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Page 279: 11
The example model reads:
*Julio is ____ (romantic) ____ Nidia.
Julio is more romantic than Nidia.*
Julio is ____ (tall) ____ Nidia.
According to the text, Julio isn’t tall, but Nidia is. Therefore, we will use *menos…que* to complete the sentence.
The example model reads:
*Julio is ____ (romantic) ____ Nidia.
Julio is more romantic than Nidia.*
Nidia is ____ (good-looking) ____ Julio.
According to the text, both of them are good-looking. Therefore, we will use *tan..como* to complete the sentence.
*Nidia es tan guap**a** como…*
The example model reads:
*Julio is ____ (romantic) ____ Nidia.
Julio is more romantic than Nidia.*
*Nidia is ____ (nice) ____ Julio.*
According to the text, both of them are nice. Therefore, we will use *tan..como* *(as…as)* to complete the sentence.
*Nidia es tan simpátic**a** como…*
The example model reads:
*Julio is ____ (romantic) ____ Nidia.
Julio is more romantic than Nidia.*
*Nidia is ____ (serious) ____ Julio.*
According to the text, Julio is quite serious, whereas Nidia is very funny. Therefore, we will use *menos…que* *(less…than)* to complete the sentence.
*Nidia es menos seri**a** que…*
The example model reads:
*Julio is ____ (romantic) ____ Nidia.
Julio is more romantic than Nidia.*
Julio is ____ (funny) ____ Nidia.
According to the text, Nidia is very funny, whereas Juilo is quite serious. Therefore, we will use *menos…que* to complete the sentence.
The example model reads:
*Julio is ____ (romantic) ____ Nidia.
Julio is more romantic than Nidia.*
*Nidia is ____ (athletic) ____ Julio.*
According to the text, Nidia likes to play sports, whereas Julio doesn’t. Therefore we will use *más…que (more…than)* to complete the sentence.
*Nidia es más atlĂ©tic**a** que…*
The example model reads:
*Julio is ____ (romantic) ____ Nidia.
Julio is more romantic than Nidia.*
*Nidia is ____ (extroverted) ____ Julio.*
According to the text, Nidia likes to go out with friends, whereas Julio doesn’t. Therefore we will use *más…que (more…than)* to complete the sentence.
*Nidia es más extrovertid**a** que…*