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Page 241: 13
The example model reads:
*I have just put on pajamas. I am going to go to bed.*
*Ella acaba de lavarse el pelo. Va a secarse el pelo.* (*She has just washed her hair. She is going to dry her hair.*)
The example model reads:
*I have just put on pajamas. I am going to go to bed.*
*Él acaba de afeitarse. Va a salir de la casa.* *(He has just shaved. He is going to leave the house.)*
The example model reads:
*I have just put on pajamas. I am going to go to bed.*
*TĂş acabas de maquillarte. Vas a salir de la casa. (You have just put on your makeup. You are going to leave the house.)*
The example model reads:
*I have just put on pajamas. I am going to go to bed.*
*Juan acaba de peinarse el pelo. Va a salir con sus amigos. (Juan has just combed his hair. He is going to go out with his friends.)*