN: 9780176678326
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Page 111: Check Your Understanding

Exercise 1
Step 1
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Answers may vary.For example: Verify that the most economical production level occurs when $1500$ items are produced by examining the rate of change at $x=1500$. Because $x$ is in thousands, use $a=1.5$. Use the difference quotient to find the instantaneous rate of change.

$dfrac{f(a+h)-f(a)}{h}$ where $h$ is a very small value.

$C(1.5)= 0.3(1.5)^2-0.9(1.5)+1.675=1$

$C(1.501)=0.3(1.501)^2-0.9(1.501)+1.675=1.000 000 3$

$dfrac{1.000 000 3 – 1}{0.01}= 0.000 03$

When $1500$ items are produced, the instantaneous rate of change is zero. Therefore, the most economcal production level occurs when $1500$ items are produced.

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see solution
Exercise 2
Step 1
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Here we will estimate rate of change in blood pressure at $t=3$ s, using centred interval method:


So, $textbf{the average rate of change in blood pressure at $t=3$ is }0$.

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Exercise 3
Step 1
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#### (a)

$textbf{Tangent line must have a positive slope on the left side of point}$ $(a, f(a))$.

#### (b)

$textbf{Tangent line must have a negative slope on the right side of point}$ $(a, f(a))$.

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(a) positive slope; (b) negative slope.
Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 2
#### (a)

$textbf{Tangent line must have a negative slope on the left side of point $(a, f(a))$}$.

#### (b)

$textbf{Tangent line must have a positive slope on the right side of point $(a, f(a))$}$.

2 of 2
(a) negative slope; (b) positive slope.
Exercise 5
Step 1
1 of 3
#### (a)

Let’s take point $(-7,-10)$ which is on the left side of given point $(-6,-10.5)$ and calculate slope of the tangent line before given point:

$textbf{slope}$ = $dfrac{-10.5+10}{-6+7}=dfrac{-0.5}{1}=-0.5$

So, we can see that this $textbf{slope on the left side is negative}$.

Now, let’s calculate slope on the right side of given point $(-6.-10.5)$, for this, we will use point $(-5,-10)$:

$textbf{slope}$ = $dfrac{-10.5+10}{-6+5}=dfrac{-0.5}{-1}=0.5$.

So, we can see that this $textbf{slope on the right side is postive}$.

Using two of previous tasks, we can conclude that point $(-6,-10.5)$ is $textbf{minumum}$.

#### (b)

Let’s take point $(0,9)$ which is on the left side of given point $(0.5,10.5)$ and calculate slope of the tangent line before given point:

$textbf{slope}$ = $dfrac{10.5-9}{0.5-0}=dfrac{0.5}{0.5}=1$

So, we can see that this $textbf{slope on the left side is positive}$.

Now, let’s calculate slope on the right side of given point $(0.5,10.5)$, for this, we will use point $(1,9)$:

$textbf{slope}$ = $dfrac{9-10.5}{1-0.5}=dfrac{-0.5}{0.5}=-1$.

So, we can see that this $textbf{slope on the right side is negative}$.

Using two of previous tasks, we can conclude that point $(0.5,10.5)$ is $textbf{maximum}$.

Step 2
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#### (c)

Let’s take point $(0,0)$ which is on the left side of given point $(dfrac{pi}{2},5)$ and calculate slope of the tangent line before given point:

$textbf{slope}$ = $dfrac{5-0}{dfrac{pi}{2}-0}=dfrac{5}{dfrac{pi}{2}}=dfrac{10}{pi}$

So, we can see that this $textbf{slope on the left side is positive}$.

Now, let’s calculate slope on the right side of given point $(dfrac{pi}{2},5)$, for this, we will use point $(pi,0)$:

$textbf{slope}$ = $dfrac{0-5}{pi-dfrac{pi}{2}}=-dfrac{5}{dfrac{pi}{2}}=-dfrac{10}{pi}$.

So, we can see that this $textbf{slope on the right side is negative}$.

Using two of previous tasks, we can conclude that point $(dfrac{pi}{2},5)$ is $textbf{maximum}$.

#### (d)

Let’s take point $(-dfrac{pi}{2},4.5)$ which is on the left side of given point $(0,4.5)$ and calculate slope of the tangent line before given point:

$textbf{slope}$ = $dfrac{-4.5-4.5}{0+dfrac{pi}{2}}=dfrac{-9}{dfrac{pi}{2}}=-dfrac{18}{pi}$

So, we can see that this $textbf{slope on the left side is negative}$.

Now, let’s calculate slope on the right side of given point $(0,4.5)$, for this, we will use point $(dfrac{pi}{2},4.5)$:

$textbf{slope}$ = $dfrac{4.5+4.5}{dfrac{pi}{2}-0}=dfrac{9}{dfrac{pi}{2}}=dfrac{18}{pi}$.

So, we can see that this $textbf{slope on the right side is positive}$.

Using two of previous tasks, we can conclude that point $(0,4.5)$ is $textbf{minimum}$.

3 of 3
(a) minimum; (b) maximum; (c) maximum; (d) minimum
Exercise 6
Step 1
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$textbf{To verify that that the point given for each function is either a maximum or a minimum, we will use derivative}$.It must be equal to $0$ in that given point in case that that point is minimum or maximum.

#### (a)

Here we have that:

$f'(x)=2x-4$ $Rightarrow$ $f'(2)=0$

$textbf{So, we can conclude that point $(2,1)$ is maximum or minimum of given function.}$

#### (b)

Here we have that:

$f'(x)=-2x-12$ $Rightarrow$ $f'(-6)=0$

$textbf{So, we can conclude that point $(-6,41.75)$ is maximum or minimum of given function.}$

#### (c)

Here we have that:

$f'(x)=2x-9$ $Rightarrow$ $f'(4.5)=0$

$textbf{So, we can conclude that point $(4.5,-20.25)$ is maximum or minimum of given function.}$

Step 2
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#### (d)

Here we have that:

$f'(x)=-3sin{x}$ $Rightarrow$ $f'(0)=0$

$textbf{So, we can conclude that point $(0,3)$ is maximum or minimum of given function.}$

#### (e)

Here we have that:

$f'(x)=3x^2-3$ $Rightarrow$ $f'(-1)=0$

$textbf{So, we can conclude that point $(-1,2)$ is maximum or minimum of given function.}$

#### (f)

Here we have that:

$f'(x)=-3x^2+12$ $Rightarrow$ $f'(2)=0$

$textbf{So, we can conclude that point $(2,15)$ is maximum or minimum of given function.}$

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see solution
Exercise 7
Step 1
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To find at what time pilot is at maximum altitude, we need to find $textbf{zero of the first derivative of the function}$ $h(t)$:

$h'(t)=-32t+90=0$ $Rightarrow$ $t=2.81$ s

So, at $t=2.81$ s, pilot will be at maximum altitude.$textbf{We have that slope of tangent line at certain points before that maximum alitude is positive, and slope of tangent line after maximum point is negtive}$, as we explained in earlier tasks.

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$t=2.810$ s
Exercise 8
Step 1
1 of 10
#### (a)


From the graph we can see that $textbf{minimum point is}$ $(-5,-40)$.

Exercise scan

Step 2
2 of 10

We can see that $textbf{maximum point}$ is $(7.5,184.75)$.

Exercise scan

Step 3
3 of 10

We can from the garph that $textbf{minimum point}$ is $(3.25,-45.25)$.

Exercise scan

Step 4
4 of 10

We can see from the graph that $textbf{maximum point}$ is $(6,18.45)$.

Exercise scan

Step 5
5 of 10
#### (b)

(i)Exercise scan

Step 6
6 of 10
(ii)Exercise scan
Step 7
7 of 10
(iii)Exercise scan
Step 8
8 of 10
(iv)Exercise scan
Step 9
9 of 10
#### (c)

According to previous tasks, we can see that when we have $textbf{maximum point}$, slope of the tangent line before that point has $textbf{positive slope}$, and slope of the tangent line after that point has $textbf{negative slope}$.

And when we have $textbf{minimum point}$, slope of the tangent line before that point has $textbf{negative slope}$, and slope of the tangent line after that point has $textbf{positive slope}$.

10 of 10
see solution
Exercise 9
Step 1
1 of 4
#### (a)


From the following graph we can see that $textbf{minimum point}$ is $(5,44.38)$ and $textbf{maximum point}$ is $(0,100)$ on given interval in the task.

Exercise scan

Step 2
2 of 4

We can see from the following graph that $textbf{minimum point}$ is $(0,35)$ and $textbf{maximum point}$ is $(10,141.59)$ on given interval in this task:

Exercise scan

Step 3
3 of 4
#### (b)

$textbf{The maximum value}$ on given interval for value $x$, $aleq{x}leq{b}$ will occure for $x=a$ if given function is decreasing, like we had in part (i).And opposite, if the function is increasing, $textbf{maximum value}$ on given interval will occure for $x=b$, like we had at part (ii).

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see solution
Exercise 10
Step 1
1 of 2
Estimate the slope of the tangent to the curve when $t=0.5$ by writing
an equation for the slope of any secant line on the graph of $h(t)$:


Now, replace $h$ with small numbers, we have next:

$h=-0.01$ $Rightarrow$ $m=0.05$

$h=0.01$ $Rightarrow$ $m=-0.05$

So, we have that:

$textbf{instaneous rate of change}$ = $dfrac{0.05+(-0.05)}{2}=0$

We also have that:




Since the slope of the tangent is equal to zero when $t=0.5$ and since
the values of the function when $t=0.6$ and $t=0.4$ $textbf{are smaller}$ than the value when $t=0.5$, a maximum value occurs at that point.

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see solution
Exercise 11
Step 1
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This function is periodic and $textbf{only when the flagpole is in a vertical position}$, if from this moment we observe the flagpole $2$ s, then at moment $t=1.5$ s it will be farthest to the left.And, this observation is correct only in this case.

Now, we will estimate instaneous rate of change in $t=1.5$ s, it suppouse to be $0$ in this moment:

$textbf{instaneous rate of cnage}$ = $dfrac{h(1.6)-h(1.4)}{1.6-1.4}=dfrac{0}{0.2}=0$

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see solution
Exercise 12
Step 1
1 of 2
Estimate the slope of the tangent to the curve when $x=5$ by writing
an equation for the slope of any secant line on the graph of $R(x)$:


Now, replace $h$ with small numbers, we have next:

$h=-0.01$ $Rightarrow$ $m=-0.01$

$h=0.01$ $Rightarrow$ $m=0.01$

So, we have that:

$textbf{instaneous rate of change}$ = $dfrac{0.01+(-0.01)}{2}=0$

We also have that:




Since the slope of the tangent is equal to zero when $x=5$ and since
the values of the function when $x=6$ and $x=4$ $textbf{are smaller}$ than the value when $x=5$, a maximum value occurs at that point.

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see solution
Exercise 13
Step 1
1 of 2
For function $y=sin{x}$, maximum value we get for $x=dfrac{pi}{2}$.For transformed function $y=asin{(k(x-d))}+c$ maximum value we will get by following transformation of value $x=dfrac{pi}{2}$:

$dfrac{pi}{2}$ $rightarrow$ $dfrac{1}{k}dfrac{pi}{2}$

$dfrac{1}{k}dfrac{pi}{2}$ $rightarrow$ $dfrac{1}{k}dfrac{pi}{2}+d$

$textbf{So, in this case, maximum value for the transformed function we will get when}$ $x=dfrac{1}{k}dfrac{pi}{2}+d$.

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Exercise 14
Step 1
1 of 2
Myra is plotting (instantaneous) velocity versus time. The rates of change Myra calculates represent acceleration. When Myra’s graph increasing, the car is accelerating. When Myra’s graph is decreasing, the car is decelerating. When Myra’s graph is constant, the velocity of the car is constant; the car is neither accelerating nor decelerating.
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see solution
Exercise 15
Step 1
1 of 3
First, we will estimate instaneous rate of change for the gunction $f(x)=x^2$:

For $x=-2$, we will use interval $-2.01leq{-2}leq-1.99$:

$textbf{instaneous rate of change}$ = $dfrac{f(-1.99)-f(-2.01)}{-1.99+2.01}=-dfrac{0.08}{0.02}=-4$

For $x=-1$, we will use interval $-1.01leq{-1}leq-0.99$:

$textbf{instaneous rate of change}$ = $dfrac{f(-0.99)-f(-1.01)}{-0.99+1.01}=-dfrac{0.04}{0.02}=-2$

For $x=2$, we will use interval $1.99leq{2}leq2.01$:

$textbf{instaneous rate of change}$ = $dfrac{f(2.01)-f(1.99)}{2.01-1.99}=dfrac{0.08}{0.02}=4$

For $x=3$, we will use interval $2.99leq{3}leq3.01$:

$textbf{instaneous rate of change}$ = $dfrac{f(3.01)-f(2.99)}{3.01-2.99}=dfrac{0.12}{0.02}=6$

$textbf{We can conclude that instaneous rate of change for value $x$ is $2x$}$.

Now, we will do the same for function $f(x)=x^3$:

For $x=-2$, we will use interval $-2.01leq{-2}leq-1.99$:

$textbf{instaneous rate of change}$ = $dfrac{f(-1.99)-f(-2.01)}{-1.99+2.01}=dfrac{0.24}{0.02}=12$

For $x=-1$, we will use interval $-1.01leq{-2}leq-0.99$:

$textbf{instaneous rate of change}$ = $dfrac{f(-0.99)-f(-1.01)}{-0.99+1.01}=dfrac{0.06}{0.02}=3$

For $x=2$, we will use interval $1.99leq{2}leq2.01$:

$textbf{instaneous rate of change}$ = $dfrac{f(2.01)-f(1.99)}{2.01-1.99}=dfrac{0.24}{0.02}=12$

Step 2
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For $x=3$, we will use interval $2.99leq{3}leq3.01$:

$textbf{instaneous rate of change}$ = $dfrac{f(3.01)-f(2.99)}{3.01-2.99}=dfrac{0.54}{0.02}=27$

So, in this case $textbf{we can conclude that instaneous rate of change for given value $x$ is $3x^2$}$.

3 of 3
$f(x)=x^2: -4, -2, 4, 6$; inst.rate of ch=$2x$

$f(x)=x^3: 12, 3, 12, 27$; inst.rate of ch=$3x^2$

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