We've found 6 Muscular System tests

Anatomy And Physiology Lymphatic System Muscular System
Mastering A&P Ch. 5.3-5.5 – Flashcards 18 terms
Martha Hill avatar
Martha Hill
18 terms
Body And Soul Central Nervous System Immunology Muscular System Respiratory System Slow Heart Rate
UH KapCC – MUS 170 – Quiz 6 – Flashcards 50 terms
Sonia Kelly avatar
Sonia Kelly
50 terms
Muscular System Resting Heart Rate
Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6 – Flashcards 28 terms
Marvel Brown avatar
Marvel Brown
28 terms
Female Reproductive System Male Reproductive System Muscular System Urinary System
RPR Medical Terminology – Flashcards 90 terms
Judith Simpson avatar
Judith Simpson
90 terms
Contracts Human Anatomy And Physiology 1 Muscular System Skeletal Muscle
Muscular System Study Guide & Notes – Flashcards 81 terms
Deloris Connelly avatar
Deloris Connelly
81 terms
Biology Life Science Muscular System Systems Theory
Cell Transport Study Guide, L4 30 terms
Claire Scott avatar
Claire Scott
30 terms
Describe how the neuromuscular system affects coordination and balance
has to be intact to have good balance and coordination
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/pt-examination-coordination-and-balance/
What are the parts of the neuromuscular system that contribute to coordination and balance
-Motor cortex -Descending tracts -Cerebellum -Basal ganglia
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/pt-examination-coordination-and-balance/
Which actions requires the muscular system? A) Coordination of body parts B) Circulating nutrients to tissues C) Production of body heat
A) Coordination of body parts
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/ap-study-guide/
Describe how the *basal ganglia* part of the neuromuscular system affects coordination and balance
-initial, regulation, and planning of movement and basic initiation of tasks (not fully understood how this works)
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/pt-examination-coordination-and-balance/
Describe how the *descending tracts* part of the neuromuscular system affects coordination and balance
-provide efferent control to musculature (most important tract is the cortico spinal tract) because it is the largest- relays signals from the motor cortex down through the spinal cord
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/pt-examination-coordination-and-balance/
What factors affect the Movement Patterns that emerge from synergistic organization of the Neuromuscular System?
Movement patterns emerge from synergistic organization of the neuromuscular system based on: Morphological Factors – biological constructs Biomechanical Factors – Newtonian Environment – spatial/temporal Task – walking fast or slow
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/essay-motor-development-dynamic-systems-theory/
Describe how the *cerebellum* part of the neuromuscular system affects coordination and balance
-regulation of movement and regulation of postural control and muscle tone -error correcting mechanism, comparing what the movement was suppose to be to what is was an trying to make adjustments from that (not fully understood how this works)
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/pt-examination-coordination-and-balance/
All activities promoted by the muscular system, both internal and external describes which characteristic of life?
Describe how the *motor cortex* part of the neuromuscular system affects coordination and balance
-*Primary motor cortex* (supplies the majority of the corticospinal tracts) -*Supplemental motor area* (initiation of movement, bilateral tasks, sequencing tasks, and the orientation of the eyes and the head) -*Pre-motor area* (input to the reticulospinal tracts controlling the trunk and proximal limb musculature, helps with anticipatory postural control
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/pt-examination-coordination-and-balance/
In order to improve the condition of your muscular system, you could participate in aerobic activity at least __________.
30 minutes 3 times a week
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/health-topic-test-12/
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