Expresate!: Spanish 1
Expresate!: Spanish 1
1st Edition
Rinehart, Winston and Holt
ISBN: 9780030452048
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Page 336: Preparate para el examen

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 7
For this exercise, you must see each image and identify the holiday. Then explain how you usually celebrate these days with your family.
Step 2
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1. **Día de los enamorados.** Usualmente las parejas celebran este día saliendo a comer a algún restaurante. Se regalan obsequios y chocolates. (*Usually couples celebrate this day by going out to eat at a restaurant. Gifts and chocolates are given.*)

Step 3
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2. **Día de la independencia.** Por lo general las familias se reúnen para aprovechar el dia festivo. Hacen barbacoas, y por la noche ven el espectaculo de fuegos artificiales en algún lugar abierto o en la TV. (*In general, families get together to take advantage of the holiday. They have barbecues, and at night they watch the fireworks show somewhere open or on TV.*)

Step 4
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3. **Cumpleaños.** Para celebrar a los cumpleaños, la familia se reúne a compartir pastel de cumpleñaos y otros postres. También se acostumbra obsequiar al cumpleañero diversos regalos. (*To celebrate birthdays the family gathers to share birthday cake and other desserts. It is also customary to give the birthday boy various gifts.*)

Step 5
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4. **Hanuka.** Esta celebración judía es muy importante en algunas familias. Se celebra durante ocho días con platos típicos de la religión. (*This Jewish celebration is very important in some families. It is celebrated for eight days with typical dishes of the religion.*)

Step 6
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5. **Navidad.** Para esta celebración la familia se reúne para cenar, a medianoche se abren los obsequios que están bajo el árbol. (*For this celebration the family gathers for dinner, at midnight the gifts that are under the tree are opened.*)

Step 7
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6. **Dia de acción de gracias.** La familia se reúne para agradecer las cosas buenas. Comen pavo relleno y pastel de calabaza. (*The family gathers to say thank you for the good things. They eat stuffed turkey and pumpkin pie.*)
Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 2
Now you must fill in the space in each sentence with the correct form of the verb in the past. Pay attention to the context of each specific sentence.
Step 2
2 of 2
1. preparé (preparar).
2. limpiaron (limpiar).
3. decoraron (decorar).
4. fuimos (ir).
5. pasaste (pasar).
6. fui (ir).
7. volvimos (volver).
8. abrió (abrir).
Exercise 3
Step 1
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Now examine the context of each phrase and fill in the blank with the phrase that fits the celebration described.
Step 2
2 of 2
1. boda.
2. asientos/enviamos.
3. fiesta.
4. ponche.
5. aniversario.
6. parte.
Exercise 4
Step 1
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Now complete the space of each sentence with the correct word considering what has been studied in previous exercises.
Step 2
2 of 2
1. a.
2. conozco.
3. me.
4. te.
5. están.
6. estamos.
7. nos.
Exercise 5
Step 1
1 of 6
Now you must answer the following questions in your own words:
Step 2
2 of 6
**1. Describe some typical Hispanic celebrations.**

El carnaval es una celebración típica que toma lugar en distintos meses del año dependiendo del país. Durante los carnavales se pueden ver grandes cantidades de personas disfrazadas o usando trajes folclóricos. Se coordinan desfiles y hay mucha música y baile. (*Carnival is a typical celebration that takes place in different months of the year depending on the country. During carnivals, you can see large numbers of people dressed up or wearing folk costumes. Parades are coordinated and there is a lot of music and dancing.*)

Step 3
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El Dia de los muertos es otra celebración importante, más común en la cultura mexicana. El 2 de noviembre se conmemoran los miembros de la familia que han fallecido y se les dedican altares, fotografías y comidas especiales. (*The day of the dead is another important celebration, more common in Mexican culture. On November 2, family members who have passed away are commemorated and altars, photographs, and special meals are dedicated to them.*)
Step 4
4 of 6
**2. What are sheet cakes, and on what holiday is it customary to eat them.**

Los pasteles en hoja son típicos de la cocina en la República Dominicana. Se hacen a base de una masa de plátano u otros tubérculos y tiene un cierto parecido al tradicional tamal colombiano y a la hallaca venezolana. Se acostumbra consumirlo en épocas navideñas. (*Sheet cakes are typical of the kitchen in the Dominican Republic. They are made from a dough of banana or other tubers and have a certain resemblance to the traditional Colombian tamale and the Venezuelan Hallaca. It is customary to consume it at Christmas time.*)

Step 5
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**3. What is a quinceañera, and what North American holiday is it like?**

Los quince años son celebrados en la comunidad hispana como parte de un ritual de transformación femenina de la infancia a la adultez. Se acostumbra a celebrar con una gran fiesta. A la quinceañera se le regala un vestido de su preferencia y se hacen varios rituales para que el fenómeno quede asentado como un evento único e irrepetible, como el cambio de zapatos planos a zapatos de tacón. La celebración de los dulces diesiceis en norteamérica se asemeja mucho a los quince años.

Step 6
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(*Fifteen years are celebrated in the Hispanic community as part of a ritual of female transformation from childhood to adulthood. It is customary to celebrate with a big party. The quinceañera is given a dress of her preference and various rituals are performed so that the phenomenon is established as a unique and unrepeatable event, such as the change from flat shoes to high heels. The celebration of sweet dieciseis in North America is very similar to fifteen years.*)
Exercise 7
Step 1
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Finally, to do this exercise, you must carefully read the following dialogue about the celebration of New Year’s Eve. Pay close attention to the expressions used to refer to the plans, events, and conditions set by each of the participants.
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