Expresate!: Spanish 1
Expresate!: Spanish 1
1st Edition
Rinehart, Winston and Holt
ISBN: 9780030452048
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Page 100: 30

Exercise 1
Step 1
1 of 5
In this section, you are asked to fill in the blank with the correct choice from the box. Then, you should write a sentence saying whether or not you enjoy the activity outlined in the phrase, and when/how often you do it.
The example reads, “I like to go to the beach on Saturdays. (I don’t like to go the beach. I never go to the beach.)”

The first phrase reads, “to go ______ pool”.

Step 2
2 of 5
To complete this sentence, you must use one of the four options given in the box. All four of the options are definite articles preceded by *”a”*.
Step 3
3 of 5
You learned back on page 60 that words that end in “-a” will almost always take feminine articles. This is true for “*piscina”*. We also know that, since our object is “*piscina*” and not “*piscinas”*, we we the singular, feminine article and not the plural.
Step 4
4 of 5
Finally, you need to write one sentence detailing whether or not you like to go to the pool, and when/how often you do it. Since this sentence is subjective, it will not be included in the final “Result” cell.
You can see from the example that you will be using the “*yo*” form of “*gustar*” to say that you do (or don’t) like to go to the pool. On pages 96 and 99 you learned some good words to use concerning frequency and time: *nunca* (never), *todos* (all/every), *los fines de semana* (weekends), etc.
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a la
Exercise 2
Step 1
1 of 4
In this section, you are asked to fill in the blank with the correct choice from the box. Then, you should write a sentence saying whether or not you enjoy the activity outlined in the phrase, and when/how often you do it.
The example reads, “I like to go to the beach on Saturdays. (I don’t like to go the beach. I never go to the beach.)”

The second phrase reads, “to play ______ baseball”.

Step 2
2 of 4
Back on page 83 (and again on page 100), you learned that sports will always take “*a”* before them if they come after the verb “*jugar”*. You also learned, at the beginning of this chapter, that *bĂ©isbol* is masculine, and therefore takes masculine articles. This “*a”* and “*el”* (the masculine pronoun) will combine to form “*al*”, which is your answer.
Step 3
3 of 4
Finally, you need to say whether or not you like to play baseball, and how often you like to, if at all. Since this sentence is subjective, it will not be included in the final “Results” cell.
The example shows you that you will be using the “*yo*” form of”*gustar* to write whether or not you like to play baseball. Then, you can use options from the third column of Exercise 28 to say when you enjoy playing baseball. For example, you might say “*me gusta jugar al bĂ©isbol los domingos*”.
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Exercise 3
Step 1
1 of 5
In this section, you are asked to fill in the blank with the correct choice from the box. Then, you should write a sentence saying whether or not you enjoy the activity outlined in the phrase, and when/how often you do it.
The example reads, “I like to go to the beach on Saturdays. (I don’t like to go the beach. I never go to the beach.)”

The third phrase reads, “to go ______ movie theater”.

Step 2
2 of 5
To complete this sentence, you must use one of the four options given in the box. All four of the options are definite articles preceded by “*a”*.
Step 3
3 of 5
Back on page 82, you learned the phrase “*ir al cine*”. This phrase shows how “*a*” and *”el*” combine to form “*al*”. You also know *”cine*” will take the masculine article, since it ends in”-e” and not “-a”.
Step 4
4 of 5
Finally, you will need to write a sentence detailing whether or not you like to go to the movies, and when/how often you do. Since this sentence is subjective, it will not be included in the “Results” cell.
As per the example, you will be using the *yo* form of *”gustar*” to say that you do (or don’t, if preceding with “*no*”) enjoy going to the movies. You can use one of the examples from the third column in Activity 28 to say when, or how often, you like to go to the movies. For example, maybe you like to go “*todos los fines de semana”*.
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Exercise 4
Step 1
1 of 5
In this section, you are asked to fill in the blank with the correct choice from the box. Then, you should write a sentence saying whether or not you enjoy the activity outlined in the phrase, and when/how often you do it.
The example reads, “I like to go to the beach on Saturdays. (I don’t like to go the beach. I never go to the beach.)”

The fourth phrase reads, “to go ______ church”.

Step 2
2 of 5
To complete this sentence, you must use one of the four options given in the box. All of these options are definite articles preceded by “*a”.
Step 3
3 of 5
Back on page 95 you learned how to say “I am going to the church”. Since church, in Spanish, ends in “-a”, you know it will take the feminine article “*la”*. This is also shown to you on page 95.
Step 4
4 of 5
Finally, you need to write a sentence detailing whether or not you like to go to church, and when/how often you do it. Since this sentence is subjective, it will not be included in the final “Results” cell. As per the example, you will use the *yo* form of “*gustar* (preceded by *no* if you don’t like going to church). Chances are you only go to church once a week, if at all. So you will probably follow your “*me gusta*” statement with “*voy a la iglesia los domingos”*. Remember, you will need to conjugate “*ir”* when you need to say “**I** go”.
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a la
Exercise 5
Step 1
1 of 5
In this section, you are asked to fill in the blank with the correct choice from the box. Then, you should write a sentence saying whether or not you enjoy the activity outlined in the phrase, and when/how often you do it.
The example reads, “I like to go to the beach on Saturdays. (I don’t like to go the beach. I never go to the beach.)”

The fifth phrase reads, “to go _______ practice”.

Step 2
2 of 5
To complete this sentence, you must use one of the four options given in the box. All these options are comprised of definite articles, preceded by “*a*”.
Step 3
3 of 5
Back on page 95, you learned the word “*entrenamiento”*, meaning “practice”. Since this word ends in “-o”, you know it will take masculine articles. Since it doesn’t end with an “s”, we also know it’s singular, meaning it will be preceded by the option “*al*”.
Step 4
4 of 5
Finally, you should write a sentence saying whether or not you like to go to practice, and when/how often you do. Since this sentence is subjective, it will not be included in the “Result” cell.
You can see from the example that you will be using the *yo* form of *gustar*. You may choose to precede it with *no* if you don’t like going to practice. Some words that may be good to use are *nunca*, *todos* and *despuĂ©s*. All these words come from this chapter and can be used when talking about time frame. For example, you might say “*me gusta ir al entrenamiento. Voy al entrenamiento despuĂ©s de clase”*.
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Exercise 6
Step 1
1 of 5
In this section, you are asked to fill in the blank with the correct choice from the box. Then, you should write a sentence saying whether or not you enjoy the activity outlined in the phrase, and when/how often you do it.
The example reads, “I like to go to the beach on Saturdays. (I don’t like to go the beach. I never go to the beach.)”

The sixth phrase reads, “to go ____ my friends’ houses”.

Step 2
2 of 5
To complete this sentence, you will choose one of the definite articles, preceded by *a*, given in the box.
Step 3
3 of 5
The place we are talking about going is *casas* (the “*de mis amigos”* portion is secondary information). Since our location ends in “-as”, we know that not only is it feminine, but it’s plural as well. This means we will use the feminine, plural article “*las*”, preceded by *a*, in the blank.
Step 4
4 of 5
Finally, you will use the *yo* form of *gustar* to write a sentence detailing whether or not you like going to your friends house, and how often/when you like to. Chances are you like going to friends’ houses, so you won’t have to worry about negating *me gusta* with *no*. Conjugate “*ir*” in the first-person, singular form to say “I go to my friends’ houses…”. Follow this with a time, clarifying when you go. For example, “*…todos los fines de semana”*.
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a las
Exercise 7
Step 1
1 of 4
In this section, you are asked to fill in the blank with the correct choice from the box. Then, you should write a sentence saying whether or not you enjoy the activity outlined in the phrase, and when/how often you do it.
The example reads, “I like to go to the beach on Saturdays. (I don’t like to go the beach. I never go to the beach.)”

The seventh phrase reads, “to play _____ chess”.

Step 2
2 of 4
Complete this sentence using one of the four options given in the box. To figure out which one to choose, you need to know the gender and plurality of the object to which the article belongs. We learned, back in the latter half of chapter 2, that *ajedrez* takes masculine articles. Remember that *a* and *el* combine to form the correct choice.
Step 3
3 of 4
Now you must write one sentence detailing whether or not you like to play chess, and when/how often you do it. Since this sentence is subjective, it will not be included in the final “Results” cell.
You can use the *yo* form of *gustar* to say that you like playing chess. Obviously, include “*no”* before *gustar* to say that you don’t like playing chess.
In activity 28, you learned some good phrases pertaining to when/how often you do something. Phrases like “*los lunes”*, or “*los fines de semana*”.
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Exercise 8
Step 1
1 of 5
In this section, you are asked to fill in the blank with the correct choice from the box. Then, you should write a sentence saying whether or not you enjoy the activity outlined in the phrase, and when/how often you do it.
The example reads, “I like to go to the beach on Saturdays. (I don’t like to go the beach. I never go to the beach.)”

The eighth and final phrase reads, “to play ____ video games”.

Step 2
2 of 5
All four options in the box are articles preceded by *”a*”. What differentiates the options are their gender and their plurality. The correct one will have matching gender and plurality to the object it precedes. The object, in this case, is “*videojuegos*”.
Step 3
3 of 5
*Videojuegos* ends in “-os”, which is indicative both of masculine and plural. This means the correct choice is the one containing the masculine, plural article *”los”*.
Step 4
4 of 5
Now, you will write a sentence detailing whether or not you like playing videogames, and when/how often you do. Since this sentence is subjective, it will not be included in the final “Results” cell.
Using the *yo* form of *gustar*, you will be able to say that you like or don’t like to play video games. If you respond that you like to play video games, you will then use a “time” phrase (like, “*todos los fines de semana”*) to clarify when. If you don’t play video games, you can follow the example and use “*nunca”* to say that you never play video games.
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a los
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