Expresate!: Spanish 1
Expresate!: Spanish 1
1st Edition
Rinehart, Winston and Holt
ISBN: 9780030452048
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Page 319: 18

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 2
For this exercise, you must write a sentence and an opinion in Spanish that corresponds to the image and the subject of the situation.
Step 2
2 of 2
Mis amigos y yo pensamos hacer un picnic a la orilla del mar. (*My friends and I are planning to have a picnic by the seashore.*)

Pienso que será un almuerzo delicioso. (*I think it will be a delicious lunch.*)

Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 2
For this exercise you must write a sentence and an opinion in Spanish that corresponds to the image and the subject of the situation.
Step 2
2 of 2
Unos amigos piensan jugar volleyball. (*Some friends are planning to play volleyball.*)

Pienso que se van a cansar mucho. (*I think they are going to get very tired.*)

Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 2
For this exercise, you must write a sentence and an opinion in Spanish that corresponds to the image and the subject of the situation.
Step 2
2 of 2
Mis padres piensan jugar tenis. (*My parents plan to play tennis.*)
Pienso que es bueno para su salud. (*I think it is good for their health.*)
Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 2
For this exercise, you must write a sentence and an opinion in Spanish that corresponds to the image and the subject of the situation.
Step 2
2 of 2
Mi hermana piensa ir a una fiesta. (*My sister plans to go to a party.*)
Pienso que debería invitarme. (*I think she should invite me.*)
Exercise 5
Step 1
1 of 2
For this exercise you must write a sentence and an opinion in Spanish that corresponds to the image and the subject of the situation.
Step 2
2 of 2
Por la noche, mis padres y yo pensamos ir a ver los fuegos artificiales. (*In the evening, my parents and I plan to go to see the fireworks.*)
Pienso que va a ser una noche genial. (*I think it’s going to be a great night.*)
Exercise 6
Step 1
1 of 2
For this exercise, you must write a sentence and an opinion in Spanish that corresponds to the image and the subject of the situation.
Step 2
2 of 2
Mis abuelos piensan ver los fuegos artificiales por TV. (*My grandparents plan to watch the fireworks on TV.*)

Pienso que pudieron haber venido con nosotros. (*I think they could have come with us.*)

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