Expresate!: Spanish 1
Expresate!: Spanish 1
1st Edition
Rinehart, Winston and Holt
ISBN: 9780030452048
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Page 15: 19

Exercise 1
Step 1
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When you’re greeting a fellow classmate or friend it is admissible to use a familiar greeting such as *¿cómo estás?* or even *¿qué tal?*. However, when greeting an adult or someone to be treated with respect you would have to use the formal *¿Cómo está usted?*
Exercise 2
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Once again, the process for asking someone’s name is different depending on if the relationship is familiar or formal. Don’t forget that not only will you use the formal *usted* when addressing an adult or someone in a formal setting, you will also change the *te* to a *se* and *llamas* to *llama*. That is, changing *¿Cómo te llamas?* to the formal *¿Cómo se llama usted?*
Exercise 3
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To ask where someone is from, we have to use the phrase *de dónde* (literally, “from where”) and a form of the verb *ser*. The form of *ser* is *eres* when asking someone familiar, and *es* followed by a formal usted when asking an adult or someone in a formal sense.
Exercise 4
Step 1
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We have learned many ways to say goodbye in our vocabulary section on page 8. Depending on the situation, you may use any one of the below phrases.

For example, let’s say you’re interviewing a student with whom you have a class next period. Since you’ll be seeing them soon, perhaps you forgo the usual *¡Adios!* for a more specific *¡Hasta pronto!*. Have fun with it and be specific.

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