The History Of Team Effectiveness Theology Religion Essay Example
Introduction to Team Effectiveness
According to many, growth is the main indicator of any change. When individuals realize they can collaborate towards a shared objective, they form groups. However, these groups can only achieve their aspirations if they possess strong and effective leadership structures. It is crucial for both the participants and their collective ambitions to have an efficient leadership structure that governs them. This ensures more effective and coordinated teamwork in order to accomplish attainable goals.
Mere collaboration among people does not guarantee effective teamwork. Effective teamwork necessitates a leader who assumes responsibility in establishing well-coordinated leadership. As West (2012) explains, failure by the leader to establish robust leadership structures results in poor organization of activities, inadequate communication, and misunderstandings among those involved.
This article will present strategies for leaders to ensure team effect
...iveness through enhancing performance, developing and implementing sound policies, while also maintaining effective communication within the team. A team can be defined as a group of individuals who support each other's achievements and are committed to a common goal (Rosenhauer 2009). The success of a project depends on how effectively the team collaborates in accomplishing tasks.When individuals with common objectives come together, they can combine their experiences and abilities to achieve success (Sorbery, 2008). Trust, respect, helpfulness, and a positive working environment are key to a successful team. Each team member has unique personalities and different emotional and social needs that can either hinder or contribute to the team's performance. Effective teamwork requires aligning the number of team members and available resources with project requirements. Additionally, commitment and sharing a vision for success are important qualities for team members to have. Creating an environment
of joint responsibility, open communication, honesty, and centralized coordination increases the likelihood of achieving success. However, factors such as disorganization, ineffective communication, misinterpretations,and inadequate problem-solving policies can undermine this commitment (Keen 2003). Individual issues within the team can also impact overall morale.Successful teams offer benefits like increased confidence, positive attitudes,and personal satisfaction through group discussions that enhance self-esteem (Halverson & Tirmizi 2008). It is crucial for individuals to recognize their value in the community and properly utilize available resources.Focusing on positive outcomes is crucial for trust-building and overcoming challenges within a team. However, being complacent can lead to internal conflicts, isolation, and lack of cooperation. When selecting team members for effective teamwork, it is important to consider not only their technical skills, knowledge, and experience but also their interpersonal qualities (Keen, 2003). It is essential that team members demonstrate objectivity and productivity in achieving shared goals instead of preferring to work alone or feeling uncomfortable with collaboration - known as lone wolves according to West (2012).
Leadership plays a critical role in promoting effective teamwork. The team leader has the responsibility of ensuring that team members work together effectively towards desired goals by providing necessary resources and presenting accessible information needed for completing tasks effectively. Additionally, it is important for the leader to serve as a role model within the team by demonstrating honesty and effective communication.
Creating opportunities for team members to contribute with a sense of ownership is also crucial. A leader who lacks respect and control over their members will fail; they must seek answers from their team and encourage an open forum that welcomes input from all members.
Team meetings are vital for face-to-face
interaction and should focus on both social and business values.The text emphasizes the importance of meetings in promoting assessment, evaluation, trust-building, and familiarity among team members. It suggests that preparing meeting agendas in advance and taking minutes for future reference are crucial for efficient time management. Additionally, it highlights the need for team leaders to foster a unified mindset with clear objectives and encourage members to take ownership of their tasks while holding each other accountable.
Regular meetings and designated representatives at each level are seen as beneficial for both teamwork and individuality by facilitating information sharing. Effective communication within the context of teamwork involves conveying project-related information to achieve shared understanding among team members. Prioritizing open communication and information sharing through communication policies is essential for organizational success.
These practices help ensure that team members anticipate each other's expectations and correctly receive and interpret messages. Leaders should communicate the benefits of open communication, collective advantages for the team, set engaging objectives, remind about the advantages of attending meetings, and encourage preparedness with ideas (Sorbery 2008; Rosenhauer 200).In addition, it is important for leaders to ensure that all team members actively participate in meetings in order to effectively communicate their ideas (West 2012). Conflicts within a team often arise due to differing perspectives and opinions among members, but these differences should be embraced as they bring diverse viewpoints that strengthen the team's approach. It is crucial not to let disagreements destroy the unity of the team. Conflict is inevitable when individuals come together, but many people view conflicts negatively. Conflicts occur when there is a clash of worldviews, goals, and values in an outcome-oriented environment. Failure to
address conflicts promptly can completely disrupt the group's operations. However, if conflicts are managed effectively, they can have a positive impact on an organization and lead to productive outcomes. Conflicts can either enhance a team's performance and result in better outcomes (functional) or disrupt the team's work dynamic (dysfunctional). The significance of conflict within a team depends on its origin. Therefore, conflict management skills are essential for every team leader as managing conflict involves taking steps to prevent it from occurring and finding ways to resolve conflicts when they do arise. While competition can foster creativity and the pursuit of excellence, it becomes negative when it focuses on personalities and interests rather than talents (West 2012).According to Halverson and Tirmizi (2008), conflict causes can differ depending on the organization and leadership. However, conflicts often arise due to common reasons such as scarce resources and individuals prioritizing personal interests over organizational goals. Additionally, differences in attitudes, values, and perceptions among group members contribute to conflicts. To address this issue, it is recommended to organize multiple group meetings emphasizing the importance of a shared goal. Participants should be reminded that regardless of their backgrounds and personal values, the organization's interests and objectives should come first. They should also utilize their values for the team's benefit. Poor communication within an organizational structure is another significant factor contributing to conflict. To prevent communication breakdowns, effective communication channels need to be established. It is crucial for senders' original intent of information always being conveyed properly. When communication breaks down, conflicts often arise between the leadership team and its members. Lack of teamwork and clarity about roles and responsibilities also lead
to conflict within an organization. A divided team cannot perform well; therefore, members must be encouraged to work together towards achieving their shared goalIt is essential to clarify the division and allocation of powers and duties among team members to prevent situations where some members take on responsibilities that are not theirs. According to Keen (2003), there are two main types of differences observed in different team workplaces - differences of right and differences of involvement. Differences in rights occur when groups are bound by legal laws or contracts, with resolutions found in courts rather than negotiations. Conversely, differences of involvement are primarily based on opinions, requiring collective bargaining power or dialogue for resolution. Sorbery (2008) recommends addressing and resolving conflicts at their early stages to avoid destruction. A perceptive leader will identify conflicts and find solutions before they escalate. Conflict can arise between individuals or groups within a team. Signs of individual conflicts may include lack of communication, negative talk about coworkers, and intentional undermining of cooperation from the opposing party. In group conflicts, signs may involve separate meetings, derogatory slogans use, and lack of cooperation among involved groups.According to Rosenhauer (2009), conflict analysis involves systematically examining profiles, causes, actors, and fluctuations of a conflict within an organization or group context. This helps gain a better understanding and determine responsibilities. It is crucial to identify an appropriate focus for conflict analysis in order to plan effective conflict resolution.
Conflict analysis can be integrated into the study process by linking it with desired assessments or integrating it with desired assessments into a single tool.
Rosenhauer (2009) also states that conflict sensitivity goes beyond avoiding conflicts; it involves
understanding the broader context in which leaders operate, including planning, prioritizing, executing, and following up on actions.
A comprehensive analysis of conflicts is necessary to highlight their contributions to a team's overall goals. Effective conflict management techniques vary depending on individuals and the severity and duration of the conflict.
However, Keen (2003) outlines general steps that leaders can take to successfully manage conflicts. First, leaders must decide when it is appropriate to address the other party involved. Some conflicts may be minor and unlikely to escalate in the future. In such cases, leaders can minimize attention given to these conflicts by indicating that they are not worth making a big issue out of and will eventually be resolved and forgotten.This approach enables leaders to exhibit self-control and control over their group. The second step involves envisioning the confrontation with the affected party, striving to imagine how to handle the situation and anticipate the desired outcome of the conversation. Leaders who act impulsively without a rational perspective cause further divisions within their team. It is vital to avoid assuming negative outcomes as it obstructs open communication channels. Through visualization, leaders foster an inclusive platform where they can prepare themselves for confrontations and potential outcomes.
The third step emphasizes assertiveness, as leaders should be willing to express their emotions and evaluate the impact of their decisions on the other party, taking into account personality differences. How leaders respond to challenges plays a crucial role in determining how the other party will react since expressing feelings about a conflict establishes problem-solving without causing offense or damaging relationships. This approach differs from aggression.
The fourth step, known as stepping back, requires leaders to
take a break and reassess conflicts in order to comprehend their underlying causes. Dealing with issues when someone is emotional or angry does not result in positive solutions; thus, objective analysis of every conflict demonstrates leadership maturity.
Stepping back allows leaders to see the conflict from different perspectives and maintain calmness through rational thinking. Conflicts that are resolved when all parties involved are calm and rational tend to be productive. The next step involves exploring the concerns of the other person, even though it may be challenging. Implementing this measure results in impartial outcomes that consider both parties' viewpoints.
Leadership should not be seen solely as a position but rather as a responsibility. By fulfilling this responsibility, a leader demonstrates their commitment to benefiting not only themselves but also their team. Prioritizing the concerns of others is not a weakness for leaders; rather, it helps them gain a broader perspective.
Boosting confidence within the team involves considering the feelings of all parties involved, so they understand that their opinions matter as much as the leader's. It is crucial to focus on addressing the issue at hand rather than attacking individuals personally. A clear distinction should be made between an individual's personality and the specific issue causing conflict.
Effective conflict resolution involves discussing the factors that led to its creation rather than fixating on personal attributes. By separating personality from the issue during conflict resolution, leaders can achieve more objective and beneficial outcomes through dialogue.
It is vital for leaders to acknowledge that human opinions can be influenced by personalities. However, the only way to achieve effective resolutions is by addressing the actual issues at hand. Taking a personality-based approach creates
divisions and hinders efforts in resolving conflicts. Following these steps, leaders should invite the other party for dialogue in order to resolve any conflicts. It is important for team members to genuinely listen and understand each other's frustrations as well as factors contributing to the conflict. Establishing boundaries within a safe environment becomes necessary. The eighth step involves discussing the outcome with both parties and making a decision. While taking into account the other party's opinion, the leader may choose to accommodate or disregard it based on strength and productivity. The ninth step allows parties with similar opinions to express themselves towards achieving collective resolution. Action plans involving every team member should be agreed upon, with regular evaluations of effectiveness set within a specified timeline. Encouraging new relationships benefits goals related to conflict resolution.Teamwork plays an essential role in attaining excellent results in corporate activities.Prioritizing the formation of a strong group is crucial for effective leadership.Effectively overcoming challenges relies on teamwork.A competent team demonstrates good leadership through open communication, actively listening to each other's opinions, maintaining unity through transparent communication, being adaptable, and showing commitmentThe key to overcoming challenges is by implementing effective teamwork.
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