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Page 242: 17
The example model reads:
*(not) to play (my grandparents/my brother)*
*My grandparents never play video games.
My brother sometimes plays chess with me.*
*Yo siempre me acuesto temprano. (I always go to bed early.)*
*Mi mejor amigo siempre se acuesta después de cenar. (My best friend always goes to bed after having dinner.)*
*siempre (always)*
*jámas/nunca (never)*
*antes de (before)*
*después de (after)*
*tarde (late)*
*temprano (early)*
The example model reads:
*(not) to play (my grandparents/my brother)*
*My grandparents never play video games.
My brother sometimes plays chess with me.*
*Mis padres siempre se visten después de levantarse.
(My parents always get dressed after they get up.)*
*Mi hermano mayor a veces se viste con prisa antes de ir al colegio.
(My brother sometimes gets dressed in a hurry before going to school.)*
*siempre (always)*
*jámas/nunca (never)*
*antes de (before)*
*después de (after)*
*tarde (late)*
*temprano (early)*
The example model reads:
*(not) to play (my grandparents/my brother)*
*My grandparents never play video games.
My brother sometimes plays chess with me.*
*Yo nunca pido verduras en restaurantes.
(I never ask for vegetables in restaurants.)*
*Mis amigos siempre piden verduras en restaurantes.
(My friends always ask for vegetables in restaurants.)*
*siempre (always)*
*jámas/nunca (never)*
*a veces (sometimes)*
*antes de (before)*
*después de (after)*
The example model reads:
*(not) to play (my grandparents/my brother)*
*My grandparents never play video games.
My brother sometimes plays chess with me.*
*Mi profesor siempre tiene prisa antes de terminar la clase.
(My professor is always in a hurry before finishing a class.)*
*Mis padres a veces tienen prisa antes de ir al trabajo.
(My parents sometimes are in a hurry before going to work.)*
*siempre (always)*
*jámas/nunca (never)*
*a veces (sometimes)*
*antes de (before)*
*después de (after)*
*tarde (late)*
*temprano (early)*