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Page 255: 35
The example model reads:
*One takes a bath in the kitchen.*
*Don’t take a bath in the kitchen! Take a bath in the bathroom!*
*One puts on pajamas to go out.*
Here is what you could say:
*No te pongas el piyama antes de salir. Ponte el piyama antes de acostarte.
(Don’t put on pajamas for going out. Put on pajamas before you go to bed.)*
The example model reads:
*One takes a bath in the kitchen.
Don’t take a bath in the kitchen! Take a bath in the bathroom!*
*One brushes his teeth with a towel.*
Here is what you could say:
*No uses una toalla para lavarte los dientes. Usa un cepillo de dientes.*
*(Don’t use a towel to brush your teeth. Use a toothbrush.)*
*No te laves los dientes con… (Don’t brush your teeth with…)
Lávate los dientes con… (Brush your teeth with…)*
The example model reads:
*One takes a bath in the kitchen.
Don’t take a bath in the kitchen! Take a bath in the bathroom!*
*One gets up at 11 p.m.*
You need to tell him when to get up using the following commands:
*No te levantes a las… (Don’t get up at…)
Levántate a las… (Get up at…)*
The example model reads:
*One takes a bath in the kitchen.
Don’t take a bath in the kitchen! Take a bath in the bathroom!*
*One takes a bath with toothpaste.*
You need to tell him what to use when taking a bath. Use the following commands:
*No te laves con… (Don’t take a bath with…)
Lávate con… (Take a bath with …)*
The example model reads:
*One takes a bath in the kitchen.
Don’t take a bath in the kitchen! Take a bath in the bathroom!*
*One gets dressed in the yard.*
You need to tell him where to get dressed using the following commands:
*No te vistas en… (Don’t get dressed in…)
VĂstete en… (Get dressed in…)*
The example model reads:
*One takes a bath in the kitchen.
Don’t take a bath in the kitchen! Take a bath in the bathroom!*
*One lays down on a table.*
You need to tell him to go to bed instead of laying down on a table. Use the following commands:
*No te acuestes en… (Don’t lay down on…)
AcuĂ©state en… (Lay down in …)*
The example model reads:
*One takes a bath in the kitchen.
Don’t take a bath in the kitchen! Take a bath in the bathroom!*
*One brushes his hair with soap.*
You need to tell him what he does wrong and how to do it right. Use the following commands:
*No te peines con… (Don’t brush your hair with…)
PĂ©inate con… (Brush your hair with …)*
The example model reads:
*One takes a bath in the kitchen.
Don’t take a bath in the kitchen! Take a bath in the bathroom!*
*One shaves with a knife.*
You need to tell him what to use when shaving. Use the following commands:
*No te afeites con… (Don’t shave with…)
AfĂ©itate con… (Shave with…)*