Nelson Science Perspectives 10
Nelson Science Perspectives 10
1st Edition
Christy C. Hayhoe, Doug Hayhoe, Jeff Major, Maurice DiGiuseppe
ISBN: 9780176355289
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Page 453: Self-Quiz

Exercise 12
1 of 1
The extra water vapor in the atmosphere acts as a blanket and reradiates heat back towards the Earth instead of it just going into space
Exercise 13
1 of 1
You could find weather records either online or through your local meteorology center
Exercise 14
1 of 1
The poles experience little to no direct sunlight, where the equator experiences lots. The ice and snow at the poles also radiates more of the energy received than do the lands and water of the equator due to the albedo effect
Exercise 15
1 of 1
Evaporation emits water vapor into the atmosphere which condenses and forms clouds. These clouds absorb energy that was radiated from the Earth and emit some of it back towards the Earth. Since the clouds move, they can absorb energy and emit it at a different location.
Exercise 16
1 of 1
Without an atmosphere, the Earth would have no blanketing greenhouse effect and surface temperatures would lower considerably.
Exercise 17
1 of 1
As you turn a shower on and feel the water is not warm enough, you release more hot water, and if it is still not warm enough, you continue to turn up the heat by releasing more hot water.
Exercise 18
1 of 1
The fresh water in some Chinese rivers comes from glacial melt, so without glaciers, the people will be without fresh water
Exercise 19
1 of 1
Climate change will make me eat less red meat and walk or take public transportation more often
Exercise 20
1 of 1
What does our community already do to reduce its negative environmental impact?

What aspects of our community will change as the climate does?

How will it effect our local economy?

Exercise 21
Step 1
1 of 3
a) there will be less land and habitat space for them to live on and find food/shelter
Step 2
2 of 3
b) Due to the ice-albedo effect, shrinking ice leads to higher global temperatures and sea level rise
3 of 3
a) there will be less land and habitat space for them to live on and find food/shelter
Exercise 22
1 of 1
Turn off heaters/air conditioners when you are away from home. Use public transportation, walk, or bike around instead of driving.
Exercise 23
Step 1
1 of 3
a) snowy winters make warm travel around town difficult and occasionally dangerous. Since the climate is not suitable for some fruit crops, I cannot purchase locally grown oranges etc.
Step 2
2 of 3
b) Since Canada is so far away from the equator, most areas experience snowy winters and no change of locally grown tropical fruit
3 of 3
a) snowy winters make warm travel around town difficult and occasionally dangerous. Since the climate is not suitable for some fruit crops, I cannot purchase locally grown oranges etc.
Exercise 24
1 of 1
More heat would be reflected than normal if there was more land, so global temperatures would decrease
Exercise 25
1 of 1
Yes, it is important that all societies do what they can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy usage to have the best chance at lessening climate change and protecting our environment.
Exercise 26
Step 1
1 of 3
a) The concept of proxy records was most difficult to understand how each record is used differently to predict climates of the past.
Step 2
2 of 3
b) Researching their best uses and the information that each proxy record provides can help better understand the concept
3 of 3
The concept of proxy records was most difficult to understand how each record is used differently to predict climates of the past.
Exercise 27
Step 1
1 of 3
Ozone is helpful to the environment, but harmful to humans. Human greenhouse emissions are harmful to the environment, but natural greenhouse emissions are essential. The link is between humans and the environment.
Step 2
2 of 3
Many things that the human race does are greedy and do not always lead to happiness, where some people that aren’t greedy find happiness
3 of 3
Ozone is helpful to the environment, but harmful to humans. Human greenhouse emissions are harmful to the environment, but natural greenhouse emissions are essential. The link is between humans and the environment.
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